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Nanaimo Daily News Apologizes for Racist Letter, First Nations Outraged


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The publisher of the Nanaimo Daily News apologized to a group of protesters Thursday for printing a shockingly racist letter that characterized all First Nations people as unable to take care of themselves. Hugh Nicholson stood before a crowd of dozens of insulted or otherwise outraged demonstrators who gathered outside the paper's office at noon and admitted that running the letter was a mistake. "The letter ran as part of a letters to the editor. It's unfortunate. We apologize that the letter ran, it should not have ran," Nicholson said over cries and yells. No one at the paper was prepared to explain why the letter was published in the first place, though staff said the Nanaimo Daily News will be printing an apology on Friday. Protesters accuse the paper of repeatedly and unapologetically givinga platform to offensive views of aboriginal people. But the letter published Wednesday was seen as a new low; Chief Doug White of the Snuneymuxw First Nation described reading it as a "punch in the stomach" as a human being, and as the father of First Nations children. The letter, written by Don Olsen, was printed under the headline, "Educate First Nations to be modern citizens." It claimed indigenous people have a history only notable "for underachievement." Olsen said First Nations have "never had a written language," "had no science or scientific discoveries" and only "figured out a drum and a rattle for musical instruments." He also wrote that First Nations aren't responsible enough to look after themselves or "efficiently spend the billions the tax payers give them," ending that Canada should "do away with this traditional use and cultural nonsense." The contentious letter has since been yanked from the publication's website and replaced with a "clarification" that distanced Olsen's views from the views of the paper. "While we would defend Mr. Olsen's right to hold and express his opinion, the sentiments expressed were entirely his own," it reads. The B.C. Press Council said it received more than 100 complaints about the letter by Thursday evening.
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The newspapers on Vancouver Island have ridiculously low standards. The quality of writing and quality of editing is laughable, so it's no surprise that something like this was published. I hope they get what's coming to them.

Most of the money aboriginal communities receive from the government is from the sale of natural resources that come from First Nations territories. As usual, racist comments are based on factually inaccurate information.

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BC Human Rights Code:

Discriminatory publication

7 (1) A person must not publish, issue or display, or cause to be published, issued or displayed, any statement, publication, notice, sign, symbol, emblem or other representation that

(a) indicates discrimination or an intention to discriminate against a person or a group or class of persons, or

(b ) is likely to expose a person or a group or class of persons to hatred or contempt

because of the race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation or age of that person or that group or class of persons.

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I think some of it is true on the face of it, but it leaves out reasons as to why things the way they are.

And if I were Native I wouldn't abandon my traditional culture for anything, given what they had to go through in the hopes of destroying what they had.

Still, at the end of the day, I respect people that are able to show character and spirt, and far too many Natives don't.

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I think some of it is true on the face of it, but it leaves out reasons as to why things the way they are.

And if I were Native I wouldn't abandon my traditional culture for anything, given what they had to go through in the hopes of destroying what they had.

Still, at the end of the day, I respect people that are able to show character and spirt, and far too many Natives don't.

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I think some of it is true on the face of it, but it leaves out reasons as to why things the way they are.

And if I were Native I wouldn't abandon my traditional culture for anything, given what they had to go through in the hopes of destroying what they had.

Still, at the end of the day, I respect people that are able to show character and spirt, and far too many Natives don't.

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I am ok with the paper publishing the letter as it shows the writer to be an idiot. Anyone that is upset at the paper has it wrong. The writer is the idiot-the paper is just letting us see how stupid Don is.

I thought that was what the letters to the editor were for-public opinion. If a reporter had written that I'd fire their ass. Not so much for the opinion but for a lack of fact checking.

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I am ok with the paper publishing the letter as it shows the writer to be an idiot. Anyone that is upset at the paper has it wrong. The writer is the idiot-the paper is just letting us see how stupid Don is.

I thought that was what the letters to the editor were for-public opinion. If a reporter had written that I'd fire their ass. Not so much for the opinion but for a lack of fact checking.

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I think some of it is true on the face of it, but it leaves out reasons as to why things the way they are.

And if I were Native I wouldn't abandon my traditional culture for anything, given what they had to go through in the hopes of destroying what they had.

Still, at the end of the day, I respect people that are able to show character and spirt, and far too many Natives don't.

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