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Mafia: The Game [Cosi Grossi Testicoli] Game Over - Please Sign Up!


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I was investigated or special killed early the last three times I've been mafia. I made myself an obvious investigation target in the first round last game as well

I was the SK that game and looking to kill either a mafia or a special that first round. Completely different feel this time around as your posts in that game do not contain the same nuance they do this game.

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So I get no response from VIC but then we get a post from Burr that screams "investigate me!". I could be wrong about VIC, he is probably the mafia nurse and Burr is the Lackey. Either way be wary of these two.

Actually I'd love to be investigated. I WANT PM'S they make mafia a lot more interesting!

If its the vote for TPP, don't forget I was right about him in the first round last game ;)

I was just wanting to post the truth about why I won't be on today... I'm leaving work early and going out to a friends, then ladies night at Rooster :towel:

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I was the SK that game and looking to kill either a mafia or a special that first round. Completely different feel this time around as your posts in that game do not contain the same nuance they do this game.

Check my posts before midnight of the first night where I was investigated. I put on the brakes of switching up my playing style as soon as 112 contacted me. I even mentioned to AT that I was experimenting due to my previous failures as mafia.

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Actually I'd love to be investigated. I WANT PM'S they make mafia a lot more interesting!

If its the vote for TPP, don't forget I was right about him in the first round last game ;)

I was just wanting to post the truth about why I won't be on today... I'm leaving work early and going out to a friends, then ladies night at Rooster :towel:


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Check my posts before midnight of the first night where I was investigated. I put on the brakes of switching up my playing style as soon as 112 contacted me. I even mentioned to AT that I was experimenting due to my previous failures as mafia.

Certainly back-firing now isn't it? :P I really haven't seen many failures from you in this game so you can understand why I would be skeptical that you would change your playing style at all. I wonder what others who know your playing style fairly well think about this?

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My guess is that Peaches is SK. Is it really a good idea to take him out now if he is?

With 2 Mafia down, I think the odds are a TP will be hit next round. Plus, you know... anyone who's been God killed might want some vengeance so I wouldn't rule out the Vig, GD or TB going after him :P

Either way, I don't think we should be lynching VIC (or Peaches for that matter). I actually think that Drouin would be a better target considering AT's post. Does anyone else have anything to add?

I agree with not lynching VIC atm, that was an awful lot of work to go through to survive another day and on the off chance hes TP, having him around is beneficial. I think the lynch should go towards someone whos quiet (either unhelpful TP or Mafia in hiding)

unvote, vote2 Drouin - unless you've got a good reason to be quiet this game and start speaking up, I say we swing you from the gallows along with that suspicious charlie and eddie fellows

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It's time for a Peaches analysis.


Survived. Other than that, not all that suspicious.

Suspicion Level: Low-Medium

Not A Fruit

Eh. Typical NAF really.

Suspicion Level: Low


I find this guy suspicious, but more of a gut feeling than anything

Suspicion Level: Medium

King Heffy

Suspicious because he seems like he's trying to fly under the radar.

Suspicion Level: Medium-High


Only voted him because I needed to save myself. Still, I thought he would've defended himself by now.

Suspicion Level: Low-Medium


Likely doctor.

Suspicion Level: Low


I always find him suspicious.

Suspicion Level: Medium


Convo with Hodor doesn't completely clear him, but I don't really think he's mafia.

Suspicion Level: Low-Medium

I'll do the rest later.

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Lol at this sudden bandwagon to kill Drouin

We're lynching Vic tonight!

Two people do not a bandwagon make (especially when one of them is voting to save their own life).

That aside, Dral makes a good point. The posters who stay quiet and don't voice their suspicions or opinions aren't helping the TP's at all. The Dop should probably throw an investigation or kill on one of these people eventually so we can rule out a mafia squeaking through to the final rounds like Mau5trap last game.

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