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Backstage News on Austin's angle with Heyman.

As noted earlier, during Steve Austin's podcast on the WWE Network, Paul Heyman & Austin teased a possible match between Brock Lesnar and The Rattlesnake for next year's WrestleMania 32 event in a Texas Death Match.

According to Dave Meltzer, the match is certainly possible or else it wouldn't have been brought up on the show. Meltzer notes that WWE wouldn't waste their time to put together an angle just to "work" the internet.

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TNA Holds another Conference Calls on how they can improve their product and bring back fans who have given up on on the company. They also want to try and come up with new ideas to connect better with their audience and raise their profile as a whole. Improving their social media was mentioned.

First thing they can do and most importantly is get rid of and removed Dixie.

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John Cena is Not "Money" on the Mic. He came out and called Ownes a Jackass for no reason. All Owens was saying is that he beat Cena and he will do it again. That is not him being a Jack ass. Cena comes out every night trying to shove that he is a good person down peoples throats. That kid with cancer as nice as it was to see was an obvious plug. He stated he had to work for 10 years to get where he is at, well sure so did owens the difference is Owens didn't have the support of the WWE like Cena had. I am tired of Cena calling people out saying that they don't show respect. Owens could have easily kept beating John Cena after their match but he let Cena roll out and celebrated. How is that disrespectful? John Cena needs to stop trying to create this I am better than you bull crap image and needs to stop pandering to the fans (Mostly little kids and patriotic americans.) I can't take another segment where John Cena compares himself to the united states and how they are the greatest damn country in the world. Cena is so Bland and Owens is a much better Wrestler. Owens should be dominating Cena and Cena really needs to either go away for awhile or turn heel because his crap has been getting old for awhile. Cena is really just annoying now.


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AJ Styles turns down TNA HOF Offer.

TNA reportedly pitch an offer around a month or two ago to AJ Styles about returning to the company for one more match, followed by a TNA Hall of Fame induction.

The deal was a big money offer, which would have seen Styles come in and likely work one last match at Slammiversary, then get inducted into the Hall of Fame the same night. Styles tuned the offer down because Styles priorities are Ring of Honor and New Japan Pro Wrestling.

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The Authority is literally killing the business right now IMO. They are the lamest and non-entertaining heel faction probably ever.

a) bring back the attitude era

B) bring back the wild in the divas. Remember the good ole days. Debra, Terri Runnels, Trish, Torrie , Sable. Now what you got Paige? :lol: Paige lol hahaa

c) let some of the legends make some creative points. eg stone cold has good ideas.

d) bring in more guys like Kevin Owens.

e) cut the show down to 2 hours, i haven't watched in raw so long. I don't know how you guys can watch 3 hours. I go like a hour and literally fall asleep.

f) let Damian Sandow be himself. They have screwed up his character so bad, its a joke.

Edited by desiboynux4lifee*******
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The Authority is literally killing the business right now IMO. They are the lamest and non-entertaining heel faction probably ever.

They really do need to go. It's the same BS almost every night.

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