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Should I take massgainer then? Because right now, I'm calculating I'm intaking around 3500 calories a day (not dirty bulking)

I think my metabolism is f'd up.

I'm stuck on plate 30, I can't add any more even when I try lol...

I already do DB for bench as well. My chest workouts usually is

10 x 5 reps flat

8x 5 reps incline bar

10x 5 reps incline DB

10x5 reps DB incline flys

And I superset my DB workouts

I wouldn't recommend mass gainer because I'm not convinced you are actually giving eating enough an honest attempt.

As for you workout, that is a stupid amount of volume for someone at your stage. As a general rule, volume and intensity MUST increase over time and as such, you need to leave yourself room to add volume as you advance in your training. In addition, your gains come from recovering and adapting to the stimulus you undergo in the gym. If you can't recover from the stimulus, you wont' make any gains(I'll explain in better depth later, gotta head to work). I'd cut the volume on everything you listed in that chest workout by 2/3's.

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I wouldn't recommend mass gainer because I'm not convinced you are actually giving eating enough an honest attempt.

As for you workout, that is a stupid amount of volume for someone at your stage. As a general rule, volume and intensity MUST increase over time and as such, you need to leave yourself room to add volume as you advance in your training. In addition, your gains come from recovering and adapting to the stimulus you undergo in the gym. If you can't recover from the stimulus, you wont' make any gains(I'll explain in better depth later, gotta head to work). I'd cut the volume on everything you listed in that chest workout by 2/3's.

I've been working out consistently for 7 months, is that still too early?

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I've been working out consistently for 7 months, is that still too early?

You don't need massgainers, ever. They are a shortcut to actually learning how to eat the quantities of food needed to gain bodyweight and generally far more expensive than making a mass gainer yourself.

One more thing. Can you list out everything you eat in a day, and estimates of quantities.

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You don't need massgainers, ever. They are a shortcut to actually learning how to eat the quantities of food needed to gain bodyweight and generally far more expensive than making a mass gainer yourself.

One more thing. Can you list out everything you eat in a day, and estimates of quantities.

Usually for breakfast (6:45) 6 eggs.( 2 with yolk, 4 without)

around 10:00 snack (greek yogurt+berries+granola) I usually just buy from costco a whole tub and mix berries in and then separate into containers. So basically I prepare all my food before in portions

12:00 lunch ( I usually just get in 2 sandwiches) lettuce, chicken breast, tomato

4:00 snack ( same thing of greek yogurt, berries, granola)

7:00 dinner (sweet potatoes, ground beef, chicken, broccoli, carrots.) Again, its prepared portions/ And I rotate every day with prepared qwioa from safeway and chicken

9:00 snack if hungry ( 1 slice of toast)


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Usually for breakfast (6:45) 6 eggs.( 2 with yolk, 4 without)

around 10:00 snack (greek yogurt+berries+granola) I usually just buy from costco a whole tub and mix berries in and then separate into containers. So basically I prepare all my food before in portions

12:00 lunch ( I usually just get in 2 sandwiches) lettuce, chicken breast, tomato

4:00 snack ( same thing of greek yogurt, berries, granola)

7:00 dinner (sweet potatoes, ground beef, chicken, broccoli, carrots.) Again, its prepared portions/ And I rotate every day with prepared qwioa from safeway and chicken

9:00 snack if hungry ( 1 slice of toast)


That's pretty solid, but nowhere near the amount of calories you think it is. What kind of portions are we talking about for dinner?

Here's a sample of what I ate yesterday:


105g oatmeal

8oz milk

7g BCAAs


350g potatoes

8.4oz chicken breast

154g apple

3 hard pretzels (100 calories per)


1.5 cups jasmine rice

7.5oz pork loin

100g sour crean

1 oz potato chips


2 slices of whole wheat bread

2 eggs

128 g egg whites

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I've started working out again! Been going at it for about four months with a friend of mine. Last time I did it by myself and still managed to go for about 3 semesters, but this time I'm gaining muscle much faster.

