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The Newer Newer Official WWE/TNA thread.


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I only have basic cable in my room, so I have found myself watching WWE again a bit. It is weird after not watching it for years. I find the guy I enjoy the most is JBL he's always saying ridiculous stuff and jumping all over the place with his opinions trying to oppose people. Justifying anything a heel character does. I just find it really comical.

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These Japanese guys never last, because of the language barrier. They can't get over with the fans, because most of them can't speak english. I don't care how good of a wrestler you are, you need to have some sort of connection with the crowd.

He could start off as a heel, like many past Japanese wrestlers or have a manager, but you can only do so little, until his character becomes stale.

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considering KENTA's probably a top 5 worker in WWE if he chose to go there I think he'd succeed as long as they didn't pattern him after Yoshi Tatsu

AJ Styles is the new IWGP World Heavyweight Champion

They would give him a joke of a character. I wouldn't be surprised if they had him come out in a Yoshi costume (from super mario), just look what Sandow was given. :lol:

These Japanese guys never last, because of the language barrier. They can't get over with the fans, because most of them can't speak english. I don't care how good of a wrestler you are, you need to have some sort of connection with the crowd.

He could start off as a heel, like many past Japanese wrestlers or have a manager, but you can only do so little, until his character becomes stale.

Sanada seems to be doing fine in TNA. If they had his character be a wrestler, and just be someone who consistently out wrestles his opponents in the ring it could work IMO. And with his talent it would be entertaining to watch his matches. But in the WWE there are no wrestlers so I really doubt it would work.

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Anyone excited for Extreme Rules? I'm not that excited aside from the Shield/Evolution match which should be good, but here are my predictions:

Cena vs Wyatt, Steel Cage Match:

Obviously Cena will win, if not Wyatt will win in an unclean fashion.

Bryan vs Kane, Exteme Rules Match, WWE-WHC title:

Bryan will win, the match probably won't be anything great. I wish they had a better opponent for Bryan.

The Shield vs Evolution:

I think the Shield wins this, should be a good match.

Big E vs Barrett, IC title:

I think Barrett wins. He's been getting a push, & they've put Big E on the back burner.

RVD vs Cesaro vs Swagger:

Cesaro. though I wouldn't be surprised if they put him on the back burner going forward & have someone else win.

Paige vs Tamina:

Paige. I can't see them taking the title off her anytime soon.

Rusev vs Woods & R-Truth:

Rusev, who cares, this shouldn't be on a PPV.

Then the pre-show match isn't even worth the time to guess a winner. They should have Ziggler & Sandow wrestle instead of that Hornswoggle/Torito crap.

Interesting that the PPV is called Exteme Rules yet there are only 2 stipulation matches.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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I haven't followed the WWE too closely I'll admit, and ever since Punk left I went from a weekly raw watcher to a once a month watcher.

I was intrugued by the whole Shield Evolution thing however though, so I watched/am watching the PPV today, and holy crap what a match that was. Reigns looks like he'll be a mega heel/face depending on his mic skills, but Ambrose and Rollins can more than carry a match themselves too.

But geez Cena :mellow:

Im 21 now and admitedly didn't watch wrestling when I was 6/7. But man as a kid I remember how friggin cool I thought Cena was when he was in rivalries with Kurt angle, and that best of 5 series vs Booker T.

I remember legitamately feeling angry when Teddy long announced that he was "stabbed at a night club" By Carlito's body guard. Jesus I think?

I was actually pumped watching him in that streetfight against Jesus, and it was an absolute snooze mega squash. But I was just so emotionally invested in him. Its sad to see what they've done to his character, but saying that, he can still cut a mean promo reagardless of what you think.

Im not buying this whole Daniel Bryan thing, but again, this coming from a young 20 year old male who hasn't watched religiously the past 6 months. I'm not their target audience, but even talking to my girfriends little brother, he's more into Roman Reigns than Daniel Bryan.


And this is why, unfortunately the long hair, muscular good looking wrestler will automatically be given an advantage over others.

This is why boobs > Talent in the diva's division. But hey, sex sells, and rightfully so.

Edited by Spotted Zebra
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