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Mafia: The Game [Cosi Grossi Testicoli] Game Over - Please Sign Up!


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Lynch is priority over anything aside TB correct? Should Kes have been the lackey, you outted him and he was lynched, the block wouldn't have gone through + we'd have one less mafia with powers to worry about.

Also, I wasn't fully convinced that he was the actual Lackey and did not want to oust an innocent, especially at that point in the first round.

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112 is way too good of a player to do something so stupid. Could he have not just been playing along? then again I haven't read this "PM"

Haha, it's going to make me look suspicious if I don't vote for 112 now, isn't it?

Like I told Kesler in our PM, he "revealed" himself to Kesler way too easily. 112's been playing for a long time now and surely he'd know not to trust Kesler just because he reached out to him. Maybe I'm giving him too much credit but I actually believe his explanation.

de ja vu when you both defended me as the doc...

can someone please lean on OTTS, we all know he doesn't handle pressure well

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I don't recall ever defending you as doc boi

you callin me out bro?

sort memory span ? heh

Also if you think I'm mafia why don't you start "leaning" on me? Or would that put too big of a target on your back mr mafia?

I'm a giant, if I leaned on you you might be crushed and I'd like to see you stick around for a few more games after this one :P I'm sure theres a few people here who know how to properly interrogate you.

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sort memory span ? heh

I'm a giant, if I leaned on you you might be crushed and I'd like to see you stick around for a few more games after this one :P I'm sure theres a few people here who know how to properly interrogate you.

Nope. Not at all. Please point me to where i defended you as the doc publicly. Hint: there wasn't any.

No, please, I encourage you to lean on me. We don't need anyone else to do so.

Unvote; Vote1 Dral. While I wait for my leaning to take place.

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Transcript of entire conversation.


"Are you mafia?"


"It depends.

Who's asking?"


"I'm just a regular tp bro"


"Then no"


"Okay :("


"Keep your chin up, kid. :)"


"This is a completely hypothetical question

If you were mafia, what would you want the lackey to do"


"Well, speaking purely in hypotheticals, I would probably want the Lackey to use his or her block on a certain member whose username consists of three of the first four numbers in the Fibonacci sequence... Afterwards, I would hope that said Lackey contacts the user they blocked, who might be kind enough to introduce the Lackey to his family."


"Hmm 0 1 1 2

Not quite sure what you mean :bigblush:"




"Hypothetically why wouldn't you want the lackey to block PPL"


"Hypothetically, there's still only a small chance that PPCLI actually dies next round because the SK would have to be on the Mafia's side. Hypothetically, the Kingpin's investigation may have also been a hit, and the Mafia might feel it's best to take out a potentially special role rather than re-affirm PPCLI's alleged role of Doctor."


"Did you guys get sheriff?"


"Wait lol, nevermind. Just realized if a hypothetical member of the Mafia is blocked, the Mafia kill won't go through."

"And no, not Sheriff, which means we can hypothetically block them this round instead."

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Nope. Not at all. Please point me to where i defended you as the doc publicly. Hint: there wasn't any.

No, please, I encourage you to lean on me. We don't need anyone else to do so.

Unvote; Vote1 Dral. While I wait for my leaning to take place.

right you didn't publicly defend me, but you both did call for an investigation on me when we knew VIC thought I might be the KP...

Awful touchy tonight eh ? :P

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right you didn't publicly defend me, but you both did call for an investigation on me when we knew VIC thought I might be the KP...

Awful touchy tonight eh ? :P

Backpedal harder pls I don't know how that has anything to do with "defending" you lol.

Only for u

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Backpedal harder pls I don't know how that has anything to do with "defending" you lol.

Only for u

Hehe, you insinuated that I might be the real doc, called for a confirmation via investigation casting doubts on the legitimacy of VICs out right claims that I was confirmed mafia - if thats not defending me, I'm not sure what is....

You don't think 112 gave up that he was Mafia way too easily there?

asking for the Lackey to PM him is pretty much saying "Hi, I'm Mafia" - or at least pretending, there's nothing much left to do at that point but go on...


I was just pointing out last time we played, both of them posted almost the same thing at the same time in defense of myself.

Does Toews defend people when he's TP?

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