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12 hours ago, g_bassi13 said:



Kalisto vs. Ryback


- I mean it was what it was. Nothing special to the match, but good for Kalisto at least. Happy he got something, even if they're making his run look unimportant, and are hampering it with a one dimensional Ryback feud.


Team Total Divas vs. Team BAD and Blonde


- Again, another throw away match. I wanted Team Blonde to win, but they weren't going to, and I wasn't going to get bothered by a match of this insignificance. Good on Eva Marie and Lana for actually going out there and wrestling well. No one did poorly, and the match rolled smoothly. Good for them all. Nothing at all to write home about, but it was there.


Usos vs. The Dudley Boyz


- This was probably the most ultimate of filler from this pre-show, and at the end of the day it was maybe the weakest match on the entire card. I really dislike the Usos, but they were probably the right choice here. 



Main Card


Intercontinental Ladder Match


- This was a great start to the show. Who could possibly have seen this one coming? Such a great moment for a man that the WWE had spent the last 5 years $&!#ting on because he managed to get himself over on his own time. He was far from my favourite choice, and maybe far from the most logical one too, but I think that's what made it work so well at the end of the day. A lot of smooth spots, and I think everyone involved at least looks okay, if not good coming out of it.


- Such a good start, but I shouldn't have been surprised that this ended up being the second highest point of the show, because this is the WWE after all, and shame on me for having expectations, lol.


AJ Styles vs. Y2J


- 2 points here. One, I think the match was pretty disappointing when it came to quality. It was totally a good match (better than most on this card still), but it seems like they didn't save a single thing for this 4th match, making everyone who complained about this match sounding redundant, being right. It seemed like a more aggressive grudge match, but it was still a total repeat. Could have done so much better.


- I'm a massive Y2J fan. He's my favourite of all time, and it's not even close. But even I was pissed off to see him win. I thought it was a swerve for the sake of a swerve, but as the whole show went on I realized it was really just the beginning of a bigger issue with it. The babyfaces were not going to be getting over tonight, especially not any of the popular ones who could possibly challenge Reigns. Also the issue of older wrestlers going over for no reason whatsoever. That was a massive issue too.


League of Nations vs. The New Day


- "Oh hey, I have an idea! Let's take the hottest act in the entire company, and have them job out against the guys we've had job out against everyone in the company. That'll be great!"


- It was a pretty great entrance for the New Day, so that started pretty hyped. The match itself was pretty average though. Nothing wrong about it, but it was standard Raw 6-man tag affair. Nothing to distinguish it. And to top it all off, they took the biggest thing going for the company, and had them job out to the guys that Roman Reigns has beat multiple times in a handicap match.


- And to top off giving the bad guys the win, they're going to have a bunch of legends who will never wrestle again, and have them make the victorious heels look like total goofs. I mean I at least reacted for Stone Cold, and seeing him stunner people was cool, but that why make a match like this about him? I remember people being optimistic about the New Day having a  "crowning moment" tonight, but they were placed at the bottom of a total pole with retired 50 year old wrestlers, and glorified jobbers. 


Lesnar vs. Ambrose


- Like AJ/Y2J, I think this was another match that struggled to live up to its hype or its potential. There were some decent spots, and certain aspects of it did look brutal. But this along with his Roadblock match have showcased how one dimensional Lesnar is starting to feel. The WWE loves branding and they're harping too hard on this "Suplex City" thing. It's ruining a lot of the excitement and variety he could bring to his brutality. This was way too tame for a street fight, by both parties.


- Of course Ambrose didn't win. I don't mean that in a sarcastic way. This one like the main event was easy to call from a mile away. People thought Ambrose could win at Fastlane, but they were only kidding themselves about what the WWE thinks they have with him. People thought Ambrose could win at Roadblock, but they were only kidding themselves about what the WWE thinks they have with him. People thought that he could win this non-title match no stakes match tonight, and I say "really, when Reigns could be the first guy to beat the guy who beat the streak later this summer? Be real, lol."


- And so it was that the tradition of letting all the babyfaces loses to try and create an environment where people have to cheer Roman because he's the only one to save us all continues. I think my biggest issue with this (and even the two matches above it), was that Ambrose wasn't even allowed to come out looking strong in any way after it. He fought for a short while, took an F5, and then took a nap. I mean the right thing to do would to have at least made him look like a fighter who wouldn't stay down, and kept coming at Lesnar despite getting more and more hurt, but no, That was a burial.


