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Angry Goose

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Everything posted by Angry Goose

  1. if anything it re-affirms the msg that the Canucks have to be a playoff team, year in year out
  2. you seem to not like anything in hindsight
  3. So King Heffy and Nino, now that you've gotten your wish that MG is fired, where exactly do you take the team now?
  4. I will LOL if Feaster is hired. All this talk about the Aquillini's meddling and making rash decisions will become completely obvious afterwards. For the love of god, please don't hire Feaster.
  5. I wonder where the "goal posts" are now now that Mg is gone.......
  6. To all the people shouting "yes" and getting excited- at least have some respect. You may not like everything or very little MG has done during his tenure as GM, but you can't argue that he was a very loyal employee to the franchise and like Torts has said worked his ass off to try and improve the team. Yes, I am a total homer. I get pretty sentimental about anyone brought into the Canucks organization that has some integrity and personable quality traits. If the Canucks are going to drastically change things up- now is the time to do it.
  7. Dude no GM is perfect. Did Iginla and Morrow win PIT the cup? No. SO fire Shero?
  8. So easy for you to say from the luxury of your computer, without an iota of what it takes to be an NHL GM nor having absolutely any clue of what actually happens when it comes to being a GM. It's like you telling a homicide detective (assuming you aren't) how to their job IN HINDSIGHT. But of course you are so smart this doesn't apply to you, right? Anyways, Gillis tried to be patient with Luongo for whatever reasons and it didn't work out the way some CDC'rs demand it should. Get over it.
  9. Can't exactly make "ballsy" moves without the owner's blessing.....
  10. You have a crystal ball? If so, you should know exactly how to GM a team right?
  11. WHen it comes to GM or coaching changes, I think this appropriately captures the thinking of CDC...
  12. yep, and people wonder why VAN has classless fans...
  13. I was hoping the Canucks would be able to pick up Gibson a couple of years ago in the second round
  14. He has been working with Rollie, and Torts won't start him until the Canucks are officially eliminated from the playoffs
  15. It will never happen but if the Canucks somehow acquired Dubinsky instead of having Booth.....
  16. I know everyone wants scoring forwards, but logistically in 3-4 years the Canucks are going to need young D men to step up and take the places of Hamhuis/Bieksa/Garrison etc. Drafting a premier D man now might allow sufficient time to develop in time to take the place of one of the Canucks older vets. As far as D men go, offense can develop whereas defensive ability is always needed first and foremost. Fleury might not be a bad gamble.
  17. Garrison has shown in spades how much more reliable he is. Salo is great but made of glass. Garrison still has alot of potential if he can improve some of the weaknesses in his game
  18. But Garrison is much more defensively reliable. Weber gets pushed around much more than Garrison, and G does a better job along the boards and using his stick. Garrison's faults this season have been his outlet passing (can be a bit shaky at times) and shooting accuracy. For a guy that likes to shoot you gotta be able to put it on net. I bet he works like a horse this off season improving that. Part of the problem with Jason is a lack of a complimentary D man- if only Hamhuis was a RH shot. Those two would be perfect together.
  19. Ignoring your trades, getting a bit over-zealous arn't you? Guance and Horvat making the team next year? I like Horvat alot, but I highly doubt he is ready for the NHL next year even though another year of Junior seems like a waste (it might not be because Bo is still maturing physically). I could be wrong though and perhaps he can play his way into the line up- that would be awesome. But it is better to lower expectations a bit when it comes to youth (look at the time it has taken to develop Kassian/Jensen and heck even Schroeder). Having Guance start in Utica with Hunter makes sense. Not sure if Cassels is eligible for Utica though.
  20. If Guance can play solid 3rd line minutes and move up when needed like Matthais he will be a very good pick for the team. Everyone wants to rush this guy but I`d like to see him start in Utica playing alot of minutes and see how he does after a few months.
  21. Not sure I agree with this. Of course there are different styles of hockey, and when applied with the right personnel, it can be a winning combination. To use an analogy take a look at boxing. Imagine a Floyd Mayweather or James Toney not using a philly shell/counter punching style of boxing and adopting a more aggressive or straight forward style- they might not be as effective as they are today. Both are great athletes and could probably accomplish much, but style can flesh out what athletes are good at. Perhaps this season should be taken in perspective. The positives is that a battle mentality from players like Kassian, Matthais, Richardson and even Sestito when he is on his game gives the Canucks a stiffness they haven't had in a long time. I like that, and hope whatever coach is employed next year that doesn't go away.
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