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SabreFan1 last won the day on July 17 2018

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  1. There's a new moronic Millennial internet challenge called the "Kiki challenge". 


    So I click on IGTV to watch a video.  As always a random popular video plays after you start the app.  It's a young cute chick dancing to a Drake song.  After a second or two I realize that she's gotten out of a moving car and is dancing in the street.  A few seconds later, the inevitable, she gets hit by a very fast moving car and the other girl who was filming starts screaming.


    Knowing how stupid people are when they are trying to get a minute of fame, I of course Google it because I had a feeling it was internet related.  Of course there are more stories of people getting hit by cars. 


    One brainiac even put down her purse and continued to dance along the moving car, and someone pulled alongside the purse in a motorcycle and took it.


    I'll post that video, but not the one of the girl getting hit by a car.



    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. J-23


      Song goes hard.

    3. SabreFan1


      @RubikThere are news articles of people getting hit by cars doing this as well, but I'll send you a PM of the link to the video to get your opinion.  The video sure looks real to me.

    4. nuckin_futz


      Yeah kids are dumb. How about crushing 'Smarties' and snorting them? In some cases leading to nasal maggots? http://www.latimes.com/food/dailydish/la-dd-snorting-smarties-nasal-maggots-20140121-story.html

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