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We need to be more positive


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IMO the positivity vs negativity threads are thoughtless and pointless as neither side offers any insights that can be disputed or proven, especially when targeting a specific player. Hockey is a game of ups and downs, negatives and positives. It isn't one or the other, it's both. If you can't take a little negativity or enjoy a little positivity concerning a certain player, you probably shouldn't be a fan of hockey (that and you should learn what the actual definition of bandwagon is).

What also doesn't help are the posters who call everyone idiots because of a few trolls, you are no better than they are as you offer as little in substance as they do. If you care and want to improve the fanbase, try talking hockey without throwing around insults (let the trolls burn themselves, they all get banned in the long run).

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i don't mind fans showing their frustrations for someone's plays or mistakes, or coaches and owners moves....it is when those negative comments, disrespect a person's character or personal life.

being a fan doesn't mean you have to agree with everything that happens, but a lot of derogative comments are used to describe gillis' moves....he will make mistakes from time to time but he is still better at what he does than any of us....

personally, the only canuck i've ever bad mouthed was mike keenan.

this team is out trying to win for us and them...we should respect that fact....criticize if you have too but remember their motives

are pure.

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WE HAVE TO BE MORE POSITIVE FOR LUONGO!!!!!! He has been through a lot. Actually a lot of members are hating Luongo. Luongo is the heart of this Canuck team. I agree with some of you that Schneider has a lot of potential to be better than Luongo but past is past. Schneids has been traded. We have to accept that we have a All Star Goaltender here with our Canucks. SUCK IT UP AND STOP HATING LUONGO! WE HAVE TO BE POSITIVE AND LOVE LUONGO.HE WILL BRING THE CUP HOME THIS YEAR TO OUR CANUCKS. GO CANUCKS GO!!!!!!!!

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What I am feeling is not so much an issue with being negative or positive.

What is needed is a new clear team identity and cohesiveness. The team needs to come together and be inspired again.

They have lost their grit, determination and vision since Game 7 SCF. They need to press the team "reset" button

emotionally and psychologically and erase their memory bank from the 2011 Finals.

I think I would like to see Kesler be the Captain and be our first line Centre.

These are the forward pairings I would like to see:

1) Kesler and Daniel (offensive pairing), with Kassian/Higgins

2) Henrik and Burrows (offensive pairing), with Jensen/Booth

3) Richardson and Hansen (defensive) with Weiss

4) Schroeder / Gaunce and Higgins (offensive / defensive) with Sestito

Lines 1 and 2 are interchangeable, ie Twins and Kesler/ Burrows

As are Lines 3 and 4.

These guys can move up and down the line up:

Kassian, Weisse, Booth, Jensen, Sestito, Schroeder / Gaunce

Re-unite Sedins on the #1 Power Play.

I just think there needs to be a fresh approach to the lineup.

Keslers grit and determination in the playoffs last year, combined with

Torts style seems to be a hand in glove fit.

I think splitting up the Sedins will give our team more bite, and make us harder to play

against. AV would never split them up. But look at Henrik's point production when Danial

was injured a couple years ago. Henrik scores more goals without him and still gets assists.

The reason I like Daniel with Kesler is because I think Daniel has the ability to be more of a set-up

guy for Kesler. Splitting the Sedins up also makes them faster.

The obvious thing is to keep the Sedins together, but we need a new dynamic and outside the box

approach in order to make this "reset" work.

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My only argument is if you are having fun or not.

This is a hobby, if it is making you miserable then pick a new hobby. Plenty of terrible things will happen in your life without intentionally signing up for more.

Nothing wrong with being critical, but you should be enjoying a pastime and not letting it get you down.

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