Charlotte vs. Sasha vs. Becky Lynch


- Highlight of the entire night. And it's not even close. I mean $&!#, my least favourite of all the three, and maybe the worst decision of the three, won, and all I could think was how good for her this was, I wanted Becky to win. I thought Sasha should win. But you know what, Charlotte deserves some love for the work she's been putting in to. Her heel run has helped give a lot of credibility to the division in a way that no one has in over a decade. So I'm not upset at all, and can appreciate this all before they all take turns at the title moving forward. They all deserve it.


- They got their new title. They all got the fanciest entrances of the night. They got fireworks and confetti before. They got fireworks afterwards. Good on the WWE here. They really followed through with making the women look like wrestlers for once, rather than a sideshow.


- Easily the best match of the night from a standpoint of technical wrestling, and storytelling. Stole the show so easily, but it's not like there was anything to steal. I mean the next most impressive thing was Zach Ryder winning a secondary title, so the competition was certainly lacking. But on its own, this was certainly a fantastic match.


- Oh, and look hey the heel won again. Go figure. At this point I couldn't stop making the "Don't worry guys, the WWE will have Roman save us" jokes, because they stopped being farcical, and became an obvious trend they were building towards, and the mentality they wanted/expected us to have. Dear lord.


Shane vs. Undertaker


- I think this is the one where the booking decision deflated me in the worst way. I mean it's obvious afterwards that Shane was only signed to do this one match, and that the promise of his storyline was just a distraction to build the match with before Undertaker just went over. But one of the few pieces of hope in the whole thing was that Shane actually took control of Raw and began fixing things. Obviously they had no intention of that from the beginning, but without it the match just falls flat from a storytelling perspective, because Shane was supposed to finally stop "the authority" who have been killing Raw both in a literal and storytelling standpoint over the last many years. But now we have Roman to continue railing against them instead. Oh, goody. 


- I loved that high spot from the cage. It will rightly become iconic. Good on Shane for agreeing to take such a spot, knowing full well it was only in the context of doing the job. I mean this guy came out of his retirement, for a company who he doesn't like or respect (it's why he left in the first place, and it's why it looks like he doesn't want to be sticking around going forward), jumped of the fricking hell in a cell for them, just to give his dad a spot to fill the card with when he got desperate. All in the name of taking a loss. Dude is a legend.


- Babyface lost. Again. Obviously. You haven't been paying attention if you thought otherwise was going to happen. Decent match of spots. Props to Shane for putting his body on the line to entertain us. But I'd take back that massive fall if it meant anyone was shaking up Raw instead moving forward. Just look at how they booked this PPV. Someone needs to save us. Now we know it's not Shane.


Andre the Giant Battle Royal


-  When Baron Corbin winning is one of the highlights of your show, you're probably doing the rest of it wrong. I mean I just finished watching a PPV on Friday where I was actively cheering against the guy more than anyone else on the card, so it's telling in its own way that I was just happy to see something with him instead of more of there crap. Like at least a young guy who needed it went over for once. With the way this whole PPV was going, I was worried that Kane or Mark Henry was just going to dump everyone over and stand tall.


- Remember during the match, my cousin was just like "Hey, is that Tatanka?" and I was thinking, is he making a racist joke against someone in the ring... before hey look, it's actually Tatanka, lol. Like he just walked in with the rest of the roster like he was just one of them. Didn't mind that at all.


- With the way the PPV was going, I was hoping to God that Big Show was not the last guy entering, because there was no person in the ring that could have used the win for momentum (outside of Corbin) so I was just waiting for another song.... and we get &^@#ing Shaq. I saw the name, and for a second I was just reeling through my head to think of any wrestlers with that name, before settling with the understanding that they're actually sending out the Shaq. Why? They love this celebrity nonsense a little too much. And did they really think him doing nothing with the Big Show for a minute was going to elicit a reaction? And they had him throw the biggest fan favourite over the ropes like he was nothing too. Like that was going to get him cheers. People love Sandow, Vince. Did they not here the pop he got for just entering the ring then? What part of that is lost on him? Moved from confused indifference to boos before he was mercifully eliminated.


The Rock and Cena vs. The Wyatts (or whatever you want to call that mess of a segment)


- Wyatt's weren't even on the God damn card, but still you manage to make them look like total incompetent idiots. Good job WWE. And here I thought you could do something like put them in the Battle Royal and give them a moment. Why have Bray show up on Raw and stroke the WWE title if you're just going to do this garbage to them at every PPV. People don't have the attention spans and memory of a goldfish. They remember that Wyatt has zero chance.


