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I can't stand this new product of WWE, I sometimes keep up with it if im really bored but I am never entertained. Also, batista is spot on the fans chant silly things its just not the same. Especially when they made Taker lose the streak at WM that was ridiculous, Anywho, what CM Punk said about the WWE will be twisted on the upcoming podcast by Vince Mchamon. I bet WWE knew that Punk is going to do a shoot podcast, so they hyped up stone cold and vinny mac podcast. You just know Austin will bring up Punk and Vince will tell a different side.

Edited by desiboynux4lifee*******
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I copy & pasted this transcript of CM Punks podcast interview from someone who posted this on another Message Board Forum and all I have to say is that if what CM Punk says is all true, then I don't blame him if he never comes back to the WWE:


Listened to it last night. Some people are gonna rip Punk as a whiner, but he has his points. It no secret that Vince has a record of using and abusing talent until they're wrecked, leaving them out behind the barn to die.

I'm sure a lot of what he is saying is true, but there is always the other side of the story. Sadly with WCW going under and WWE going public, wrestling will never be the same, and if you want to be in WWE, they will be able to use and abuse talent if they can get away with it.

Edited by Grapefruits
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Listened to it last night. Some people are gonna rip Punk as a whiner, but he has his points. It no secret that Vince has a record of using and abusing talent until they're wrecked, leaving them out behind the barn to die.

I'm sure a lot of what he is saying is true, but there is always the other side of the story. Sadly with WCW going under and WWE going public, wrestling will never be the same, and if you want to be in WWE, they will be able to use and abuse talent if they can get away with it.

Truth comes out after what Punk said. I tend to believe Punk over WWE/Vince/HHH. Some recent examples: Punk, Del Rio and Batista, who didn't get what he was promised. I'd also include what happened to Bret with Montreal Screwjob and the way they treated JR like complete ****. Punk echoed the same thing when he was working injured with Vince promising to make it up to him several times and never did once. When WCW folded yeah wrestling was never the same again without any true competing promotion. Since Punk finally decided to finally speak about what led to him leaving, I do wonder if WWE will take it out on AJ now by burying her and or embarrassing on TV. They've done so in the past. It's been very surprising they haven't done so to this point. I mean, you can't get much more classless then WWE did by firing him on his wedding day.

Edited by J529
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I can't stand this new product of WWE, I sometimes keep up with it if im really bored but I am never entertained. Also, batista is spot on the fans chant silly things its just not the same. Especially when they made Taker lose the streak at WM that was ridiculous, Anywho, what CM Punk said about the WWE will be twisted on the upcoming podcast by Vince Mchamon. I bet WWE knew that Punk is going to do a shoot podcast, so they hyped up stone cold and vinny mac podcast. You just know Austin will bring up Punk and Vince will tell a different side.

Austin will bring it up but i'd be surprised if Vince responded or talked about it at all.

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Punk talks about backstage issues with HHH.

Source: The Art of Wrestling Podcast

As you've heard by now, CM Punk dropped a two hour-long pipe bomb (although he hates the term) last night, talking about his departure from WWE on Colt Cobana's Art of Wrestling podcast. You can check out highlights from the podcast here, or click here to listen to it. Throughout the episode, Punk discussed his issues with Triple H.

Regarding his relationship with Triple H, Punk said that he never had good vibes around him. He'd always heard that Triple H didn't like him, but wasn't sure. He added it up because Triple H would always look at him sideways and was really indirect with him.

Punk noted that he was set for the 12 Rounds 2 movie, but asked Triple H if it would interfere with the upcoming European tour since he was the WWE Champion at the time. Hunter replied that he wasn't sure and gave Punk the run around. While he admitted that WWE movies were "lame as f--k," he thought it would be a good way to get his foot in the door if he decided to do more acting after retirement. Without even being notified of the change, Punk heard on the internet that Randy Orton was handed the role as the company needed its champion on the tour. Punk would later ask Hunter why he didn't call him to let him know about the change, but never got a good answer.

One of Punk's most public of complaints was his desire to main event WrestleMania 29. When he took this issue to Triple H and Vince McMahon, Triple H said, "you are in a main event with Undertaker." Punk then asked Triple H if he was being paid the same as the Rock, John Cena, Triple H or Brock Lesnar, and Triple H dismissed the question.

Punk said that when he was leaving the company after The Royal Rumble, he had a conversation with Vince McMahon, and said that Triple H needed to be in the room too. Punk ripped into Triple H for cutting off his momentum in 2011, and told Triple H that he shouldn't have been putting over a semi-retired wrestler during his hottest period. Punk and Cabana noted that Triple H essentially came out of retirement to beat Punk, and then went back into retirement shortly thereafter.

