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I love to hate Josh, but that was a hell of a straight right followed by a nasty hook the guy couldn't even defend. Damn :P

And ayup, armbars require tapping. /shudder, that's all I can say.

Oh and completely unrelated, but I found a pretty interesting interview/tirade with Frank Mir. He goes on about the difference between actual gyms training guys for fights and reality TV. Primarily he's saying stuff that most adults realize anyway, but with quotes like "It's reality TV, come one...it's not real." I just had to share :P

btw, it's 9mins long.

-interview courtesy of MMAfix by the way of MMAmania.


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What an amazing show for free!! Just finished it now (worked late tonite)!

Koschek's KO was one of the sickest EVER!! Wow! Did u see buddy's eyes when he dropped? They looked crossed!!

Ben Saunders was dynamite with those knees. That height advantage really paid off for him!

And how about the most gruesome armbar ever??? Steve Cantwell on Al-Hassan was awesome!! Even better than Mir/Sylvia!!!! Man, did thing pop! And did ya see Al-Hassan's reaction after??? Ha ha!! :lol:

SOLID freebee tonight!!

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And how about the most gruesome armbar ever??? Steve Cantwell on Al-Hassan was awesome!! Even better than Mir/Sylvia!!!! Man, did thing pop! And did ya see Al-Hassan's reaction after??? Ha ha!!

It IS conceivable - however unlikely - that I might be too wimpy for an MMA career, because if that had been me, I would have tapped before my arm got folded backward at the elbow. Full marks to Al-Hassan for sheer determination: "Mmph, I can make it... (crunch) ...Only ninety seconds until the bell... (crack) ...haaaang onnn... (skkkrack-POOM) ...AAAAAAUGH!"

Considering that seeing that almost made me puke, I probably wouldn't even cut it as a referee.

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It IS conceivable - however unlikely - that I might be too wimpy for an MMA career, because if that had been me, I would have tapped before my arm got folded backward at the elbow. Full marks to Al-Hassan for sheer determination: "Mmph, I can make it... (crunch) ...Only ninety seconds until the bell... (crack) ...haaaang onnn... (skkkrack-POOM) ...AAAAAAUGH!"

Considering that seeing that almost made me puke, I probably wouldn't even cut it as a referee.

Yah, that was disgusting alright. Cantwell's interview after too.... "I've been waiting to do that for two years now!!! That was awesome!!!". Just crazy stuff. Al-Hassan's reaction was just like "Ooooohhhhhhh F---------CK!!!!" His eyes were popping out!

Anywho, next up (after Saturday's TUF finale) could be the PPV event of the year, UFC 92. I say COULD be, because generally the big ones haven't always lived up to the hype. Gonna make a couple of predictions:


I'm gonna go with Wandy again. He is too smart a fighter, whereas Page just seems to wanna brawl it out all too much and put on a show. Wandy is similar, but smarter. Wandy by TKO, 3rd round.


This could be a snoozefest. Unless Nog dictate's the fight. I can see Mir clinging to his legs for much of the fight. Still I'm gonna say Nog, probably by a TKO at some point. Maybe 4th round.


I've never seen a boring Forrest fight. He always brings it. Rashad, on the other hand, wins all the time. Just not pretty. Although is KO of Chuck was one of the best ever. I can see this one going to a decision for sure, Forrest winning just for more effort. If that makes sense.

For fun, I'll pick Nover and Vinny to win the TUF finale's.

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that was probably the most brutal night of mixed martial arts.

bloodsport the movie brought to life.

Didnt it seems weird that they were collecting money for TBI Traumatic Brain Injuries, by punching each other in the head? :lol:

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that was probably the most brutal night of mixed martial arts.

bloodsport the movie brought to life.

Didnt it seems weird that they were collecting money for TBI Traumatic Brain Injuries, by punching each other in the head? :lol:

Ha ha!!! I said almost the same thing to my buddy!! :lol:

You're right though! It was total Kumite action!!!

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I'm sure you can come back from something like that. As gruesome as it looks, it is just the bone breaking, but that's probably easiar to heal than say MCL/ACL or other tendons. I'm talking with less than zero experience when it comes to broken bones, but I've heard that somewhere. Like that Liverpool player who had his ankle come off last season. He should make a full recovery, last I heard.

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I'm sure you can come back from something like that. As gruesome as it looks, it is just the bone breaking, but that's probably easiar to heal than say MCL/ACL or other tendons. I'm talking with less than zero experience when it comes to broken bones, but I've heard that somewhere. Like that Liverpool player who had his ankle come off last season. He should make a full recovery, last I heard.

Sure you can recover from it, but would you even want to throw kicks again after that?

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