Part of it surely also has to do with the fact that I'm now going 4 days a week, when back when I was doing it by myself, I only went 2 days a week.

Edit: Also, 6000th post!

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Time to cut, I'm just not sure what approach I want to take. Part of me wants to do RFL (a super aggressive diet) and get it over with. The other part of me is scared that RFL and it's massive deficit will leadto me losing ALL of my hard earned strength gains and I'll essentially be back to where I was 6 months ago.

The other approach is to cut 4-500 calories from my daily intake and add 2 conditioning sessions per week. If I'm smart with my programming, I should be able to continue to get stronger while losing weight with this approach.

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Time to cut, I'm just not sure what approach I want to take. Part of me wants to do RFL (a super aggressive diet) and get it over with. The other part of me is scared that RFL and it's massive deficit will leadto me losing ALL of my hard earned strength gains and I'll essentially be back to where I was 6 months ago.

The other approach is to cut 4-500 calories from my daily intake and add 2 conditioning sessions per week. If I'm smart with my programming, I should be able to continue to get stronger while losing weight with this approach.

Why not run a PSMF for a couple weeks as a good kick start?

On another note...Finally set this baby up a couple weeks ago. Some people don't like home gym set ups, but I love the convenience!


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Why not run a PSMF for a couple weeks as a good kick start?

On another note...Finally set this baby up a couple weeks ago. Some people don't like home gym set ups, but I love the convenience!


RFL is a PSMF. RFL is the abbreviation for Lyle McDonald's Rapid FatLoss. I know lots of people who've run it for 6-8 weeks and gotten incredible fat loss results, I'm just scared that I'll piss my measly 380 squat right back to 315 with such a rapid loss in weight. Since I train primarily for strength, losing 65lbs off my squat is a BIG deal. Losing fat is important, but just as important will be my ability to maintain and even build a little bit of strength as my weight goes down.

Nice home setup! Saving travel time to the gym has to be nice.

Edited by Henrik Kesler
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For chest I do

8x4 DB flatbench

8x4 DB incline

8x3 pec flies

2x a week and pushups every other day

This isn't nearly enough is it?


You need more exercises.

For chest I do.

3X12 BP warm up.

4X12 DB incline

4X12 DB flat

3X12 DB decline

9X12 cables (3 top, 3 middle, 3 bottom).

3X12 fly machine

3X12 front dips

Edited by Rypien37
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For chest I do

8x4 DB flatbench

8x4 DB incline

8x3 pec flies

2x a week and pushups every other day

This isn't nearly enough is it?

What is your whole routine like and also is your goal bodybuilding, powerlifting, athletic, ect...?

I see a lot of people who just do a million sets but they dont realize that more does not mean better. Currently i do chest twice a week with only 8 sets for chest each (i group chest shoulders and tri's) and have been making progress.

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What is your whole routine like and also is your goal bodybuilding, powerlifting, athletic, ect...?

I see a lot of people who just do a million sets but they dont realize that more does not mean better. Currently i do chest twice a week with only 8 sets for chest each (i group chest shoulders and tri's) and have been making progress.

I do bench press 4 sets (everything 4 sets)

Incline bench

Wide grip dips

Cables (upwards of 12 sets)

Push ups

Mixed in with back excerises between. I really had a hard time getting my upper chest to come out until I started pounding the cables, and changing up my form on the incline. Upping my sets/reps has made a huge difference.

I dont really workout for anything besides looks, I used to be super skinny, and while I still am, I have put on a lot of size, not necessairly a lot of weight though, but I am miles ahead of where I was.

More sets has helped me, but everyones different!

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anybody know if wrist straps are any good? my wrists kill so I was thinking of getting some

100% buy them. Mine have never hurt since I started using them. (Only use them for some excercises) I used to have wrist pains every day because it would last a few days and then it would be time to do those excercises again.

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