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Tommy Dreamer on why Abyss never signed with WWE.

The reason I read that he didn't go to WWE is that he wanted to remain loyal to TNA. Sounds like BS reason Dreamer is claiming why he didn't sign.

abyss is a jabroni when you compare him to the undertaker. taker is the definition of respect in the business. i can see why abyss didn't sign

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They are never fighting.

And the training for the UFC fights are very difficult, and very rigorous. Yeah they only fight a handful of times a year but there is intense 6 week training camps leading up to the fight that are more difficult than anything WWE superstars go through. Plus since they are actually fighting, they also need more time for there bodies to heel.

I don't really get how you have this guy in Brock Lesnar, who beat the streak, was in the UFC, is an actual fighter, is by far the most legit guy in the company (this has all been incorporated into the storyline btw, so its part of the TV show) and then you have Cena calling him a punk bitch, it just makes no sense in the storyline, and aswell its hilarious because he is the antithesis of that.

It makes perfect sense to the story line because in the story line the WWE wrestlers are wrestling 5-10 times a year. Cena is what like a 13 time world champion? If wrestling were real then I would consider that more prestigious than a UFC title.

I really think you are just complaining for the sake of complaining.

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Depends on when he was let go.. If he was let go.. Remember.. Smackdown is filmed on a Tuesday.. So he could have been let go anytime between wednesday and now.. But who knows.. havent watched smackdown in a few weeks.

That's the thing, Alberto Del Rio was fired last week before Saturday. He was scheduled to be in Abbotsford but was fired before the event. Also the main event was Miz vs Reigns, I have no idea why Del Rio vs Reigns was shown.

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It makes perfect sense to the story line because in the story line the WWE wrestlers are wrestling 5-10 times a year. Cena is what like a 13 time world champion? If wrestling were real then I would consider that more prestigious than a UFC title.

I really think you are just complaining for the sake of complaining.

Yeah perhaps, I really hate watching John Cena.

I think since they have made the UFC thing part of the storyline however, and they have made it a big deal, they can't act like it doesn't exist, act like it isn't as difficult as the WWE whenever it is convenient for John Cena to use that angle a pandering promo.

That's my issue with it, its like they are only incorporating the UFC thing when they want, in the way they want, which as someone who understands what the real life situation with UFC fighters is, makes no sense.

Its like when Cena says that type of stuff my reaction isn't that "wow wrestling is so much harder, ya Brock doesn't work hard" its "this guy doesn't even know how hard the UFC really is".

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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They really have to give Lesnar the title tommorrow/.

If they do, I would have Lesnar keep the title until Mania.

Then you have D-Bry (if he is healthy in time) win the rumble, to setup a Brock/Bryan match at Mania, that would be epic, especially if you have Brock win the title now & hold onto it until Mania, cause by the time Mania rolls around he would be built up as a great champion and an unbeatable force.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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Roman Reigns moveset is way better than Cena's, he's no Dean Malenko in there by anymeans but atleast his moves are exciting, not crappy shoulder tackles & a 5 knuckle shuffle. I definitely agree that Reigns needs to add more filler moves, but his signatures moves are very exciting, they get the crowd going, and they get the job done, Cena's moves don't.

Then you think about ring physcology and ability to sell, and Reigns is miles ahead in both areas.

I haven't watched RAW in a few months outside of looking up the odd thing here or there, and I know Reigns is crap on the mic which takes away from his badass factor a bit, but he's still a badass, especially in comparison to Cena.

He's way better, like I said about the seriousness, he is serious in everything he does, Cena smirks, no sells, doesn't build matches/feuds, and its one of the things I absolutely hate the most about him its so annoying. Reigns doesn't do that.


As far as mic work, I still take Reigns because he will get better, he's horrific on the mic now, but I take him over Cena because every Cena promo is about kissing ass & talking about his relationship with the fans and its annoying. Reigns is bad (even cringeworthy at times) but Cena is annoying and irritating, so I'll take bad over annoying.

Reigns is still a work in progress & he's already better than Cena, Reigns will never be anything outstanding, but I enjoy his intensity in the ring (everything else sucks I agree), hopefully he can improve from here & replace Cena, that would be great.

Ambrose I agree is way better than both even though I'm not really a fan of his.

