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CDCGML 2013-14


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Sweet, i have a couple hours to kill tonight, woot woot, will send mine in before midnight but after a glass or two of wine. ;p

P.S. C2X..if i don't think I can accurately name a top three, can i skip an award? I guess just by writing for instance "Lady Bing: no nominees"?

Up to you to submit votes, so if you leave out an award, that's up to you.

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On the subject of trades, the Winnipeg Jets will be moving a few pieces who will remain unnamed at this point, preferably before the draft. These players will only be available to teams outside of the playoff picture. Open to trade discussions at any time. Just because trades can't go through yet doesn't mean we can't work towards one.

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Canucks organization with another mistake today. Sigh.

Agreed, I feel like Torts is the problem and the one who should be leaving (could still happen hopefully).

Gillis is being judged far too quickly on his handling of the goaltending situation. Yes he did misread the market and wait far too long before trading Luongo, but the deal he ended up getting was quite good in my opinion. Markstrom has a lot of potential and Matthias looks to be a solid bottom 6 C for years to come. In the end he was able to get decent value for his earlier mistake.

As well, it is far too early to judge the Schneider trade. We don't know what kind of player Horvat will turn in to. My biggest question is would Gillis still be facing the same criticism if we had drafted Nichuskin (a player making an immediate impact) instead of Horvat? Nichuskin for Schneider seems like an excellent deal value wise if you ask me.

I would have given Gillis one more year.

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Agreed, I feel like Torts is the problem and the one who should be leaving (could still happen hopefully).

Gillis is being judged far too quickly on his handling of the goaltending situation. Yes he did misread the market and wait far too long before trading Luongo, but the deal he ended up getting was quite good in my opinion. Markstrom has a lot of potential and Matthias looks to be a solid bottom 6 C for years to come. In the end he was able to get decent value for his earlier mistake.

As well, it is far too early to judge the Schneider trade. We don't know what kind of player Horvat will turn in to. My biggest question is would Gillis still be facing the same criticism if we had drafted Nichuskin (a player making an immediate impact) instead of Horvat? Nichuskin for Schneider seems like an excellent deal value wise if you ask me.

I would have given Gillis one more year.

Agree with all of this. I may have given Torts one more year as well though if he said he would try to play more up tempo.

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Torts collapsing defence doesn't work with the Canucks team.

On their game Vancouver has one of the best cycle and puck possession teams.

A collapsing D generates more rushes than it does zone time, and the Sedins have never been known to get work done on the rush.

There is also a glaring hole on the back end with a lack of a true puck mover. The twins are weak skaters and haven't improved their movement with age. You guys need an Ehrhoff back there.

Torts will have figured out by now that to win in the west you have to roll 4 lines, and you can't lean so heavily on your top players. Get the twins back down to their icetime in the Vigneault era and they'll stay healthy.

Some criticisms I have from the games I've watched are quite similar to the criticisms I have of the Leafs this year.

I look at a guy like Jason Garrison and wonder how he has an NHL job. He looks like Paul Ranger out there. Then you have Edler, who 2 years ago I would have called a future Norris winner. Now, not so much. Did he have a major injury or something?

Canucks seem to quit when they're down by a couple, which is insane because the 09-10 team was best when it was down a goal.

If I'm the new GM next year I'd be excited. Horvat is an intriguing piece and so is Nick Jensen.

I dount Shinkaruk will amount to much at the NHL level, and would consider moving him ASAP.

Bring in a Brian Elliot or Evgeni Nabokov next year and let Markstrom hone his game in Utica.

Most importantly, DRAFT A 1 DIMENSIONAL SCORING WINGER if no good centers are available. The Canucks are not the LA Kings and will not win a cup with 60 point guys. You need a goalscorer.

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Torts collapsing defence doesn't work with the Canucks team.

On their game Vancouver has one of the best cycle and puck possession teams.

A collapsing D generates more rushes than it does zone time, and the Sedins have never been known to get work done on the rush.

There is also a glaring hole on the back end with a lack of a true puck mover. The twins are weak skaters and haven't improved their movement with age. You guys need an Ehrhoff back there.

Torts will have figured out by now that to win in the west you have to roll 4 lines, and you can't lean so heavily on your top players. Get the twins back down to their icetime in the Vigneault era and they'll stay healthy.

Some criticisms I have from the games I've watched are quite similar to the criticisms I have of the Leafs this year.

