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I will be starting a 30 team H2H league on yahoo. (Which means it may not start this coming season, as I have left this idea late in the summer to start looking for GM's)

Real salary cap from year to year, must stay under cap at all times during the regular season.

You may go over the cap in between the start of the league for the year until the start of the season. You may also go over cap once you are officially out of the playoffs. (You are still considered in the playoffs if your team is in a consolation round)

There will be a 23 prospect limit

You may not have a player on your main roster which is designated N/A, which means you may not pick up a player from your minors or waivers if they have an N/A designation.

There will be a 5 defensemen max.

There will be a 3 goaltenders max.

There will be a 18 minimum roster players

There will be a 23 maximum roster players

You may only make 3 waiver wire pick ups per week during regular season.

You can draft anyone who has been drafted in the real NHL. Keep in mind, a few of those players may not start with their respective clubs or show up in the yahoo system, come the start of the season.

Trades will be voted on league wide and everyone will be given 2 days to decide if you wish to veto the pending trade or not. SO IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU STAY ACTIVE ENOUGH TO VIEW THE PENDING TRADES.

The prospect draft will begin 1 week after yahoo officially starts the league for the year. This is to give you a week in advance if you plan to trade a player to someone for a draft pick or draft picks.

If you wish to make a trade during the prospect draft, it will be fast tracked and the league will only have until the end of the day to veto the trade, or it will automatically be put through by the next day, and the draft will continue.

Trades may only happen when yahoo leagues are available.

You may only keep a prospect in your minors while they are on an Entry Level Contract (ELC). You must call up players who do not have an ELC. The only exception is if a player is demoted by their real NHL club. Failure to call up these players will result in you forfeiting those players rights.

We will not be counting rookie bonuses towards the salary cap.

The prospect draft will be 4 rounds.

You are given 4 draft picks to do with as you please (trade or use in the prospect draft)

We will all get to choose current NHL names. It will be first come, first serve in this respect.

Players who are injured, will temporarily not count against your cap, unfortunately you will not be able to put a player on IR unless yahoo does this first. Which means at times you will be using a roster spot for an injured player or temporary personal matter for the player.

Team names can only be switched if 2 teams agree to swap names. Any GM that swaps names may only do so once every 3 months.

You will be given a penalty if you are over the salary cap for more than 3 days at any given time. The penalty will be that you will not be allowed to trade your lowest draft pick of the next years draft. You will never out right lose a draft pick as a penalty, you will only lose the ability to trade your lowest pick available. If I find you in violation of the salary cap rule 3 times, I will be forced to look for a replacement for your team.

You can message me if you're interested or reply to this message.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I am starting a ESPN Fanasy Hockey League and looking for anyone interested in joining. Private Message me if you are interested in joining the league make sure to give me your email so I can send out the invitation. It is a league of 20 team at max. The league is a H2H and the draft date is not yet confirmed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was wondering if there are any websites that provide a fantasy hockey league you can join for like 20-100 bucks and if you come in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd you get a payout.

I know ESPN provides something like that however, Canadian citizens are not eligible for the prize.

So does any Canadian friendly prize winning fantasy hockey websites? Thanks

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This league is growing. Seven owners so far. All from the Metro Vancouver area.

Are you a fan of hockey pools? Want into a keeper league format with the first year this upcoming season? Maybe get together for drafts live in person? See a game in the Vancouver area? Head down to Seattle for a Seahawks or Mariners game? Well, this league could be for you.

Email me any questions you might have!


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