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Tortorella's Rant

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Tortorella's Rant last won the day on June 1 2013

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    Hockey, chewin' out Brooskie, winning Cups, laying down the law.

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  1. lol, if you are going to argue Lu's numbers suck in the overall standings, please exclude non-starters and watch your argument fall apart.

    1. stawns


      he's bringing them up, but you can't deny his numbers aren't great. Not to mention you judge Luongo against Luongo, not other goalies. I'm not unhappy with his play thus far, however

    2. Buddhas Hand

      Buddhas Hand

      But do those statistics exist ?

    3. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      They aren't great but he's like, Luongo isn't even top 30 in GAA or top 40 in sv%!

      When you exclude non starters, regulars, you know, the guys who have half a dozen games, Luongo is top 20 for both.

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