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hah you know I thought you were at the fight. While i was watching i was thinking.. hmm johnny from CDC must be pissed at this crapfest. Good thing you missed it. The Kos fight was pretty good and the Sherk Griffin match was probably the best fight to start a UFC ever. Back and forth.

there there, we all have to let go of the shaolin monk dream sometime..

Sylvia looked like he did in the Ryo Chonan fight where he fought someone that can take his punches and Sylvia can do nothing else.

For the first minute it seemed like he was trying to find his range. But i mean 10 minutes later if you are still trying to find your range.. well then you have no range. Cote fought smart, he kept changing stances so confuse Anderson.

Anderson kicked him, but Cote checked it, then Anderson kicked and Cote drilled him, he let go Anderson kicked him again and again Cote caught it and tried for another punch. Anderson hit Cote in the head with a couple of combos but Patrick was not even fazed.

Patrick waited for anderson to get in the pocket like he usually does and then he was going to take his punch and hit him. I think he even wobbled Silva for a bit in a close encounter. Patrick was actually the agressor in the whole fight. He kept pushing forward and at one point Anderson actually jogged around the Octagon, :lol: like he basically did one to two full laps as Cote kept chasing him. And it wasnt a slow jog, it was liek a super quick workout jog.

I mean i guess you can check out the fight when its up, because I dont like Anderson because hes overhyped and yesterday proved what happens, but Anderson had nothing for Cote. He didnt want to get knocked out so he kept jogging around the octagon for 10 minutes. In round 1 he probably threw like 3-4 punches. Even the crowd started booing Anderson. The funny thing was the commentating was sooooo biased. When Kalib Starnes started running the commentating was like "and kalib keeps running away, he will not stand and trade"

When anderson did the exact same thing "anderson is trying to find his range.." like 10 minutes go by and the crowd is booing "ooooh the spider throw a combo oh my!!!!" and the dude threw like 1 punch ever 3 minutes or something. It was pathetic.

Most people that say he was trying to find his range were influenced by the commentators on Silvas nuts. They believe he won round 1 by throwing 2 punches or something.. and cote was chasing him for the ko.

If you get a chance to watch the fight... watch it in mute first. Then listen to the commentating... and you will see a huge difference. UFC makes fun of kimbo on how much hyped he gets, yesterday was horrible. No mention of GSP or BJ or Fedor. They were praising the guy that ran for 3 rounds. No one was ever in trouble. Basically the fight was 11 minutes of Anderson running and Cote chasing him. Nothing really happened.

Reality check, it's Anderson SILVA not Tim SYLVIA you've made this mistake far too many times. And all of your hate towards him is pretty retarded. Were you wearing a blindfold that entire fight? Definitely seems like it. Although he did seem like he was toying with him and running around a lot he did catch cote a couple times with pretty heavy blows. Big knee, kicks to the head, and a couple huge punches. Cote didn't land anything significant on Silva throughout those rounds. As for him being overhyped how the hell is that his fault? The guy is humble and respectful and just an amazing fighter. The things this guy does during fights is pretty incredible and no one else could pull them off. He has so many weapons at this disposal its crazy. Best fighter in the UFC followed by GSP, top two fighter in the world (arguably behind Fedor). I honestly don't think he's over hyped at all lol. 5 more fights left for the Spider, definitely will be tuning in for all of them.

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hah you know I thought you were at the fight. While i was watching i was thinking.. hmm johnny from CDC must be pissed at this crapfest. Good thing you missed it. The Kos fight was pretty good and the Sherk Griffin match was probably the best fight to start a UFC ever. Back and forth.

Nope, wasn't there. I'll be at the next one. Super psyched too. Two huge fights, plus Amir's debut and Nate Quarry on card. Can't really go wrong there. Plus, hookers and blow. B)

I was actually at the Canucks game last night. I'm downloading the PPV right now. Gotta see the Sherk/Griffin and Alves/Kos fights. And I wanna see Anderson's antics. Heard it was really gay.

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Reality check, it's Anderson SILVA not Tim SYLVIA you've made this mistake far too many times. And all of your hate towards him is pretty retarded. Were you wearing a blindfold that entire fight? Definitely seems like it. Although he did seem like he was toying with him and running around a lot he did catch cote a couple times with pretty heavy blows. Big knee, kicks to the head, and a couple huge punches. Cote didn't land anything significant on Silva throughout those rounds. As for him being overhyped how the hell is that his fault? The guy is humble and respectful and just an amazing fighter. The things this guy does during fights is pretty incredible and no one else could pull them off. He has so many weapons at this disposal its crazy. Best fighter in the UFC followed by GSP, top two fighter in the world (arguably behind Fedor). I honestly don't think he's over hyped at all lol. 5 more fights left for the Spider, definitely will be tuning in for all of them.

far too many times? :lol: Well thanks for being a lurker and never actually contributing to the ufc thread until you see a spelling error and jump in. Is that all the insight you bring to this thread? That I spelled it Sylvia in one paragraph and then the correct Silva in another?

