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3 minutes ago, The Weasel said:





Man, that Rock segment was sweet. 


Had to rewind it, totally missed Savage.  Watching The Rock segment now, so far... GOLD!


2 minutes ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

they were moved to the opposite side of the hard camera lol

Well at least they weren't kicked out I guess.

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At the part now where The Rock is walking to the ring.  What I would love to see is Stone Colds truck screech up besides The Rock.  Austin walks to the gorilla position.  His music hits and he walks to the ring with The Rock looking confused.  Small stare down as Austin gets into the ring.  Austin calls for some beers, throws one to Rock.  They cheers and start drinking.  Stone Cold gives The Rock a Stunner.  Austin points at the WM sign and walks out...

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5 minutes ago, the last outlaw said:

Does Roman not have re-match? There was no mention of it at all.

Dunno, but they just gave this guy, who they spent the entire last month taking the title off of, an exclusive chance to get the title back, just because.

There's no consistency to this stuff.

The only logic I can use to explain that, is that they're scripting a Ambrose turn, but I won't give them the credit of assuming that.

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1 minute ago, g_bassi13 said:

Dunno, but they just gave this guy, who they spent the entire last month taking the title off of, an exclusive chance to get the title back, just because.

There's no consistency to this stuff.

The only logic I can use to explain that, is that they're scripting a Ambrose turn, but I won't give them the credit of assuming that.

Thought Jericho was going to turn heel when A.J. offered his hand after the match.

Actually, I think Jericho will cause Ambrose to lose at Fastlane leading to a feud and IC Title Match at WM. Ambrose eliminated Jericho in Rumble and lets not forget that Jericho teamed with Roman and Ambrose at NOC against Wyatts where Jericho tagged himself in and ended up losing the match. Y2J blew Ambrose off post-match.

Wyatts cost Lesnar at Fastline too setting up some kind of match at WM, leaving the door open for Roman to win

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Raw itself crossed the line between great and bad often. I think going back to back with AJ Styles vs. Jericho, and Banks vs. Lynch was possibly the best thing they could put on TV for me personally, lol. Liked the Goldust, R-Truth tease, and the Social Outcasts doing their thing. Randy Savage came back from the grave and got taken off TV until the Rock saved the day.

But the crowd was in and out for the show seemingly randomly. Popping and sitting on their hands for the same match. 

The authority segment was thankfully subdued, and didn't drone on too long enough, or contain an interruption. Like I said there, Reigns getting his chance thing was nonsensical and left unexplained (best for business? Really? Lol.)

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1 minute ago, the last outlaw said:

Thought Jericho was going to turn heel when A.J. offered his hand after the match.

Actually, I think Jericho will cause Ambrose to lose at Fastlane leading to a feud and IC Title Match at WM. Ambrose eliminated Jericho in Rumble and lets not forget that Jericho teamed with Roman and Ambrose at NOC against Wyatts where Jericho tagged himself in and ended up losing the match. Y2J blew Ambrose off post-match.

Wyatts cost Lesnar at Fastline too setting up some kind of match at WM, leaving the door open for Roman to win

Oh yeah, he's almost certainly winning, barring some swerve. I'm just saying the Authority has no reason to put him there.

I don't know that Ambrose will defend the IC title at Fastlane, with the main event match he will be in, but maybe he'll pull double duty, who knows.

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Had to look up AJ vs Jericho - I don't think I've been so disappointed to miss a Raw in a very very long time. AJ VS Jericho, Check. So many more matches that need to be seen before this is all over. Cena, Orton, Bryan, Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns, HHH, Owens, Zayn, Itami, Crews. Shawn Michaels VS AJ Styles would have been something special. Oh well, haha.

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18 minutes ago, Nail3738 said:

Had to look up AJ vs Jericho - I don't think I've been so disappointed to miss a Raw in a very very long time. AJ VS Jericho, Check. So many more matches that need to be seen before this is all over. Cena, Orton, Bryan, Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns, HHH, Owens, Zayn, Itami, Crews. Shawn Michaels VS AJ Styles would have been something special. Oh well, haha.

You shouldn't be too disappointed. Not that it was an awful Raw or anything, but it wasn't a particularly great one.

The match was worth it for what it was, like TS said. It was short, and it was smooth. It might be teasing something bigger, and the bizareness of seeing AJ Styles in a WWE ring, with a WWE camera hasn't worn off. It was part of a 45 minutes or so of Raw that was spot on, before the same old, same old kicked in.

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