- So the Rock's whole purpose of showing up was supposed to be to just the WWE over, and trumpet their attendance record to give themselves a fireworks laced pat on the back? It was so incredibly stupid and time wasting that I totally bought it with the way this garbage Wrestlemania had been going. I was like, okay, at least he's gone, but you're going to really strain to make me give a crap when he shows up next time... and then things somehow got worse.


- I think Bray and The Rock were trading some decent promos, where The Rock was putting Bray over, and the crowd straight up told Vince and the people backstage that Bray has something and that they'd like to see him taken somewhere. So when The Rock challenged him, I thought he might actually get a chance to do something... And then it was Rowan standing in the ring. And at that point I was just waiting for Cena to come out so I could roll my eyes even harder that I was looking at the back of my skull. And they were buried.


- This was the worst thing about the whole PPV. This segment. These are guys who they want to present as strong, but can't, because they always take the job. Instead of giving them a moment on a big stage, they just bury them even further down the card. Why? For the Rock? For Cena? 


Reigns vs. HHH


-  The match of the night was here... Oh, I'm not talking about this joke of a main event. I'm talking about the fight the production crew was having with the live crowd and their mics, trying to edit out the boos. That $&!# was hilarious. Like you'd hear 100,000 audible boos fall deafly silent, presented as some sort of natural sound. The WWE vs. their fans is the best feud going on in the business today.


-  The match itself was drab, and the best they could do was just have Reigns hit the exact same moves he does every match. Not a single arm drag, or suplex, or punch, or any hold or strike of any kind that he hasn't already done so many times over. It was just a basic match going through the motions. The psychology and the emotion of it all was along the lines of Orton/HHH from Wreslemania 25, in that it wasn't present at all.


- Hilarious to see them break their strict policy against violence on women, in order to to get a cheap pop for Roman. Like it worked in that it helped mitigate the boos when he won, and got a few people on the TV side to clap when he won. But I mean as soon as the match ended, that aforementioned fight between the production crew and the audience went into full overdrive, and the boos eventually took over as the credits were being hit.


- Lol at the notion that he was going to go heel. It's like the whole Ambrose thing I was talking about earlier. Watching the show like anything could happen is fun, but it's about kidding yourself before they slap you across the face with the inevitable. And the inevitable was slapped on here, cold and wet as possible.









So what did we leave with? Status f'ing quo. Nothing has changed, and like that Shane loss really exemplified, nothing is going to change. 


Like if they pulled the right results, with only a swerve or two, it's something where people such as myself could try and ignore the main event to just enjoy the rest. But they cut off the nose to spite the face, and manipulated the rest of the event in such a negative way to try and mitigate and manipulate the reaction to their main event, and that's what bothered me the most. Not just one individual booking decision. But face after face losing so it could all be about Roman. Jeez.


I've had a night more to think it over now, and I still say it was an awful event. One of the worst PPV's I've seen in wrestling, and I've been through some bad TNA and WCW ones, without even mentioning the garbage that WWE sometimes put out there.


In terms of Wrestlemanias, it's the worst I've seen live, like I said in my first impression. It's not even a question. Makes Wrestlemanias 15 and 2000 look like Wrestlemania 17.


Of the ones I didn't watch right away, it was better than 2 and 9. But to say it's better than those clustrer&^@#s isn't saying anything positive at all. Bottom 3 of all time. As bad as a show can be, I've never seen one actively hate and try and spite me like this one did. That's what makes it unique. In the worst way. One of the best parts was a Snickers commercial.


Just watching Takeover on Friday, you can see the night and day in the difference of quality between that production and this. Like the purest of night and day.


At least the Raw after Wrestlemania is always fun regardless of how mediocre, or in this case awful, Wrestlemania itself is. Try and manipulate the crowd mics on this one.

Did you watch it with your pen and notepad for 5 hours analyzing?  Like the way you and others try to analyze like a film critic is stupid.  Watch and enjoy it for what it is, like everyone use to do before the internet.  What is the point of wrestling if you want everything to go how you want beforehand and it goes just like that?  That will make it better and entertaining?


If you found that Wrestlemania to be one of the worsts, I really don't think you will ever be happy with WWE.  You might as well stop wasting your time.  I can honestly say I was fully entertained for almost all 5 hours and enjoyed it.  For me it was one of the best I have ever seen.  I really don't understood what more people like you want and expect.


But then again maybe I'm just easily entertained and you're clearly not.

