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Angry Goose

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Everything posted by Angry Goose

  1. If the Canucks still had Hodgson it would be more drama, and a tissue soft team. Kassian brings exactly what the team needs, is a team player, and is finally starting to find his way. Good things are on the horizon with this kid. people just need to be a bit more patient
  2. Yeah. A proven NHL coach who has won a Stanley Cup and has over 10 years of NHL coaching experience doesn't know how to evaluate hockey players. You're full of crap dude
  3. You're putting words in Hank's mouth. Why not take his comments at face value- he was simply saying that Lack has played very well (you can argue that the "stats" indicate otherwise but anyone who has been watching the games/following the team knows that Lack stepped in when needed, and won games for the Canucks. Suffice to say, Hank is most likely saying that Lack has shown that he is a good goalie, and a Luo trade could never have happened unless the Canucks had a good goalie in the pipeline like Lack. That's what probably closer to the truth than you speculating that Hank is dissing Luo in an underhanded way.
  4. I have no doubt MG is trying to re-tool the roster with younger, more dyanmic players. We can see that already with Jensen/Lack/Matthais/Kassian/Santorelli. Canucks will do much better next year me thinks, because the younger players in the system can be good contributors next year. And in a couple of years guys like Horvat/Shinkaruk/Cassels might be ready to make the hump. I really like Torts, but I have to admit his emphasis on shot blocking, while it definitely has its merit, might be destroying the players. Guys like Tanev and Burrows are just getting smashed by blocking shots. Hard to say.
  5. OK I thought VAN was the only team that does these cheezy intros
  6. I like how wins piss off the CDC trolls who over obsess about draft positions
  7. The puck was kept to the outside for the most part and a good shot from up high got in. Oh well. Not exactly a tire fire
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