The excitement of his move set is wearing off, because it's so limited. There was a time in the early 2000's when John Cena's 5 knuckle shuffle was pretty exciting and adored by the IWC.

I feel the badass/limited-but-fresh move set novelty is wearing off slower for you because you don't watch Raw often or want Cena dethroned by any means necessary.

But Reigns singlehandedly made Rybaxel look like children. You need to watch that match. Superreigns is not so far off from Supercena, and I don't want to live through any more of that bullcrap.

It sounds like you hate Cena's gimmick more than his mic skills. He's much better on the mic than Reigns, but his character is terrible. I suggest you rewatch some of his promos from his Dr. of Thuganomics days.

The hope isn't for Reigns to replace Cena. The hope is that HHH takes the company in a new direction once Vince retires, and we don't need a Hogan/Cena/Ultimate Warrior (failed transition from Hogan)/Reigns (hopefully another failed transition).

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They really have to give Lesnar the title tommorrow/.

If they do, I would have Lesnar keep the title until Mania.

Then you have D-Bry (if he is healthy in time) win the rumble, to setup a Brock/Bryan match at Mania, that would be epic, especially if you have Brock win the title now & hold onto it until Mania, cause by the time Mania rolls around he would be built up as a great champion and an unbeatable force.

I think Reigns is going to win the Royal Rumble, and Cena is going to win the title back from Lesnar that same night.

It will be Cena vs Reigns at 31 to establish Roman as the new face of the company. Just like Hogan vs Warrior at 6.

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The excitement of his move set is wearing off, because it's so limited. There was a time in the early 2000's when John Cena's 5 knuckle shuffle was pretty exciting and adored by the IWC.

I feel the badass/limited-but-fresh move set novelty is wearing off slower for you because you don't watch Raw often or want Cena dethroned by any means necessary.

But Reigns singlehandedly made Rybaxel look like children. You need to watch that match. Superreigns is not so far off from Supercena, and I don't want to live through any more of that bullcrap.

It sounds like you hate Cena's gimmick more than his mic skills. He's much better on the mic than Reigns, but his character is terrible. I suggest you rewatch some of his promos from his Dr. of Thuganomics days.

The hope isn't for Reigns to replace Cena. The hope is that HHH takes the company in a new direction once Vince retires, and we don't need a Hogan/Cena/Ultimate Warrior (failed transition from Hogan)/Reigns (hopefully another failed transition).

Its not Cena's gimmick that's the problem with his promos, because he goes off script & says what he wants to say alot of the time, he just can't come up with something good, every promo is the same, its the same thing every time "I'm here every day, I work hard, I've been here 12 years, you can like me or hate me, blah blah blah" its that or leaching off the hot act everytime, and most of the time it has absolutely nothing to do with the upcoming match & I absolutely hate it.

Reigns does none of that stuff which makes him better by default IMO. Plus he's better/more exciting in the ring, he can actually sell and has some ring physcology unlike JC, and he's fresh unlike Cena.

I get it that he's nothing great, but I think he's got potential, I can understand alot of people don't like him, but personally (even when I was watching regularly) when he goes into his moves,and goes beast mode, he gets the crowd into it and its exciting to watch for me.

I've seen the thuganomics stuff and all that, he was better back then (thats the other thing I guess, he's been on top for way too long and he's continually gotten worse over time) but its supposed to be an entertainment show and nowadays the guy doesn't entertain me he just annoys me.

I guess we will have to disagree on this one, maybe Reigns would get old after awhile, but I just can't see him being as bad or worse than Cena, I can't.

I think Reigns is going to win the Royal Rumble, and Cena is going to win the title back from Lesnar that same night.

It will be Cena vs Reigns at 31 to establish Roman as the new face of the company. Just like Hogan vs Warrior at 6.

I think its too soon for Reigns, they should build him up for another year, and have him continue to improve, before making him the next top star.

That's what I would do. I just don't think he's ready for it. He needs to show more improvement first before you give him that final green light.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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Roman Reigns isn't that great. He has an awesome look, but his finisher(s) are weak, and his mic skills need ALOT of work, he's awkward, uncomfortable and obviously still trying to find his niche.

Seth Rollins is very much the same, that Curb Stomp finisher is just bad, but he can speak better than Roman Can;

Dean Ambrose is the most polished of the three, and even his finisher looks weak.

