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Great RAW up until the last match which was laaaaame. Lesner is literally the only thing keeping me from cancelling my WWE Network subscription..he is insane.

He was right when he said he was born to be a entertainer and boy does he entertain. Sucks that we barely see him though

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I still can't believe Sting lost to HHH albeit it wasn't a clean finish. HHH has a thing for not putting over WCW guys on the grandest stage of WM. It made no sense when nWo came out and got involved as faces and had Sting's back as we know they were bitter enemies for years in WCW. The only thing that might make some sense is the fact they were in WCW and this feud was made to be WWE vs. WCW so of course WWE will always go over and reign supreme. The match itself was overbooked and a cluster frack with all the outside interference and shenanigans. Sting was very wise to stay away from WWE for 13 years and should have continued to stay away after what happened at WM. It should have been Sting vs. Undertaker at WM. I highly doubt that matches happens now. Who can blame Sting tho for wanting to end his career in the big times along with making alot of money along with a possible HOF induction. Who knows we may have seen Sting's one and only match in WWE and last match in his career.

Edited by the last outlaw
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This should be interesting:

The Commodore Ballroom transforms into the biggest fiesta of the year in celebration of Cinco de Mayo with Lucha Libre: A Night of Mexican Wrestling on Friday, May 8. Masked ECCW luchadores will delight fans with a full evening of high flying, rapid sequence matches, plus a few colourful surprises along the way.

Partnered with CFOX, The Georgia Straight, and Tacofino Vancouver, Lucha Libre: A Night of Mexican Wrestling takes place on Friday, May 8. Earlybird tickets starting at $15.00 + s/c go on sale Thursday, April 2 at 10am.


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It's either going to be The Rock vs HHH or The Rock and Ronda Rousey vs. HHH and Steph in a mixed tag match. This according to Meltzer.

So much for Rock vs. Lesnar at WM 32. This leaves Brock to have a better match with someone on the current roster.

The Rock is going to be wrestling Triple H at WrestleMania 32, with WWE potentially looking to add UFCs Ronda Rousey into the match.

Hes going to be wrestling Triple H or a mixed tag, Dave Meltzer said of The Rock and WrestleMania 32 when discussing the subject on Wrestling Observer Radio.

The mixed tag would draw better, a lot better, Meltzer states.

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Joe Weller who performs WWE moves on his girlfriend gets beat up by Madusa. Lesnar appears at the end telling the guy to "go frack yourself" lol Lesnar


Hahahaha this is awesome! (Seriously)

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Idk why people are complaining about Wrestlemania 31 and Raw after Wrestlemania. Both shows were amazing.

Wrestlemania 31 definitely exceeded everyone's expectations.

My only issue with WM 31 was Sting losing. He shouldn't have especially since it was WWE in-ring debut, and it took him 13 years before finally coming to WWE.

As for Raw after WM, I thought it was ok. Usually there's some surprises like a big name debuts or returns but we didn't get any of that. The only good thing about Raw was the beginning of Lesnar feuding with Rollins and The Authority. Not a fan of see yet another heel and coward champion.

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JR says HBK has been approached to do something special at WM 32. I'd guess he would act as a special guest referee for a match.

Jim Ross mentioned in his latest blog that Shawn Michaels has been approached to do "something special at WM31 in Arlington, Texas." Presumably JR meant WrestleMania 32, which takes place from Arlington next year. We should know more about what Shawn was asked to do after JR posts their interview.

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My only issue with WM 31 was Sting losing. He shouldn't have especially since it was WWE in-ring debut, and it took him 13 years before finally coming to WWE.

As for Raw after WM, I thought it was ok. Usually there's some surprises like a big name debuts or returns but we didn't get any of that. The only good thing about Raw was the beginning of Lesnar feuding with Rollins and The Authority. Not a fan of see yet another heel and coward champion.

I wanted sting to win but the more I think about it, the more the finish made sense. Wwf vs wcw ended with wwf(e) winning. There was no way Vince would allow a wcw guy to come in and beat a wwe guy to signify the 'end' of the Monday night wars. This was always triple h's match to win.

People can say it was an ego boost for wwe and they're right. And it should be. Wwe beat wcw, bought them and put them out of business. After all these years they bring sting in to celebrate his career and give him a match in wwe. It doesn't matter if he wins or loses. The fact that he got a chance to wrestle in wwe to probably close out his hall of fame worthy career is all that it should have to be.

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He probably got Undertaker's agent. 1 Wrestlemania a year for 3 years!

But seriously I tried to look it up but I didn't find much. Probably something like he has been doing

Thanks for looking it up. I'd love to think he would at least show up a few times a month or so, with around 6 matches a year. Give or take, but I'd be happy with that.

I wanted sting to win but the more I think about it, the more the finish made sense. Wwf vs wcw ended with wwf(e) winning. There was no way Vince would allow a wcw guy to come in and beat a wwe guy to signify the 'end' of the Monday night wars. This was always triple h's match to win.

People can say it was an ego boost for wwe and they're right. And it should be. Wwe beat wcw, bought them and put them out of business. After all these years they bring sting in to celebrate his career and give him a match in wwe. It doesn't matter if he wins or loses. The fact that he got a chance to wrestle in wwe to probably close out his hall of fame worthy career is all that it should have to be.

You forgot to follow that with: and destroyed professional wrestling as we know it.

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A pretty good Smackdown this week, I see that WWE is bringing blood back with Daniel Bryan bleeding from his head in that match vs Sheamus.

Is there a possible transition happening in the WWE, I've noticed there's more swearing now and matches are getting rougher. Even the Divas are stepping up their game now, John Cena said the word D-bag also.

Hopefully WWE starts to get edgier, but I doubt they reach the previous levels of craziness from 1998-2006.

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A pretty good Smackdown this week, I see that WWE is bringing blood back with Daniel Bryan bleeding from his head in that match vs Sheamus.

Is there a possible transition happening in the WWE, I've noticed there's more swearing now and matches are getting rougher. Even the Divas are stepping up their game now, John Cena said the word D-bag also.

Hopefully WWE starts to get edgier, but I doubt they reach the previous levels of craziness from 1998-2006.

That would certainly be refreshing too see happen. Even if we got half of what the attitude era was I'd be happy. It sure as hell would make it watchable every week again.

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