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Impressive, Schaub knocks out Big Marcus in just one round.

Doctor Belly makes it to the final also.

Schaub's my pick to win it. He actually has cardio..

Wow. That was perhaps the most a$$-holic thing to do right there. Ya think that maybe a few of us are actually watching this show???? Maybe post a spoiler alert???

Nice one, jaggoff.

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I do know what I'm talking about and I have my sources. I've seen not only next weeks episode but the one after as well.

Believe it or not, it's a fact.

LOL WTF? Dude, theres only 2 episodes left, both of which are playing this week. If you have seen the final episode like you are implying, you have seen the final fight, which will be shown LIVE. Get it? Are you from the future where you have seen the "one after" next weeks episode which will be LIVE. Idiot.

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LOL WTF? Dude, theres only 2 episodes left, both of which are playing this week. If you have seen the final episode like you are implying, you have seen the final fight, which will be shown LIVE. Get it? Are you from the future where you have seen the "one after" next weeks episode which will be LIVE. Idiot.

Hey hypocrite, the show is pre-taped. The finale is live.

If you weren't too busy become a complete idiot, you might have realized this by now.

Get your facts straight before making yourself look like a further imbecile.

A little research goes a long way for "special" people like yourself.


I swear CDC is getting more retarded with each passing day. IQ test to register please.

Edited by VaNuCkZ
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Hey hypocrite, the show is pre-taped. The finale is live.

If you weren't too busy become a complete idiot, you might have realized this by now.

Get your facts straight before making yourself look like a further imbecile.

A little research goes a long way for "special" people like yourself.


I swear CDC is getting more retarded with each passing day. IQ test to register please.

Dude, read what i wrote. The next 2 episodes they play this week are the final episodes of the season. They do not put the final fight in the show which would declare the winner of TUF. Those are LIVE. Holy crap. I know the show is pre-taped but for you to say you saw the episode for next week, WHEN THERE IS NO MORE EPISODES AFTER THIS WEEK, is stupid. Jesus Christ.

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Hey hypocrite, the show is pre-taped. The finale is live.

If you weren't too busy become a complete idiot, you might have realized this by now.

Get your facts straight before making yourself look like a further imbecile.

A little research goes a long way for "special" people like yourself.


I swear CDC is getting more retarded with each passing day. IQ test to register please.

This is the second time that you have reported a result before the actual fight has been aired. Why? But to the posters out there who are upset, IIRC, this poster was wrong the last time he did something like this.

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Dude, read what i wrote. The next 2 episodes they play this week are the final episodes of the season. They do not put the final fight in the show which would declare the winner of TUF. Those are LIVE. Holy crap. I know the show is pre-taped but for you to say you saw the episode for next week, WHEN THERE IS NO MORE EPISODES AFTER THIS WEEK, is stupid. Jesus Christ.

And he's squirming with nothing to say so here comes the curses!


I saw the fight. You wish I didn't but I did. QQ.

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And he's squirming with nothing to say so here comes the curses!


I saw the fight. You wish I didn't but I did. QQ.

Wait, you answered nothing in this post. Whats pathetic here? Enlighten us on the fights you saw. What curses are you talking about?

I guess we can wait until Wednesday and see if your first hand witness accounts of TUF are realistic. First round knock out of Marcus and Big Country winning.

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Seriously Vanuckz, if you actually did see it and know the results that was a HUGE d-bag move by posting it up.

What were you trying to achieve? You've got your "sources", good for you. You don't need to be bragging about it and if you're really that insecure and need to show off to the rest of us use spoiler tags next time.


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Who the hell is bragging? It's a freakin' statement.

Posters challenged my credibility and I defended myself.

It's just going to be funny when all the doubters are proven wrong and go hide in a corner with nothing to say.

That's what's 'pathetic'.

Did I question your credibility? You were bragging by saying you had "sources" and had already watched the episode. Putting yourself on some pedestal, making yourself seem all high and mighty. So I called you out on it, because you were acting like a d-bag.

Now, on to the more important stuff.

That was totally karma in action for McSweeney. I really don't want Roy to win, he's just fat and does the same boring stuff, I hate how he says he has entertaining fights, because he really doesn't. Dana just said he was impressed, because he's basically forced to since it's the finale and he has to promote it.

Tough loss for Marcus, he had a good start to the fight. I can't FREAKIN' wait to see him fight Mitrione! Gonna be awesome.

Excited to see Kimbo fight again also. Should be a pretty good finale.

Really hope Brendan beats Roy, he did a good job of getting out from underneath Marcus, hopefully he can do it again if he gets caught in that position.

