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Posts posted by RomanP

  1. 2 hours ago, Alflives said:

    So we are all hopeful Seattle takes Holtby, because we don’t want to lose Lind?  We are protecting the new guy, Dickinson, because he’s 5 years older than Lind?  

    So, in your books “younger” is always equal “better”? Hold on, my friends just had a baby, he must be the best player available since he’s so much younger than everyone else in NHL… What a goof…

  2. 7 hours ago, Top Sven Baercheese said:

    Once again we lose another player for nothing. Jim's gotta realize that he needs to get some assets for players (Tanev, Markstrom, and now Edler). I know clauses got in the way for Eddy, but those 3 alone should give us some more picks in the cupboard. Instead we got nothing.


    It's painful watching other teams come to these realizations and make the trades for the picks and continue to stay strong, whereas the Canucks consistently lose players for nothing. Has Jim ever received a 2nd round pick in a trade in his entire tenure? 

    So what is it? If you do realize that “clauses got in the way for Eddy”, how do you expect to “get some more picks in the cupboard”? You can’t be a little pregnant, you know?

    • Cheers 2
  3. 9 hours ago, Chip Kelly said:

    Well this tournament has been turned on its head.


    England and Spain have done much better than anyone would have thought thus far.


    Italy is playing a tight structure game and it has helped them to this point.


    However Belgium is 9ne of the few teams with quality that the Italians will find difficult to match provided KDB is back and match fit for tomorrow.


    From a neutral and eyes on the game perspective a Belgium vs England final is hopefully on a collison course.


    Hard for anybody to upset England, when there is not a team left on their side of the bracket to really challenge other than possibly Denmark...

    No one left to challenge? I guess we’ll see on Saturday, won’t we?

    • Haha 1
  4. On 6/30/2021 at 7:22 AM, RUPERTKBD said:

    That was the impression I got from watching the replay....


    Forsberg got a bit of a break on his goal, but he was pretty unlucky from that point on....

    I guess you only watched the second half of the game. Ukraine was a better team in the first half and had a well deserved lead. Swede’s goal was a deflection, otherwise the goalie would take it. And you are forgetting the Ukraine hit the post first, before Forsberg. And after the red card (which was well deserved), Ukraine slowly but surely took over the game without risking a counterattack. Perfectly executed game plan. We will surprise England in the quarterfinal. Glory to Ukraine!!!

  5. 22 hours ago, CJ44 said:

    A lot of people seem to be upset with my view of Benning (I'm not in the minority by the way):


    So, you think you are in the majority here? Newsflash - the only majority that really matters is the majority owner, and he has spoken recently. So, you might need to re-evaluate your placement in minority/majority category.

    • Haha 1
  6. On 6/9/2021 at 6:29 PM, vinny_in_vancouver said:

    Is he suspended without pay right now?

    We are in the middle of the offseason. The players only getting paid during the regular season. So, at the moment it's not relevant.

  7. 10 hours ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

    Problem is that Canucks tickets are hardly cheap.  Sure people are 'itching to do stuff' but I'd imagine a fair number took a hit in their pocketbooks/wallets during this pandemic.  Some may have even lost their jobs.  And it's not just the tickets/season tickets that are expensive.  Food/drinks prices are insane.  Surprised there aren't pay toilets in the restrooms yet.


    Now, Abby games (Canucks farm club), I could see a fair amount of interest in.  Far cheaper tickets but still decent level quality.

    Amount of cash in the hands of Canadians actually increased dramatically during the pandemic. Partially, due to lack of spending on travel and entertainment. There are multiple economic reports on this. I don't anticipate Financials being an issue for ticket buyers. Those who can't afford 5K for 2 tickets now were in the exact same boat pre-pandemic - they couldn't afford it back then either.


    At the same time, 5K for 2 tickets seems like an upper bowl pricing (if it's a full season package).

  8. 6 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

    thats true, good point. 


    I just saw too many good ideas die on the vine doing work for government clients. Its why I got out of that game. 

    I can relate to that. We work with governments of multiple countries and certain level of incompetence within their internal resources exists everywhere. You just have to put proper contingencies in place.

