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UBC Courses (1st year)


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What I meant to say is you won't have any room for electives in first year. Don't approach your schoolwork like you did in high school; it's very different. Have a blast. Make as many friends as you can and hang onto the ones you feel closest to

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Im from the East coast, but philosophy and administration were a breeze at my University.

Try to stay away from CS courses and Statistics they are a pain (take it in your second year if you need to).

Went to UNB last year and I didn't enjoy my time there now im going to Memorial this year (St.john's NFLD) super pumped.

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I didn't take electives until second year. But I took POLI 100 and also took PHIL 125, easy.

EDIT: Anybody else at UBC feel the school is grossly over-rated? If you look at it, everything is the same curriculum-wise. Just the campus is nice.

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If you know you aren't going into the life sciences, don't take bio 140. Ultra time consuming, only two credits and unnecessary in many cases.

If you don't abhor physics, take physics 107/8/9. They are scaled so the average is in the 80s and the quality of teaching is so much better.

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Finally, abandon the idea of GPA boosters. Everyone always goes in thinking it's so easy. Take classes outside your program that have always interested you. Go in for the sake of learning, and you will do really well.

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Natural Disasters EOSC 114. ^_^ I took it awhile back. IS it still all multiple choice?


When I think of a GPA boosting course, I think of one that has all multiple choice midterms and only relies on pure memorization. To me, those are gpa boosters because you don't have to think on the spot. Simply memorize and you're good to go. However, this only helps if you put in the time to memorize.

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If you plan on law school or med school down the road, make sure you take first year seriously. Most schools WILL look at your first year grades and it will impact your application. Best of luck. You will love UBC.

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If you plan on law school or med school down the road, make sure you take first year seriously. Most schools WILL look at your first year grades and it will impact your application. Best of luck. You will love UBC.

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If you plan on law school or med school down the road, make sure you take first year seriously. Most schools WILL look at your first year grades and it will impact your application. Best of luck. You will love UBC.

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Thanks for the tip! I am contemplating law school.

And guys, I need to maintain a minimum 75% average to retain my scholarship, and I have no idea how challenging it is to maintain that average in university. I'm thinking of introduction to Canadian government, sociology, natural disasters and introduction to modern asia. Sound reasonable?

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Thanks for the tip! I am contemplating law school.

And guys, I need to maintain a minimum 75% average to retain my scholarship, and I have no idea how challenging it is to maintain that average in university. I'm thinking of introduction to Canadian government, sociology, natural disasters and introduction to modern asia. Sound reasonable?

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Wow, great post, thanks!

About the polisci 100 v. poli 101 thing - I actually heard differently. Either way, I'll mess around with worklists to see if I can put one in with Erikson. I have to do a Standard Time Table so my 5 mandatory courses are set in stone with that. Are there any electives you suggest? I'm a very open student so I'm welcome to anything, other than science courses.

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