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Kane is such a high-card jobber. I've very rarely seen him win any big matches against the best of WWE. Basically all he does is push people over again and AGAIN and AGAIN. It's so annoying because he is such a huge fan favorite when they give him the right gimmick and he should be far stronger. Of course WWE is pathetic now, but I still wish they would give Kane what he deserves

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the thing with kane is, he's reached a jericho status where he doesn't have to win any more big matches. they're at the stage of their careers where they're just around to help talent out. when kane retires i can see him being an agent of some sorts or just leaving all together. he has his own outside stuff, i think

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Did anyone notice Eva Marie after she shockingly pinned AJ thanks to Paige's distraction that she got out of the ring and was posing and taunting about her victory. Paige reads AJ a poem which then led to AJ getting out of the ring attacking Eva. It was only a couple minutes later and suddenly when camera pans back to Eva Marie laying down and hurt. Prior to that Eva was completely fine after the match. Eva Marie is such a terrible actor.

Edited by J529
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WWE Network in Canada is rip off. It turns out Network on Rogers will be running the "Best of Network" 24/7 and not the on-demand content. Still get the 12 PPV's however.

11.99 isn't bad for the ppv's if you think about it. like netflix, our wwe network is more stripped down compared to the US. for now, i think you have to be a rogers subscriber to get the network. all other networks have to go through rogers

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11.99 isn't bad for the ppv's if you think about it. like netflix, our wwe network is more stripped down compared to the US. for now, i think you have to be a rogers subscriber to get the network. all other networks have to go through rogers

Someone posted on wrestling forum to contact Bell and you will get a live response or send an email expressing your frustration and anger. The poster talked to someone from Bell, who said they have been getting alot of calls/emails from angry wrestling about Network and they're looking into it.

Edited by J529
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Did Cena actually call Lesnar a punk b*tch? LOL

This dude wouldn't last 30 seconds with Brock in an octagon & he's calling him a punk b*tch. Wow that is ridiculous.

And also, how does Lesnar have an idiotic view of the business??

Actually what Cena said was "Lesnar may have come down with diverticulitis, hepatitis, or punk-b*tch-itis"

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a pathetic attempt to get people on his side.

Actually what Cena said was "Lesnar may have come down with diverticulitis, hepatitis, or punk-b*tch-itis"

Either way its ridiculous. Just the suggestion is ridiculous, even in a kayfabe sense. And John Cena talking about "how he left to fight once in awhile" is dumb too, does this moron not realize how hard UFC fighters train for those fights. The guy has just been absolutely horrible in this buildup to the match.

I heard that Hogan birthday thing was good, so I just went back and watched it, and I caught the Lesnar/Cena video package just before it, and Lesnar was awesome, then him coming out & saying "Party's over grandpa" to Hogan was great too.

Then of course Cena had to come out, but hey it was really entertaining up until that point.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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Cena beats Lesnar.

It becomes official--he is the greatest champion in WWE history and the most dangerous superstar of all time.

Next Raw begins with a promo that fades from people chanting YES! for Daniel Bryan to people cheering for John Cena. This symbolizes he is not just a yes-man for the authority (lol) but a rebel like Bryan. They show clips of old people beginning to cheer for Cena to show he is over with everyone. Vince McMahon has an orgasm. Cena comes out to boos.

Roman Reigns licks and you guys are going to hate him just as much as Cena--maybe even more. He is going to be another Ultimate Warrior. A failed face of the company.

I'll be cheering for Boreton at Summerslam.

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I think that was the first time Scott Hall did "Survey Time" in about 15 years. Though he didn't get the same response as he did in the WCW days, at least some people in the audience still knew the routine. Plus all Scott Hall has to do on the mic for me to be satisfied is a "Hey Yo"! Nice to see him pop in every now and then for us to see that he's doing better.

Also, what the hell is up with Orndorff's moustache? Epic.

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Flair snubbed Hogan on Raw during Hogan's birthday celebration. Rumor is something happened backstage between several of the Legends prior to the segment. No further details are known.

Edited by J529
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HHH and Vince are butt heads over Paige and AJ Lee

While Paul Levesque, famously known as Triple H, may be gaining in influence and gearing up to take over WWE from father-in-law Vince McMahon one day, the passing of the torch has yet to officially happen.

McMahon is still "in charge," as it were, even if you would assume his influence is decreasing as Triple H takes over. This odd power-sharing situation is causing increasing confusion, with certain wrestlers being pushed, then falling down the card suddenly. Some of these frustrating 'Start-and-Stop' pushes can be attributed to Triple H and Vince's differing views on wrestlers.

