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Tortorella's Rant

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Tortorella's Rant last won the day on June 1 2013

Tortorella's Rant had the most liked content!

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    Hockey, chewin' out Brooskie, winning Cups, laying down the law.

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Canucks Hall-of-Famer

Canucks Hall-of-Famer (14/14)



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  1. Why the hell do they even put ads in video clips? Nobody watches them.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Master 112

      Master 112

      because otherwise you'd have to pay to watch the videos

    3. Baka


      Yes one one two! Because websites like youtube cost money to run and products pay them to run those adds which allows them to stay up for free at the cost of time over actual money for us! Eureka!

    4. Master 112

      Master 112

      do i get a gold star now

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