My issue with the Cena is the same as it has always been;

He was one of the last wrestlers that felt like he brought a little bit of the attitude era back when he spoke; and then he became a Corporate PG Power Ranger.

The guy can wrestle, I'm convinced alot of his issues are more Vinny Mac's Ego and idea of what a superstar should be, I think Cena WANTS to show the world that he can keep up with the technical guys -

Lets not forget, Cena has gone Toe to toe with the likes of Benoit, Angle and Guerrero, those are 3 names that ANYBODY would be lucky to say they were in the ring with(Horrible past or not)

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Roman Reigns isn't that great. He has an awesome look, but his finisher(s) are weak, and his mic skills need ALOT of work, he's awkward, uncomfortable and obviously still trying to find his niche.

Seth Rollins is very much the same, that Curb Stomp finisher is just bad, but he can speak better than Roman Can;

Dean Ambrose is the most polished of the three, and even his finisher looks weak.

My issue with the Cena is the same as it has always been;

He was one of the last wrestlers that felt like he brought a little bit of the attitude era back when he spoke; and then he became a Corporate PG Power Ranger.

The guy can wrestle, I'm convinced alot of his issues are more Vinny Mac's Ego and idea of what a superstar should be, I think Cena WANTS to show the world that he can keep up with the technical guys -

Lets not forget, Cena has gone Toe to toe with the likes of Benoit, Angle and Guerrero, those are 3 names that ANYBODY would be lucky to say they were in the ring with(Horrible past or not)

His finishers are weak in the sense they are the only memorable parts of the match, and the set up has grown stale. If he learned how to wrestle better, and a found a new way to deliver his finishers, they can be alright. After all, he is using a spear. Goldberg and Edge looked damn good doing it.

I love the curb stomp. Especially when RVD sells it.

Hogan/Cena have weak finishers, and they are Vince's 2 biggest cornerstones (Austin/HBK weren't as above the pack and relied on--well, maybe HBK for a little while). I think finding a good entrance for Dean is more of priority than finding a good finisher at this point.

Agreed about Cena. If he had it his way, I think the ruthless aggression era would have been a lot less PG. He can wrestle. He's not great at it, but he's a hell of a lot better than the routine Vince wants (lay down on the ground and beat the odds at the last second). Look at the match he and Cesaro had a few weeks ago.

BTW I think Cena is going to lose clean at Summerslam, and he's not happy about it irl. He probably asked for Cesaro to come out the week after Lesnar returned and say he can't wrestle. Cena really went out of his moveset for that match, and it was definitely a statement. Sure, he was a little botchy, but what can you expect when he never gets a chance to wrestle properly?

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Lesnar will win cleanly, yes cleanly.

The problem is, they (Vince, Trips, etc) don't want Cena to look weak, so it will probably take 3-5 F5s, for Lesnar to get the win. I don't see Lesnar with a lengthy title run, however, unless he's willing to show up regularly, at RAW and Smackdown.

Edited by shiznak
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Lesnar will win cleanly, yes cleanly.

The problem is, they (Vince, Trips, etc) don't want Cena to look weak, so it will probably take 3-5 F5s, for Lesnar to get the win. I don't see Lesnar with a lengthy title run, however, unless he's willing to show up regularly, at RAW and Smackdown.

Honestly, I've been paying attention to the way Lesnar looks lately - He looks healthier and more ready for a lengthy, defense riddled title run than he ever has, he looks LEAN, compared to a year ago, I'm impressed with the change.

Lesnar is ready to become something of Legend, I just hope he is booked properly to do it.

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Oh, Summerslam is today, totally forgot.

Is there anything interesting about it?

I'm looking forward to the Lesnar/Cena match, Rollins/Ambrose (I hate lumberjack matches though), Reigns/Orton, and AJ/Paige.

Reigns and Orton will give us a better look at what Reigns can do in a straight up wrestling match when hes not protected.

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Honestly, I've been paying attention to the way Lesnar looks lately - He looks healthier and more ready for a lengthy, defense riddled title run than he ever has, he looks LEAN, compared to a year ago, I'm impressed with the change.

Lesnar is ready to become something of Legend, I just hope he is booked properly to do it.

I just don't him being on Raw week in and week out though

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