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Ask A Gumball

Guest Gumballthechewy

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creamy crack.

Certainly has some addictive qualities to it....

I've actually had a full jar on its own once. Went straight to my hips lol

But I miss you bb.

October means midterms.... midterms with 30-50% of my overall mark. I'm already freaking out. But yeah, there's that ice hockey thing that starts then too right?

Speaking of which, I need to get refills. Thanks for the reminder

Lol, good thing for us curves are hawt... I could probably eat a jar of that stuff myself!

I dunno, I would guess work and school and all that. Summers over... :(

Is it awesome sauce?

I dunno, I don't like tartar sauce.

How do you not like tartar sauce? You are not a real man......

Yeah, how could you not?!?! It's so creamy and white....


Does the fact that I love tartar sauce make me a man?

It better not... cause that'd make me one too :sadno:

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I dress modestly and don't take pictures of my tits. You're welcome to ask VI though.

Why do you want to see a man's tits?

Why not? Tits are tits. Does it make me gay if I do? And do you have a problem with gay people? If you don't then why even ask why I want to see a man's tits. Remember you are talking to the man who seduces bronies.

Love you bbg.

P.S. VI can you send me a pic of the tits in question?

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Guest Gumballthechewy

How do you not like tartar sauce? You are not a real man......

Yeah, how could you not?!?! It's so creamy and white....


I dunno, I just don't like it very much.

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Certainly has some addictive qualities to it....

Lol, good thing for us curves are hawt... I could probably eat a jar of that stuff myself!

Yeah, how could you not?!?! It's so creamy and white....


It better not... cause that'd make me one too :sadno:

Ladies love my creamy white tartar sauce :emot-parrot:

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Is tartar sauce the only creamy white thing you swallow? :bigblush:

Lol I hate my hips tbh. I finally gave up hopes for a thigh gap.

Yeah but NICE tits are more than just tits. VIP access card required. Speaking of which how are your brony's melons?

Love you too bebe

Your stuff has green bits in it?

Bronies rarely have tits... it's a real shame. Probably why i stick with women IRL as much as they infuriate me at times. How does one obtain a VIP access card?

My TARTAR sauce has green and purple bits in it.

My baby gravy is another story completely.

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Lol I hate my hips tbh. I finally gave up hopes for a thigh gap.

Hips are sexy. Nothing worse than women with boy hips.

And what @#$%'ing girl started this recent obsession with "thigh gap" anyway? :picard: So long as you don't look like the flabby version of a speed skater 99.9% of guys would simply be happy to be between them, gap or not.

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I dunno, I just don't like it very much.

Alright then. You do seem down. Cheer up mister!

Is tartar sauce the only creamy white thing you swallow? :bigblush:

Lol I hate my hips tbh. I finally gave up hopes for a thigh gap.

There may be others ;)

I won't be surprised if I lose mine soon... I'm an emotional eater and have gained about 5 pounds already. Sigh.

thigh gap sucks, and it's only possible for emaciated or wide hipped women. neither of which appeal to me.

Hey! No they don't!


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thigh gap sucks, and it's only possible for emaciated or wide hipped women. neither of which appeal to me.

You have the most horrid taste in everything. No skinny jeans no thigh gap....what the hell man? Do you have a problem with people that aren't chubby? There is no reason to hate the thigh gap, it's the perfect spot to put a face.

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