I look at a guy like Jason Garrison and wonder how he has an NHL job. He looks like Paul Ranger out there. Then you have Edler, who 2 years ago I would have called a future Norris winner. Now, not so much. Did he have a major injury or something?

Canucks seem to quit when they're down by a couple, which is insane because the 09-10 team was best when it was down a goal.

If I'm the new GM next year I'd be excited. Horvat is an intriguing piece and so is Nick Jensen.

I dount Shinkaruk will amount to much at the NHL level, and would consider moving him ASAP.

Bring in a Brian Elliot or Evgeni Nabokov next year and let Markstrom hone his game in Utica.

Most importantly, DRAFT A 1 DIMENSIONAL SCORING WINGER if no good centers are available. The Canucks are not the LA Kings and will not win a cup with 60 point guys. You need a goalscorer.

Garrison has a nagging injury that will require surgery. Edler has had back issues for a while iirc.

And harsh words for Shinkaruk there.. Guys been hurt all year after a very very impressive camp. Don't know how you can write him off, I think he's going to be a good player.

Hoping we draft Ehlers if he's on the board.

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Garrison has a nagging injury that will require surgery. Edler has had back issues for a while iirc.

And harsh words for Shinkaruk there.. Guys been hurt all year after a very very impressive camp. Don't know how you can write him off, I think he's going to be a good player.

I didn't watch his camp, but I've seen him play several games in the WHL.

Nothing he's done has overly impressed me, but I would agree he has potential. He's either going to be a top 6 player or a complete bust, because players his size have no place in the bottom 6.

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I think one of the biggest problems with the Canucks is the scouting department. When was the last time they drafted an all star player that wasn't served to them on a silver platter? The Sedins were sure bets and Burke made multiple trades to pull that off. Scouts had nothing to do with it. Kesler was picked from the best draft in NHL history so again scouts didn't play a factor there. The only player I can give them somewhat credit for is Edler and that one was all Thomas Gradin. The scouting staff is absolutely terrible and it's starts at the top with Ron Delorme.

Another area I see as a huge problem is that there hasn't been mentorship on the blueline in a while. The Sundin move was a pure mentorship signing with the idea that he would teach these guys how to be professionals. It wasn't long after he left that the careers of the Sedins, Kesler and Burrows took off. That kind of culture is what makes Detroit successful. It was great when we had Sundin here to do that but in terms of a defence man to mentor the guys we have it's non existent. Has anyone noticed Edler's game took a nose dive after Salo left? Now that Gillis is gone I'd love to see them being back a guy like Willie Mitchell. A veteran stay at home defenceman with grit whose style of play could rub off on the guys we have now.

I don't know what to think of the rumours I've heard today. I can't see Linden making cutthroat decisions when they need to be made and if Jay feaster is brought in as GM based on his relationship with Torts god help us.

In the end I don't think today's move was very wise. They should have hired a president to put the heat on Gillis. Kept Torts to give him a chance to change (just like they did for AV) and fire the assistants. The power play was a joke this year and the players do not respect the defensive coach (that's not a guess, that's a very reliable fact). When I look at what we have for next year I think it looks pretty good

Sedin Sedin Jensen

Burrows Kesler Santorelli

Kassian Mathias Higgins

Hansen Richardson Sestito

Schroeder Booth

Garrison Hamhuis

Bieksa Edler

Tanev Corrado




With that lineup there is a fair amount of capspace to go after 2 impact players. I think after giving Gillis 8 million to do nothing for the next 4 years they won't be buying Booth out and I don't have a problem with that. With injuries he will fill in somewhere in the top 9. I'd be surprised if they didn't let Horvat and Shinkaruk develope properly with a year in the AHL. First rounders that start their pro careers in the bottom 6 rarely make it into the top 6. The Detroit model of over development is the way to go. It's working out well for Nyquist and Tatar right now.

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home from work and shocked. I thought MG deserved to go into the new year after his 17 million dollar reload this offseason and get at least to December before any firings were done. Lets face it, the loud fans (read: rioters) prompted this firing. If those same fans lived through the 1970 to 2001 years of the franchise they would realize we have it very well off these days...2001 to 2014 has been Vancouver Canucks Fans Nirvana...a winning team almost every year....as opposed to a losing team almost every year with two notable exceptions...but anywho...the new GM will be the luckiest GM in the NHL....17 million in cash to hire about 3 players...yum yum yum...

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