Dave Meltzer mentioned in his subscribers-only Wrestling Observer Newsletter back in May that many people in WWE aren't sure who is supposed to have the final word: "It's been noted to us what an impossible position Paul Levesque has been put in when it comes to talent relations, because Vince McMahon is still the guy making all the final calls, and he changes his mind frequently. It's become a big frustration of talent that they are told a certain direction by Levesque, and then Levesque is put in the position of having to get with the talent again and explain that what he told them before isn't happening."

Of WWE talent Triple H and Vince don't see eye-to-eye on, two names that come to mind are Paige and AJ Lee. It is said that Triple H "infinitely" prefers Paige to AJ, whereas Vince likes AJ much more than Paige.

Triple H adores Paige, so much so that he willing to get her over at all costs, even at the expense of AJ. The 21-year-old is a product of the WWE Performance Center, which many call Triple H's "baby." His reputation as an executive is riding on the line with the success of WWE's developmental program and the last thing he would want is for "his" guys and girls to flop. Fortunately, after some rough patches, Paige appears to be coming into her own as the star she was projected to be when the company first signed her.

Vince, on the otherhand, doesn't "get" Paige and isn't a fan of her alternative look. In only her second week on Raw, JBL made fun of pale skin, and it can only be assumed that the remark was directed by Vince via headset. Why WWE, or Vince if you will, feel the need to bury their own talent, I have no idea.

Another likely reason for Vince not digging Paige too much is her accent, which is quite thick. It is said that WWE's lead producer, Kevin Dunn, HATES accents. This is a big reason why he's not in favor of certain wrestlers, which includes Adam Rose, Justin Gabriel and Sheamus. And when Dunn doesn't like certain wrestlers, he gets in Vince's ear and buries them.

It was also reported recently that of other WWE Superstars Triple H and Vince don't see eye-to-eye on, Adam Rose is a "Triple H Guy" whereas Vince isn't a fan. It's the same thing, but to a lesser extent, with Cesaro.

Although Rose remains undefeated, his push has been irregular thus far. He'll appear on WWE's top-line shows one week, and relegated to WWE Superstars or dark match duty the next. Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer reported recently that Vince's right-hand man, Kevin Dunn buried Rose, which could affect how Vince sees him. Figure Four Weekly editor Bryan Alvarez reported recently that Dunn hates accents, which could explain why he dislikes the South African native.

Cesaro has been subject to those 'Start-and-Stop' pushes as much as anyone. He'll be put over as a big deal one week and portrayed as a non-entity the next. This is in large part due to Vince just not being too into him. Meltzer reported last year that he finds the Swiss grappler to be "boring." This is why his spot on the card fell following a lengthy United States Championship reign.

With WWE stars, Vince's standpoint often comes down to whether he make money off of him or at least fall in line with his preferences. If a wrestler doesn't fit either bill, he or she won't truly be accepted by him.

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Cena beats Lesnar.

It becomes official--he is the greatest champion in WWE history and the most dangerous superstar of all time.

Next Raw begins with a promo that fades from people chanting YES! for Daniel Bryan to people cheering for John Cena. This symbolizes he is not just a yes-man for the authority (lol) but a rebel like Bryan. They show clips of old people beginning to cheer for Cena to show he is over with everyone. Vince McMahon has an orgasm. Cena comes out to boos.

Roman Reigns licks and you guys are going to hate him just as much as Cena--maybe even more. He is going to be another Ultimate Warrior. A failed face of the company.

I'll be cheering for Boreton at Summerslam.

Cena retains against Lesnar but drops the title to Rollins who cashes in. Cena is beat up after a grueling, physical and bloody match. Possible too Lesnar goes irate after he loses and post-match attacks Cena. HHH could join in on the attack too since he "guranteed" Cena wouldn't leave SummerSlam as Champion.

This very well could happen just like last year when Bryan defeated Cena to become WWE Champion and Orton cashed in after HHH turned on Bryan.

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To commemorate Jericho's 15 years, in the WWE.

New sig.

getting better but i think a 400x200 would look work better

in the highlights you could even have him over the years from 1999-2014. the fim strip doesn't have to be diagonally, but straight across

Edited by Twilight Sparkle
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getting better but i think a 400x200 would look work better

in the highlights you could even have him over the years from 1999-2014. the fim strip doesn't have to be diagonally, but straight across

Didn't look "right" straight across, imo and I couldn't find any good pictures from his old days. It looked blurry when I re-shrink them. (Although, I'm sure I could have fiddled around with the sharpen tool, but you know me, I'm a goddamn impatient man.)

Also, 400x200 was too small to fit the film vector. The highlights would have been really small to see.

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Didn't look "right" straight across, imo and I couldn't find any good pictures from his old days. It looked blurry when I re-shrink them. (Although, I'm sure I could have fiddled around with the sharpen tool, but you know me, I'm a goddamn impatient man.)

Also, 400x200 was too small to fit the film vector. The highlights would have been really small to see.

you could totally work with the film vector at 400x200


even somethign small like that you could fit in the film strip. be more patient D:

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