Overall, very solid episode. Too bad "someone" ruined it 2 days before.

Edited by Ajax19
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Did I question your credibility? You were bragging by saying you had "sources" and had already watched the episode. Putting yourself on some pedestal, making yourself seem all high and mighty. So I called you out on it, because you were acting like a d-bag.

Now, on to the more important stuff.

That was totally karma in action for McSweeney. I really don't want Roy to win, he's just fat and does the same boring stuff, I hate how he says he has entertaining fights, because he really doesn't. Dana just said he was impressed, because he's basically forced to since it's the finale and he has to promote it.

Tough loss for Marcus, he had a good start to the fight. I can't FREAKIN' wait to see him fight Mitrione! Gonna be awesome.

Excited to see Kimbo fight again also. Should be a pretty good finale.

Really hope Brendan beats Roy, he did a good job of getting out from underneath Marcus, hopefully he can do it again if he gets caught in that position.

Overall, very solid episode. Too bad "someone" ruined it 2 days before.

When did I ever 'brag' about having sources? I said I had sources. That's all i said.

Then out comes like 10 trillion people "hey idiot, you''re a liar, ect.".

So I defend myself. . I did not once put myself on a "pedestal"... yet imbeciles like yourself must twist all my words in order to make any sort of argument.

I don't expect you to get what I'm saying as like many on this thread, you cannot comprehend any sort of statement when it doesn't match your own.

Cry more please. :(

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When did I ever 'brag' about having sources? I said I had sources. That's all i said.

Then out comes like 10 trillion people "hey idiot, you''re a liar, ect.".

So I defend myself. . I did not once put myself on a "pedestal"... yet imbeciles like yourself must twist all my words in order to make any sort of argument.

I don't expect you to get what I'm saying as like many on this thread, you cannot comprehend any sort of statement when it doesn't match your own.

Cry more please. :(

Hey smartass, obviously no one comes out and directly brags about something. By making a post spoiling the results when the episode hasn't even aired in North America, you are implicitly bragging that you were able to watch it before everyone else. Hence, making yourself seem special and yes puts yourself on a pedestal compared to the rest of us.

This may be hard for you to comprehend judging by your ignorance.

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Did I question your credibility? You were bragging by saying you had "sources" and had already watched the episode. Putting yourself on some pedestal, making yourself seem all high and mighty. So I called you out on it, because you were acting like a d-bag.

Now, on to the more important stuff.

That was totally karma in action for McSweeney. I really don't want Roy to win, he's just fat and does the same boring stuff, I hate how he says he has entertaining fights, because he really doesn't. Dana just said he was impressed, because he's basically forced to since it's the finale and he has to promote it.

Tough loss for Marcus, he had a good start to the fight. I can't FREAKIN' wait to see him fight Mitrione! Gonna be awesome.

Excited to see Kimbo fight again also. Should be a pretty good finale.

Really hope Brendan beats Roy, he did a good job of getting out from underneath Marcus, hopefully he can do it again if he gets caught in that position.

Overall, very solid episode. Too bad "someone" ruined it 2 days before.

I totally noticed that as well. If anything, his fight against Wren was way more entertaining.

It's too bad I missed the first hour. I thought it started at 7! Oh well. I'll catch it later.

A few other fights have been announced for the finale:

Justin Wren vs. Jon Madsen

Titties vs. MsSweeney

Really looking forward to the Wren fight. I thought he had a good chance at taking the whole thing. Too bad Fat Nelson sat on him too.

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I totally noticed that as well. If anything, his fight against Wren was way more entertaining.

It's too bad I missed the first hour. I thought it started at 7! Oh well. I'll catch it later.

A few other fights have been announced for the finale:

Justin Wren vs. Jon Madsen

Titties vs. MsSweeney

Really looking forward to the Wren fight. I thought he had a good chance at taking the whole thing. Too bad Fat Nelson sat on him too.

Nice, I really liked McSweeney before today's episode, but he really was being a big douche towards Zak Jensen. However, it was pretty funny how he choked him out, total ownage.

He should be able to easily beat Titties. I'm sure he's been really pissed off at himself for showboating and then losing.

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Pretty dissapointed that tumtums made it..but I'm really hoping that Schaub kicks his donkey, and I think he will. If he can get out of Big Babys mount, he should be able to escape the fat.

I was a pretty big fan of McSweeny until this last episode, but I still like his style of fighting.

Darkness against Mitrione will be interesting, but Marcus seemed like he was done after losing to Schaub, so it's odd that he's fighting again..

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