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Tony Romo

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It actually looks like he did pretty well and kept his knees off the ground - his left knee actually looks like it should have come down except Dez kicks it up so that he could extend himself for the TD and not be ruled down at the 1

Right hand, then his elbows, at which point the ball makes contact with the ground

But I do feel like he had control before he went down - I mean, how else could have have the ball corralled in one hand when he's going to the ground? It would just slip out of his hand before he hits the ground if he didn't have control of it

True as well but for the most part, it was common sense and clearly obvious it was a catch. This will scar Dallas for a long long time and it sucks because the matter of the fact is they got screwed.

I was thinking as fan you can ever feel more helpless than when the team is running the clock down and you can't stop the clock.

Yep, just complete hopelessness and it must suck the way it all ended. Dw though TR, Boys are in good hands. That oline, re-sign Dez & Demarcus, and draft for defense plus signings, team will only get better plus healthy impact players. Was a great season.

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Didn't you post the scores for this weekend a couple of pages ago? Aren't you also the guy who bets on the nfl weekly? Last time I checked that was prognosticating. Or are you saying because you weigh the odds you are somehow different from everyone else? Some of those Hawks posters you mentioned also stated why they thought they would win, so there's that.

It is fun watching you dance around your Seahawk hatred though. Your recent attempts to seem impartial are much appreciated.

I made predictions in response to another poster's predictions, by stating who I think will win, not flat out guaranteeing wins.

I haven't bet on the NFL since like week 4.

Your obsession with me [and some other Pats fans] is flattering. Just don't start following me into other threads.

Edit: If you have any intention of starting an argument regarding your team vs mine, my rebuttal is my dad is stronger than your dad. We can leave it at that.

Edited by NucksPatsFan
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So Manning had a torn rectus femoris.

I'll cut him some slack, but his record speaks for itself.

Happens in every sport. Once playoffs are over for a team, reports start coming out that this guy was playing with broken ribs for a month, this guy had a sprained ankle, etc. Though torn rectus femoris sounds incredibly painful. Still, his over throwing of the deep ball was judgement impairment, not mechanics. If anything, if the quad effected his deep ball, it should've made him under throw due to not being able to shift his weight.

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Torn quad vs torn calf?

What would be harder to play on?

Rodgers was still connecting on his throws with a torn calf but Manning was nowhere near with a torn quad.

I guess it would also depend on which leg it was too - Rodgers's calf injury is on the non-planting leg.

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John Fox just quit the Broncos. Will be huge for Peyton's future. All that money, those weapons, franchise went all in, all the pressure, and decides "f it" and walks away at the end of it. :lol:

...can't imagine Peyton would want to return for a final year under a new structure and have to adjust to that.

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And imagine what could've been when Peyton was a FA had he signed in SanFran. Harbaraugh was pushing for him but as it turned out Peyton went to the Mile High City. With how the 49ers defense was then and Peyton doing his thing, overall think he would've had a better shot at the title. San Fran was a top dog for a good stretch until this year. Rumours were he never signed there cause he didn't want to be in the same conference as his brother. Odd, but whatever. He still did a lot in Denver don't get me wrong but imagine what could've been in San Fran. A possible Peyton-Brady SB? That would take the rivalry to a whole nother level and maybe Kaepernick never becomes what he became & Harbaraugh is still running the team.

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And the thing with Peyton is it's good and bad. Good being if he comes back, he's still better than 98% of the QBs in the league. Bad is, you have to rely on him to take you all the way and not choke come playoffs. I mean, if he comes back no doubt Denver is 100x better than not having him but post-season is a huge concern and has many question marks. Will be interesting to see how things unfold. Fox leaving is just the first domino to fall.

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From what I can recall I believe the Titans were in the mix right until the end to land Manning. I was never a Manning fan when he was destroying us with the Colts, but I was getting excited at the possibility of him being a Titan.

Titans/Broncos/49ers were the favourites from what I can remember. Outside shots were Miami & the Seahawks who had interest as well and I might have missed another team or 2. Titans would be worst case scenario for him so I think for him it was good he never signed there.

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