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Winning Is Simply The Right Combination...

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Lets face it, winning the Stanley Cup is all about the right combination of players and conditions...thats pretty much it in a nutshell. The Canucks not winning it all only has to do with not having the right combination happen yet so dont go blaming this person or that ; or saying we need this guy or that ; you can't know with what players you would win a cup, thats not how its won in reality. You think Boston fans were saying we will never win a cup without Thorton on our team? Doubtful but without him they may not have won, he was part of the right combination. We need to loosen up on our collective Canuck fanbase judgements on who is playing for our team in the bigger picture because you never know if one guy is going to be part of the right combination or not So until the right combination presents itself, we wait and hope one of these years it happens and the correct combination brings us the cup. :towel:

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I think it has a little bit more then the right combination. A team must stand united, willing to play with heart and intensity for 60 min a game. The teams that win the stanley cup fight there asses off. Shacking off injuries, dedicated to one thing and that's winning and winning only. Heart of a champion and intense dedication is what it takes to win the stanley cup. When you can come to that point as a team you can win.

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What you say is partly true, but we still need to try to bring in the right players who can contribute to our team. Obviously chemistry, momentum, and all the stuff you talked about make a huge difference. But players are a big part of it, too. The better the players you have, the less you have to rely on chemistry and luck.

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While Gillis can do whatever he can to improve the team, instead of waiting for the perfect combination/team, the team can simply put their best effort, play smart and actually play desperate every shift/period/game during the playoffs? Too many slackers = 1st round exit.

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There is nothing significantly different about a team which wins game seven of the SCF and one that loses. We could easily have won last year, but we didn't. People talk about this and that, leadership, heart, 'it' factors and all that but it's bull. Run the clock back and odds are we win game seven and for all of the next year everyone is talking about how Boston didn't have this and that and that's why they lost. We lost a game - we lost the cup, simple as that. Every team loses games. I'm so tired of people finding significance in randomness. This year we had a couple of bad games to start the playoffs. If they were games 81 and 82 then nobody bats an eye, but becuase they happened to be playoff games everyone blows it out of proportion. Like I said, every team loses games, if those games come at the wrong time then that team loses a playoff round or even the cup. But at the end of the day one loss is one loss whether it's game 47 of game seven of the SCF.


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one weakness the canucks also have is that they have no one on the roster who is on an ELC contract and making big contributions to the team. Of course with AV behind the bench, that will never happen.

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Agree with OP, how ever your team also has to have a never die work ethic. This team does not have that, so I don't believe we have the "right Combination" of players on this team. The Canucks are a deep team on paper, on the ice not so much, you could say it is coaching, a goalie thing, or injuries, but fact remains this team does not have the right attitude or work ethic to win it all, they have proved it two years in a row now.

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Like the view of the fan base not butchering the roster. The changes that are made in the NHL on a yearly bases rarely result in the cup the following year. sometimes it takes a few. That being said sometimes doing nothing other than preparing the club in the off season is successful. Go back look at the history of the cup and the change or lack of change of the winning club the year before. You will be surprised to see what proves most fruitful. I know I was.


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