Look what Dana White had to say "“If you don’t know him and you showed up for the first time, you’d [think] that guy was goofing around, he was acting arrogant and cocky and trying to play with [Cote] like he was a little kid,” White said. “That is not this guy’s style, that’s not his personality, that’s not who he is.”

Heavy blows? they did nothing. Why do you think Anderson Silva was booed? You mean punching 2-3 times every 5 minutes action? Cote was not even hurt. He ran from his plain and simple. You probably didnt even watch Pride Fighting did you? You probably only started to watch the UFC because of The Ultimate Fighter.

Yes pretending you are Michael Jackson when shaking your opponents hand after beating him is real humble? Then after walking away going "whooooooo" over and over again is real modest.


have you ever seen this footage before? oh probably not because your just some lurker that thinks he knows mma. If you have something to contribute here go for it, or do you want to wait another 20 pages until you find another spelling error that you can pounce on?

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Nope, wasn't there. I'll be at the next one. Super psyched too. Two huge fights, plus Amir's debut and Nate Quarry on card. Can't really go wrong there. Plus, hookers and blow. B)


I was actually at the Canucks game last night. I'm downloading the PPV right now. Gotta see the Sherk/Griffin and Alves/Kos fights. And I wanna see Anderson's antics. Heard it was really gay.

The sherk griffin fight was awesome man! Alves/Kos was good not great but i wont ruin it for ya ;)

Yeah lots of people were turned off by Anderson's antics. When Cote was on the ground he didnt move back to let Patrick up. He just hovered and Cote was in the defensive position. Then he sticks his arm out to help him up. And everyone was like eh? this is a fight if you want him to stand up just move back and the ref will stand it up.

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The sherk griffin fight was awesome man! Alves/Kos was good not great but i wont ruin it for ya ;)

Yeah lots of people were turned off by Anderson's antics. When Cote was on the ground he didnt move back to let Patrick up. He just hovered and Cote was in the defensive position. Then he sticks his arm out to help him up. And everyone was like eh? this is a fight if you want him to stand up just move back and the ref will stand it up.

Weird. My download should be ready in a couple of hours. I briefly saw some highlights on Sportsnet but they're usually garbage for the most part.

From what it sounds like, Anderson was basically saying to the UFC that Cote doesn't deserve to be there. Is that sorta what it was like?? I guess I'll find out soon.

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Weird. My download should be ready in a couple of hours. I briefly saw some highlights on Sportsnet but they're usually garbage for the most part.

From what it sounds like, Anderson was basically saying to the UFC that Cote doesn't deserve to be there. Is that sorta what it was like?? I guess I'll find out soon.

hmm yeah thats odd. the fight went back and forth. Griffin has a short reach so this was a perfect fight because they both pretty much has the same arm length.

You know I have no idea what Anderson was thinking. It looked like he didnt know what to do. Like he tried to throw some combos at Patrick, but then Patrick took them and punched back. When he tried to kick cote, cote caught them. Cote kept moving forward and Anderson kept running away.

No idea what the hell happened there. I dont even know what he was trying to prove. He was either scared that Cote would knock him out, or he was so confident he would win, he got cocky and started playing around by doing Muhammed Ali stuff, then bobbing his head, fiddling his fists, jogging sideways. The crowd started booing Silva, and so I thought that he would realize this isnt cool and go in for the kill. But like the dude did nothing..

The weirdest thing out of all of it is hearing the crowd booing at their displeasure while Joe Rogan and Mike Goldberg are praising Anderson for being so quick.. haha it was like eh? what the hell is going on here. :blink:

At the post fight conference even the reporters were confused as to what the heck that was. I guess you are going to have to watch the fight then you can post what you thoughts. You kept thinking he was going to bring it any minute now but more jogging.

It kind of felt like you are watching 2 brothers play fight in a park. :blink:

like this moment:



the ref says should i stand him up, and Silva kicks him and goes um ill help him up instead, and cote is like what the heck??

Edited by Pfizer
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That was beyond annoying.

Goldberg and Rogen annoyed the HELL outta me. "So precise!" "Best PFP fighter..." "So elusive" I can't believe how bad they suck off Anderson. That was terrible. Joe actually said the fight was exciting. :lol:

And how bad was that crowd??? They booed everything!!! Booing Cote during his post-fight interview was the worst. I felt awful for him. He had to apologize over and over just to stop the booing.