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1 minute ago, JV77 said:

Did you watch it with your pen and notepad for 5 hours analyzing?  Like the way you and others try to analyze like a film critic is stupid.  Watch and enjoy it for what it is, like everyone use to do before the internet.  What is the point of wrestling if you want everything to go how you want beforehand and it goes just like that?  That will make it better and entertaining?


If you found that Wrestlemania to be one of the worsts, I really don't think you will ever be happy with WWE.  You might as well stop wasting your time.  I can honestly say I was fully entertained for almost all 5 hours and enjoyed it.  For me it was one of the best I have ever seen.  I really don't understood what more people like you want and expect.


But then again maybe I'm just easily entertained and you're clearly not.

Thanks for telling me how to enjoy the show, and calling me stupid.


Much appreciated.

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4 minutes ago, g_bassi13 said:

Thanks for telling me how to enjoy the show, and calling me stupid.


Much appreciated.

Never called you stupid, I clearly said the way you analyze it is stupid.  And I surely can't tell you how to enjoy to show, because I really don't know how to, or think you ever will.


The other poster Chris couldn't even be entertained and enjoy Shane McMahon falling off the cell over 20 feet!  He said it was "forced" and already been done before.  Lol don't think there is much else to say...



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42 minutes ago, JV77 said:

Never called you stupid, I clearly said the way you analyze it is stupid.  And I surely can't tell you how to enjoy to show, because I really don't know how to, or think you ever will.


The other poster Chris couldn't even be entertained and enjoy Shane McMahon falling off the cell over 20 feet!  He said it was "forced" and already been done before.  Lol don't think there is much else to say...




I wish you understood exactly how far Professional Wrestling has fallen, how limited the performers in WWE are compared to what they once were, and why we sit here and complain week after week; sit on your high horse and keep judging; I'm not going to stop watching because of some uneducated casual wrestling fan tells me too, I will keep watching, and keep complaining until they produce an in-ring product that is worthy of purchasing and supporting. Until then; NXT will continue getting my praise. - You want to see a good show, go watch NXT Takeover Dallas, and go watch Sami Zayn VS Shinsuke Nakamura


Raw was alright tonight. :P


If you've got a problem with it, Well, I don't really give a damn if you do or not, Agree to disagree, or don't. Whatever. lol

Edited by Chris
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4 minutes ago, JV77 said:

Never called you stupid, I clearly said the way you analyze it is stupid.  And I surely can't tell you how to enjoy to show, because I really don't know how to, or think you ever will.


The other poster Chris couldn't even be entertained and enjoy Shane McMahon falling off the cell over 20 feet!  He said it was "forced" and already been done before.  Lol don't think there is much else to say...



What makes you think I don't enjoy wrestling? Just because I hated this Wrestlemania?


I'll turn on TNA Impact and enjoy it just fine tomorrow. Same with Ring of Honor later in the week. Hell, I enjoyed the RAW tonight a lot, if we're talking main roster WWE. Elaborating on that, The Takeover Dallas show on Friday was top notch. They knocked it out of the park.


Why did I $&!# on Wrestlemania? Because they did most things wrong. I'm just calling them out where I think they failed.


I don't know that you follow the kinds of posts on CDC, but I use a lot of words to explain my feelings towards most things. Especially if it calls for a summary.


I critically analyse most things, be it the movies I watch, the music I listen to, the games I play, etc. I don't see why Wrestling needs to be an exception, other than that it's a simplistic form of entertainment. But it carries its own nuances. There's no right or wrong way to watch it, but I have my own ideas as two what makes a good show, and what makes good wrestling. And when you're talking about the biggest show of the year, I don't see why it hurts to elaborate on why I thought it passed and failed, and where. That's what these discussion boards are for.


I just happened the think Wrestlemania was complete garbage. It sounds jaded and cynical because I watched what I felt was one of the worst Wrestlemanias I've seen. It was a bad build. The matches were largely average. And the implications of each win/loss were worse. It's just like any story, or TV show. And by my estimations they're in a rough spot of it at the moment.


I don't know what gives you the image of some bitter guy sitting in front of a TV by himself. I watched it with my cousins.  We got together to be entertained, but we weren't. I mean we weren't optimistic, but it had every chance to change our minds. And it didn't work for any of us, more casual or hardcore fans alike. $&!#ting on it was its own kind of amusement after a while, but that doesn't meant that the show was doing its job, lol.


