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Angry Goose

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Everything posted by Angry Goose

  1. haha love how the linesman B lines it for Sesito
  2. I really hope MG can sign Matthais to an extension. He is an awesome 3rd line C
  3. I like the 'shoot more' mentality the team seems to have. Canucks would do well to get their shooters i.e. Jensen/Dalpe/Higgins/Edler taking more shots
  4. Not to slouch on Daniel, but Hank is playing MUCH better with wingers who are more active in the offensive zone....
  5. Would love to see Burr net another, Kassian make a difference, and see the defense shine somehow, someway. Been a tough season for these players. A few more wins could help the psyche.
  6. People who blame the refs or Torts are blind. That said, I feel bad for Lack.
  7. It might still be a but pre-mature to be passing judgement on Torts. With all the injuries the Canucks have had, it may bias such. If Gillis is around next year, Torts deserves another shot as well.
  8. Although I understand the trade, the Grabner/Ballard trade is the only I regret happening. IMO Grabner is a better choice than Mason Raymond
  9. it is usually pretty bad but for the next while......yikes
  10. Sounds like the Nucks are having troubles versus the Dallas Buyers Club?
  11. Congratulations on the worst joke of the day
  12. People who are frustrated with Gillis because of standing pat at the deadline are angry at the wrong person. The guy is just as frustrated as you are by the lack of moves on the Canucks part. But a lack of proposals that would have fit within the Canucks plans arn't his fault.
  13. You sound like a little kid who didn't get what they want. Here's how it is: you can't "preassure" other GM's into giving you a "sick deal". Alot of the high priced UFA's e.g. Vanek, Gaborik, etc. didn't fetch nearly as much as laypeople thought they would e.g. 1st round draft picks. The reality is that GM's around the league didn't want to give up much at the dead line. Maybe things will change a bit at the draft, who knows? Point is, MG was listening to all offers and nothing actualized into something that would benefit the Canucks in a smart way. And he is probably a whole lot smarter than you, and obviously knows alot more than you about what trading in the NHL. Rather than do something rash, he stood pat. Hopefully something happens at the draft.
  14. Listening to MG's interview you have to respect the guy and cut him some slack- obviously he wants to re-tool the line up with younger players with good upside but the deals weren't there. I would have loved a Schenn or Couturier or Simmonds but those deals wern't available.
  15. He has said a number of times that he wants the line up to get younger, and diversify it based on this seasons performance.
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