Although Sherk/Griifin was pretty killer.

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Thanks for the link Pfizer, and yeah...that was all sorts of WTF? :P

I'm usually pretty lenient about Rogan and Goldberg, hell I usually find them amusing as all get out. But that was over the top, you can practically hear their eyes straining with the tension of waiting for Silva to throw a kick so they could start talking again.

I'm not sure I could watch that fight enough times to try and work up any real clue as to what Silva was doing, I'm almost waiting for the dope testing to come back positive for LSD or somesuch. Cote has a hell of chin, and I will give Silva the fact that his kicks are incredibly smooth and vicious looking. The crowd booing Cote at the end made me sick, where was Rogan leaping to his defense like he did with Jardine after the Verra fight?

The Ringmaster(White) himself had some interesting post fight comments;

“A lot of people thought he was playing and goofing around but that’s not his personality. Guys come out sometimes and they’re not in their rhythm. For some reason, they can’t pull the trigger and I think that’s what happened to Anderson tonight. What else am I supposed to believe? Am I supposed to believe that he came out to not throw one punch or not do anything for three rounds? I don’t believe that. I’ve known this guy for over two years, he’s anything but disrespectful.”

I also read a quote from Dana saying something to the effect that he couldn't believe what was happening, and he'd wish someone would f*cking pinch him to wake him up. I can't find the link, so I'm sure I've lost much in translation.

Here's what Cote had to say;

I was in the best shape of my life, I was ready to go and I think that I proved to everybody that this guy’s not unbeatable. I think I fracked him up really bad. My game plan was good and I think he was scared to exchange with me. I received all his best punches and all his best knees and I was still there.

lol, I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say that he "f8cked him up" but it does sorta make you wonder if Silva was thrown off his game plan when he couldn't seem to hurt Cote and actually felt a real punch for the first time in a long time. /shrug

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Did Silva put on a pleasing show for the fans with his slickness or did he resemble something closer to an NFL wide receiver? It's especially insulting to those who bought tickets in Chicago or shelled out bucks for the pay-per-view. The show hadn't exactly delivered a night of fireworks prior to the main event.

I'm not sure that's true. The Sherk-Griffin bout was a solid three rounds of action. Dos Santos gets full marks for getting the better of Werdum. And even the Koscheck-Alves fight was pretty sweet. The main event could obviously have been better, but I thought that the quality of the undercard fights mostly made up for it.

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Goldberg and Rogen annoyed the HELL outta me. "So precise!" "Best PFP fighter..." "So elusive" I can't believe how bad they suck off Anderson. That was terrible. Joe actually said the fight was exciting. :lol:

I'm usually pretty lenient about Rogan and Goldberg, hell I usually find them amusing as all get out. But that was over the top, you can practically hear their eyes straining with the tension of waiting for Silva to throw a kick so they could start talking again.

haha :D

yeah when Rashad Knocked out Liddell Rogan was like "oh look at him showboat." Silva runs for 3 rounds and they are like "wow, fantastic! amazing!" Completely disrespecting Fedor, GSP, Wanderlei, Shogun etc. Like what they do is complete crap. And they really disrespected Cote by making it look like he was fighting some highschool kid.

Anderson could have taken a nap in the middle of the octagon and they would be like "this is incredible! he is p4p the best sleeper in the world! i mean look at how his legs are perfectly aligned sideways, look at the angle of his neck!"

I mean i think Anderson is a good fighter but the hype they've created around him is so large with Dana, Joe, Goldy that its just a huge lie to the public. This is as bad as how Kimbo was being hyped as the face of MMA.

When Seth knocked out Kimbo the announcers said "OMG!!!!! this is the biggest upset in MMA HISTORY!!!!!!" hah i was like eh.. no. Not even close to like Crocop vs Gonzaga.

Here's what Cote had to say;


lol, I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say that he "f8cked him up" but it does sorta make you wonder if Silva was thrown off his game plan when he couldn't seem to hurt Cote and actually felt a real punch for the first time in a long time. /shrug

Cote looked super drunk when he said that haha. He goes "yeah i effed him up" and then some drunk in the back goes "HE EFFED HIM UP!!" hahah.

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Cote looked super drunk when he said that haha. He goes "yeah i effed him up" and then some drunk in the back goes "HE EFFED HIM UP!!" hahah.

I think it may have been lost in the translation but if I had to guess he was most likely trying to say he eff'd up his strategy not him physically.

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I think it may have been lost in the translation but if I had to guess he was most likely trying to say he eff'd up his strategy not him physically.

yeah you have a point. Thats probably what he meant. That Anderson couldnt figure Cote out with Patrick changing his stances over and over.

Edited by Pfizer
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