I hated Wrestlemania, but I don't hate wrestling. Nor do my relatives. Nor does the other guy Chris that you were quoting. Awesome that you enjoyed the show, but you don't need to bash people for carrying whatever reservations they have. I think Shane falling off the Cell was an awesome spot in and of itself, but I'm not going to harp on him for not feeling the same way about it. Discuss it, but don't dismiss someone in such a manner.

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10 minutes ago, Chris said:


I wish you understood exactly how far Professional Wrestling has fallen, how limited the performers in WWE are compared to what they once were, and why we sit here and complain week after week; sit on your high horse and keep judging; I'm not going to stop watching because of some uneducated casual wrestling fan tells me too, I will keep watching, and keep complaining until they produce an in-ring product that is worthy of purchasing and supporting. Until then; NXT will continue getting my praise. - You want to see a good show, go watch NXT Takeover Dallas, and go watch Sami Zayn VS Shinsuke Nakamura


Raw was alright tonight. :P


If you've got a problem with it, Well, I don't really give a damn if you do or not, Agree to disagree, or don't. Whatever. lol

I agree, but calling him an uneducated fan is not fair.

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Just now, g_bassi13 said:

I agree, but calling him an uneducated fan is not fair.

I agree, cheapshot;


Sorry JV77; Uncalled for. :P


You were alot more eloquent about things, lol; - I used to like TNA, way back when, most of the guys I liked have moved now; now, its NJPW/ROH/LU/AAA/Indies that I can find for me.


As for Shane's spot, I didn't "hate" it I just thought it seriously cheapened the original spot with Undertaker and Mankind 98', plus, having seen literally every Shane Mcmahon match; I knew as soon as they said Hell in a Cell that he would be jumping off, they even tried to hype it up with alot of the Network previews for Shane-O! - All of his insane bumps! :P 

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I hate Roman Reigns he's so annoying I know they want us to think he's this great savior but he's really just a greasy Heel. I totally understand why TS keeps saying Reigns is shoved down our throats. I really hope Styles beats him that title match even though I know he won't :(

I just started watching wrestling about 2 months ago and I am starting to have favorites. I really like Dean Ambrose because he's just nuts and very charismatic. I like how he doesn't give up.

I LOVE the 'bromance' between AJ styles and Y2J. I love how Jerico goes all crazy when the fans start cheering for Styles. It's very amusing. I actually think they are secretly in love with each other <3.

I LOVE the NEW day! I want to legit buy Booty-oh's. They are so entertaining. 

I also hate the Uso's they are so overexposed and lack charisma. 

I don't mind Sasha though I love Becky got some style and I like her spunk. Charlotte and her lame father can just go away.

Ts was telling me about this Bayley chick she sounds interesting. He was saying she has a back story with Sasha, Becky and the she-demon (charlotte).

Sorry about the long post TS told me about this thread and I thought it would be cool to come in here and learn more about wrestling. Ts also says you all are super cool ;)

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41 minutes ago, Chris said:

I agree, cheapshot;


Sorry JV77; Uncalled for. :P


You were alot more eloquent about things, lol; - I used to like TNA, way back when, most of the guys I liked have moved now; now, its NJPW/ROH/LU/AAA/Indies that I can find for me.


As for Shane's spot, I didn't "hate" it I just thought it seriously cheapened the original spot with Undertaker and Mankind 98', plus, having seen literally every Shane Mcmahon match; I knew as soon as they said Hell in a Cell that he would be jumping off, they even tried to hype it up with alot of the Network previews for Shane-O! - All of his insane bumps! :P 

We all knew he was gonna jump off it, but man a stunt like that hasn't happened in a very, very long time.  I knew he would do it, but still questioned would they take a chance in 2016 in pulling a stunt.  As he climbed the cell and saw him standing at the top, I was literally scared for the guy and just hoped it went well, especially with his wife and kids sitting front row.


That was big enough to leave me in awe, even knowing it would happen.  Like for me, he could do it every ppv and it would still be huge and I would never even come close to think it seriously "cheapens" the original spot in 98.  I think we just look at things a whole lot differently.



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4 minutes ago, AppleJack said:

I hate Roman Reigns he's so annoying I know they want us to think he's this great savior but he's really just a greasy Heel. I totally understand why TS keeps saying Reigns is shoved down our throats. I really hope Styles beats him that title match even though I know he won't :(

I just started watching wrestling about 2 months ago and I am starting to have favorites. I really like Dean Ambrose because he's just nuts and very charismatic. I like how he doesn't give up.