Also during that conversation, Punk was asked to take a drug test, shortly after undergoing a concussion test. When he complained about it, Triple H said Batista just underwent the same drug test. Not satisfied, Punk asked if Triple H underwent the same test, to which he didn't get an answer.

Punk later noted that he received a call from Triple H two days before he was getting married, who he hadn't spoken to since he left. Punk let the call go to voicemail and sent Triple H a text letting him know that he was getting married in two days, and that he would call him after the honeymoon. He also asked about his royalty check that he never received. Triple H never replied, and days later - on his wedding day - Punk received a letter informing him that he was fired and wouldn't be receiving royalties because he breached his contract.

The two-hour long podcast goes into great detail about his exit from the company, and he's slated to answer fan questions next week.

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Update on WWE Network in Canada

On Wednesday, the CRTC approved Rogers' application for the WWE Network to air in Canada, allowing it to be a non-Canadian produced Network that can be broadcast in that nation. Now that WWE's place is cemented, this will allow Rogers to go forward and begin making deals to bring the Network to other carriers North of the Border.

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HHH is said to be furious with CM Punk

Bryan Alvarez has news on the WWE backstage reaction on what CM Punk said on Colt Cabana’s podcast. Alvarez said that virtually everybody that listened to what Punk said thought it was awesome. Punk has fans and detractors in WWE. When Punk left there were some people that were happy because Punk was so unhappy towards the end of his run. Punk admitted on the podcast that he was tired of telling people to “F*ck off.” Alvarez noted that even people that were not fans of Punk were fans of a lot of the stuff that he talked about on the podcast. There are a lot of people in the company that are afraid to ask questions to management and those people were happy that it was laid out on the table on the podcast because a lot of what he said are things that people are afraid to say to management (issues with pay, etc).

Alvarez says that Vince McMahon is upset but not “fuming.” Alvarez said that it’s very unlikely that McMahon will talk about this in depth on Steve Austin’s podcast on the WWE Network. Of course, it’s all up to Vince so he could always change his mind.

Triple H is “furious” and wants to “kill Punk” according to a text that Alvarez received from someone in the company. Alvarez noted that Hunter and Stephanie McMahon have such a hatred of CM Punk. Colt Cabana s said to be on WWE’s “sh*tlist” and the company is extremely unhappy with Colt Cabana as of today. Most of the wrestlers are not tweeting about this so there may be a company directive given to them

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Highly doubt WWE doctors would let him wrestle with a concussion or even injured, after the whole Chris Benoit incident.

I mean, Punk could file a lawsuit, if that were the case.

Honestly, I've listened to every second of the Colt Cabana/CM Punk podcast, I've even sent in my own questions.

I don't believe WWE cares as much about it's superstars as they would like us to believe, and personally, I believe they have gone as far as they can as Wrestlers without a Union behind them. The next big boom will be when wrestlers gain fair ground with WWE. Until then, it will remain a watered down joke of a product controlled by Vince McMahon and Co. which is a god damn shame for so many people out there.

I do see hope in products like NXT, but beyond that...jesus christ does the wrestling world just look bad right now.

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He already did.

That was about his royalties nothing to do with health concerns.

Punk seems like one of those guys who would say something bad about something, just to boost his own ego.

Honestly, I've listened to every second of the Colt Cabana/CM Punk podcast, I've even sent in my own questions.

I don't believe WWE cares as much about it's superstars as they would like us to believe, and personally, I believe they have gone as far as they can as Wrestlers without a Union behind them. The next big boom will be when wrestlers gain fair ground with WWE. Until then, it will remain a watered down joke of a product controlled by Vince McMahon and Co. which is a god damn shame for so many people out there.

I do see hope in products like NXT, but beyond that...jesus christ does the wrestling world just look bad right now.

Really? Is that why we don't see high risk moves, blading, and chair shots to the head, anymore?

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That was about his royalties nothing to do with health concerns.

Punk seems like one of those guys who would say something bad about something, just to boost his own ego.

Really? Is that why we don't see high risk moves, blading, and chair shots to the head, anymore?

That makes up for clearing guys before they're ready? CM Punk was always back very soon after surgery.

We also don't know what he sued them for as he's not allowed to talk about it. During the podcast he said he lawyered up and won everything he asked for and then some but shared no details.

Also if he was making this up the WWE could sue him back for libel.

Edited by canuck73_3
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That makes up for clearing guys before they're ready? CM Punk was always back very soon after surgery.

We also don't know what he sued them for as he's not allowed to talk about it. During the podcast he said he lawyered up and won everything he asked for and then some but shared no details.

Also if he was making this up the WWE could sue him back for libel.

Vince gains nothing if he sues Punk, in matter of fact, it'll probably hurt his company more than anything.

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