    • Cheers 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Viper007 said:

    To compare your business to what you want with the Canucks, the question is .... Is your business the best out there?  That's how you're measuring the Canucks.  So unless that answer is yes, I guess you're failing.  The Canucks are a "successful" business.  They make money.  That's not what we're all after though now is it?

    I'm not comparing my business to the Canucks. I'm just saying that if planning doesn't take into account the people who will be executing the plan - it's not good planning. Pure academic.

    • Cheers 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

    I guess you've never been in management. 

    Now, this is funny. I only own a successful business for 20+ years, but I guess I’ve never been in management lol. Perhaps, as a manager, you are hiring wrong people to accomplish your plans. Or you don’t provide adequate training to people, tasked with implementing your plans. And after your plans fail, you find a scapegoat in a poor employee who was never properly equipped to carry out your plan. Completely ignoring the real root cause of an issue. Carry on.

  11. 5 hours ago, timberz21 said:

    Lol, that's still 2 losing season, one 0.500 and one great winning season salvaging his career averages.   He made a Calder cup final after Benning got him career AHLers like Conacher, Defazio and Cal O'Reilly, and got Baertschi at the deadline.  He did nothing with our homegrown prospect : Jensen, Shinkaruk, Virtanen, Gaunce, Subban, Cassels, Grenier, Mallet.  Not asking them to be superstar, none became NHL players aside Virtanen (was one before going to see Green), and that's not a success story either.


    Every prospect from this era that made the Canucks, all by-passed Green in the minors: Horvat, Boeser, Stetcher, Tryamkin, Hutton, McCann.


    So do you need more facts?

    ok, so you are grasping at the straws now, typical basher...

  12. 1 hour ago, Alain Vigneault said:

    The real protests will begin inside at Rogers Arena when fans are permitted to safely attend games.


    Mike Gillis' protests had about 3 people (if we're to believe photo evidence), yet the voices of nearly 17K people inside were loud enough to demonstrate otherwise. 


    Don't be fooled - history WILL repeat itself.  Don't get caught on the wrong side.


    Hope this helps.

    Just stay in Philly...

    • Cheers 1
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    • Vintage 1
  13. 44 minutes ago, ShawnAntoski said:

    I understand that a forum is a platform to have discussions not an echo chamber.  Maybe change this site from a discussion forum to a clubhouse.



    Criticism can be constructive and destructive. Part of destructive criticism is a non stop continued repetition of the same point of view. Destructive criticism never helped anyone.

  14. 3 hours ago, Provost said:

    No, that is the appropriate response to the folks that are denigrating any posters who dare to say something negative about any aspect of the team.

    There’s a big difference between “saying something negative about any aspect of the team” and “saying only negative about every aspect of the team”. This forum is full of people who only show up when there’s something negative to say and are nowhere to be found when the praise is warranted. I’m not going to point fingers, everyone knows who they are...

    • Cheers 1
  15. 9 hours ago, tas said:

    what do you have to gain by being a critic instead of a fan?

    That is actually pretty simple. It’s a school of Tony Gallagher - if you constantly criticize and the team doesn’t win - you can always claim that you are a genius with foresight; if the team wins - everyone around you is happy and no one remembers your constant criticism.

    • Cheers 2
  16. 23 hours ago, timberz21 said:

    You're right, we've been constantly creeping near the bottom of the league with Green, both at the AHL and NHL level, so why change.  Stay the course, that will lead you somewhere...


    I don't care if the guy is freaking Mother Theresa in the locker room, this is a result driven business and he has none to show for in 8 years in this organization.   

    “In 304 regular-season AHL games, Green compiled a 155-110-27-12 record with the Comets. He also helped the Comets to two postseason appearances, most notably the team's thrilling run to the Calder Cup finals during the 2014-15 season.” Check your facts before posting nonsense...

  17. 3 hours ago, combover said:

    Right after jim takes care of the important ones

    like vessey sutter edler hamonic unless a new shinny toy like OEL catches his eye then they’ll have to wait and be patient.

    Atleast he  can’t  run out of time... can he? 


    history repeats it self. 


    You are moving to the top of the list of biggest idiots on CDC really fast...

    • Haha 3
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