I LOVE the 'bromance' between AJ styles and Y2J. I love how Jerico goes all crazy when the fans start cheering for Styles. It's very amusing. I actually think there secretly in love with each other <3.

I LOVE the NEW day! I want to legit buy Booty-oh's. They are so entertaining. 

I also hate the Uso's they are so overexposed and lack charisma. 

I don't mind Sasha though I love Becky (she's) got some style and I like her spunk. Charlotte and lame father can just go away.

Ts was telling me about this Baylie chick she sounds interesting. He was saying she has a back story with Sasha, Becky and the she-demon (charlotte).

Sorry about the long post TS told me about it and I thought it would be cool to come in here and learn more about wrestling. Ts also says your super cool ;)

Welcome to the club!  For perspective I'm 24 and was literally born watching wrestling.  I have baby pictures with WWE on the TV in the background with all my family and cousins watching lol

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2 minutes ago, JV77 said:

We all knew he was gonna jump off it, but man a stunt like that hasn't happened in a very, very long time.  I knew he would do it, but still questioned would they take a chance in 2016 in pulling a stunt.  As he climbed the cell and saw him standing at the top, I was literally scared the guy and just hoped it went well, especially with his wife and kids sitting front row.


That was big enough to leave me in awe, even knowing it would happen.  Like for me, he could do it every ppv and it would still be huge and I would never even come close to think it seriously "cheapens" the original spot in 98.  I think we just look at things a whole lot differently.



i think everyone was in awe, even know they knew he was going for that spot, but that doesn't take away from the risk that he took, crash pad or not. i wouldn't jump from 20 feet down because you could be an inch off and land right on the guard railing or flat on the floor. all it takes is an inch from a serious injury

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1 minute ago, JV77 said:

Welcome to the club!  For perspective I'm 24 and was literally born watching wrestling.  I have baby pictures with WWE on the TV in the background with all my family and cousins watching lol

I watched wrestling with my dad as a kid but I wasn't super into it. I recognized wrestlers back then but I didn't have favorites or anything.
I have a feeling I am going to really get into it this time.
I even PVR the Walking Dead on Sunday (which is my show) so I could watch Wrestlemania. The hell in a cell match was entertaining and all but it was kind of disappointing since I wanted the undertaker to lose.

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2 hours ago, JV77 said:

Did you watch it with your pen and notepad for 5 hours analyzing?  Like the way you and others try to analyze like a film critic is stupid.  Watch and enjoy it for what it is, like everyone use to do before the internet.  What is the point of wrestling if you want everything to go how you want beforehand and it goes just like that?  That will make it better and entertaining?


If you found that Wrestlemania to be one of the worsts, I really don't think you will ever be happy with WWE.  You might as well stop wasting your time.  I can honestly say I was fully entertained for almost all 5 hours and enjoyed it.  For me it was one of the best I have ever seen.  I really don't understood what more people like you want and expect.


But then again maybe I'm just easily entertained and you're clearly not.


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Pretty disappointing Post-Raw WM. Usually, there is some surprises with debuts or returns of at least a big name or two. Cena didn't even return. I read something about him not may actually not be cleared to wrestle a match, which might not happen until mid-May or June, which would be closed to his return date of June. 


Apollo Crews. Maybe it's just me but this guy totally reminds me of Bobby Lashley.


Is Maryse back or was that just a one-off appearance? Poor Zach. We all know he was nothing but a transitional IC Champion.

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Maryse returning to WWE was to do with Total Divas.



Mandy Rose, Rosa Mendes and Alicia Fox will not be returning to the main cast for the upcoming season of WWE Total Divas. Naomi, who was removed as a regular on the show, will be returning to the main cast. Lana and Renee Young have also been added as newcomers, as well as Maryse. This is the reason Maryse made a return to the company.



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2 hours ago, the last outlaw said:

Pretty disappointing Post-Raw WM. Usually, there is some surprises with debuts or returns of at least a big name or two. Cena didn't even return. I read something about him not may actually not be cleared to wrestle a match, which might not happen until mid-May or June, which would be closed to his return date of June. 


Apollo Crews. Maybe it's just me but this guy totally reminds me of Bobby Lashley.


Is Maryse back or was that just a one-off appearance? Poor Zach. We all know he was nothing but a transitional IC Champion.

He's nothing like Bobby Lashley. Not at all. Fun wrestler but he needs to work on so many things. Athletic, highflying, and strong AF though. The kind of guy who couldn't be a heel.


Character and mic skills are nearly non existent though. Don't quite know why he's called up before it feels like he's even developed. But good for him.

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