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Tortorella's Rant

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Tortorella's Rant last won the day on June 1 2013

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    Hockey, chewin' out Brooskie, winning Cups, laying down the law.

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  1. Gonna troll my fasting Muslim friend in class today by bring some phat snacks that he can`t have.

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    2. The Weasel

      The Weasel

      bring some kfc

    3. Toews


      I spent a few years of my childhood in Saudi Arabia and I remember me and my sister had to avoid eating food or drinking water when outside our compound. There was a real fear that the religious police could harass you for trying to tempt those that were fasting.

    4. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      yeah, it's all very "silly." I didn't know you couldn't have water either. Good thing it's not as hot as the weekend either, y'know.. enjoy your dehydration otherwise.

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