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Tortorella's Rant

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Tortorella's Rant last won the day on June 1 2013

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    Hockey, chewin' out Brooskie, winning Cups, laying down the law.

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  1. How the hell do you keep what you comment on from popping up on other people's Facebook feed?

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    2. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      I looked it up a while ago but couldn't really get an answer on that. I don't want to spam people but I'm unintentionally doing it. I think a few peeps unfriended me cuz of that lmao

    3. ShakyWalton


      I really think there is a way of doing it..contact Facebook help

    4. ShakyWalton


      go into fb and you will see a lock .top right..click and then click Who can see my stuff...then click Friends..and then click

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