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Are the Playoffs Rigged? (Put on Your Tinfoil Hat, We're Going In...)


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Lets try not to lower ourselves to personal attacks.

Also as a therapist you should probably talk to somebody regarding your paragraph there. You also might want to talk to them about your imaginary ex-ref friend.

You also won't find any real refs here; but you know that. If you're looking for refs from kids leagues you may find some. I used to ref high school football for real. But I doubt you want to hear from me right?

Ok grandma. let's not.

When did I say he was my friend. The guy is an arrogant douchebag. He is definately not my friend.

I don't want to hear from you because you have nothing real to offer. All you have is liar liar pants on fire.

I will continue to reiterate that the conversation did take place. You can desperately call me a liar all you want. I will simply re-state the fact.

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It's pretty obvious this year. My friends and I always joke around saying "The script is in" or "It's part of the script" for the bad calls.

But from the other side, the refs are viewing the game in real time and not looking at replays or the full rink like we all are from home. They miss it once, it's done. And if we reviewed penalties, there would be far too many pauses mid game because coaches will be screaming for them 24/7. It's hard to make every single call.


Case in point, the elbowing penalty on Subban a few games ago. At game speed, it looked like an elbow/high hit. Only in the slow-mo replay could you really see it probably wasnt a penalty. The refs dont have the luxury of slow-mo replay. You can throw in thornton's water bottle incident too....NOBODY saw that live....it was only after the media pointed it out in a replay that fans started clammoring that a penalty shoulda been called.

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Ok grandma. let's not.

When did I say he was my friend. The guy is an arrogant douchebag. He is definately not my friend.

I don't want to hear from you because you have nothing real to offer. All you have is liar liar pants on fire.

I will continue to reiterate that the conversation did take place. You can desperately call me a liar all you want. I will simply re-state the fact.

Seriously no explanation for the grandma thing? Just randomly generated to incite rage?

And then you accuse me of having nothing to offer?!?


Also your story keeps changing. Is it one guy you can't stand or a group of people. I mean now you're saying one guy but in the beginning you said that you know refs (plural) and that they (as in more than one) are telling you these things. I mean...really.

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Seriously no explanation for the grandma thing? Just randomly generated to incite rage?

And then you accuse me of having nothing to offer?!?

So that's what you key in on. You are always acting like the voice of reason, but always take the League view. Sometimes you come off as a uppity ole granny. It probably would have been a one time thing, but then you accused me of lying. You don't know me but I am very honest and have a thing about lying. I consider myself to be honest to a fault.

The conversation happened. We were talking about reffing in various small communities. An ex-ref interrupted us and bragged about manipulating games. He did it in an obnoxious manner and was basically goading us. His friends added a few nuggets.

I get that it is your job to protect the league interest.

I'm not a liar grandma.

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So that's what you key in on. You are always acting like the voice of reason, but always take the League view. Sometimes you come off as a uppity ole granny. It probably would have been a one time thing, but then you accused me of lying. You don't know me but I am very honest and have a thing about lying. I consider myself to be honest to a fault.

The conversation happened. We were talking about reffing in various small communities. An ex-ref interrupted us and bragged about manipulating games. He did it in an obnoxious manner and was basically goading us. His friends added a few nuggets.

I get that it is your job to protect the league interest.

I'm not a liar grandma.

I've very clearly said I sit on the fence here. I just don't take your view and you seem to have this with us or against us mentality.

Happened or not, your story keeps changing. I don't even question it when Vansicle says something similar in a response in fact. I absolutely believe when he said it there is truth to it. You're quite clearly telling stories.

I mean of course it's my job. I'm actually Gary Bettman. Shh don't tell anybody. You're the reason people think the conspiracy side is just full of nut jobs. There's actually some sound theory to it to be honest, some of which I totally buy.

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I've very clearly said I sit on the fence here. I just don't take your view and you seem to have this with us or against us mentality.

Happened or not, your story keeps changing. I don't even question it when Vansicle says something similar in a response in fact. I absolutely believe when he said it there is truth to it. You're quite clearly telling stories.

I mean of course it's my job. I'm actually Gary Bettman. Shh don't tell anybody. You're the reason people think the conspiracy side is just full of nut jobs. There's actually some sound theory to it to be honest, some of which I totally buy.

It's funny but I don't think that the League is rigged. I think they manipulate outcomes for maximum monetary benefit and US growth.

You say you sit on the fence but your responses clearly put you on the League side. You pretend to be on the fence so you can pretend to be the voice of reason.

You really are being a scumbag!!! You've repeatedly called me a liar with nothing to back it but your need to defend the refs.

The story is the same with different words. It happened and no amount of your denial will change that fact.

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It's funny but I don't think that the League is rigged. I think they manipulate outcomes for maximum monetary benefit and US growth.

Sure and that's fine. That's where I sit as well I just don't buy every theory regarding it.

You say you sit on the fence but your responses clearly put you on the League side. You pretend to be on the fence so you can pretend to be the voice of reason.

I don't pretend to be the voice of reason and I don't sit on the leagues side of this. I just don't buy what you're selling and that seems to have made you angry enough to call me grandma for a bunch of posts.

You really are being a scumbag!!! You've repeatedly called me a liar with nothing to back it but your need to defend the refs.

The story is the same with different words. It happened and no amount of your denial will change that fact.

Yeah but I only do that because your story changes and came out of nowhere all of a sudden. I mean that's the type of thing I would lay on the table right off the bat. Something stinks. You can call me all the names you want like some little kid losing an argument. In fact you should keep doing it because it really goes to show how strong your arguement is that you have to call me a douche and a scumbag. For a guy who prides himself on being honest you sure don't mind calling people names like you're on a playground.

You can go away, you can keep responding. I don't care because you've little to offer other than entertainment so far.

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Sure and that's fine. That's where I sit as well I just don't buy every theory regarding it.

I don't pretend to be the voice of reason and I don't sit on the leagues side of this. I just don't buy what you're selling and that seems to have made you angry enough to call me grandma for a bunch of posts.

Yeah but I only do that because your story changes and came out of nowhere all of a sudden. I mean that's the type of thing I would lay on the table right off the bat. Something stinks. You can call me all the names you want like some little kid losing an argument. In fact you should keep doing it because it really goes to show how strong your arguement is that you have to call me a douche and a scumbag. For a guy who prides himself on being honest you sure don't mind calling people names like you're on a playground.

You can go away, you can keep responding. I don't care because you've little to offer other than entertainment so far.

What changes to my story cannot be attributed to a quick response. The story is the same and you have offered absolutely nothing.

Why do you think it your job to defend the League, the owners , and the refs.

By the way I said you were behaving like a scumbag and you were in douchebag territory. I stand by that.

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What changes to my story cannot be attributed to a quick response. The story is the same and you have offered absolutely nothing.


Why do you think it your job to defend the League, the owners , and the refs.

Easy answer. I don't. If anything you're working for the league by making these theories look insane.

By the way I said you were behaving like a scumbag and you were in douchebag territory. I stand by that.

Edit:What I wrote here originally was uncalled for and I apologize.
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Easy answer. I don't. If anything you're working for the league by making these theories look insane.

You're behaving like somebody with poor parenting.

I don't care about the theories. How does some loudmouth ex-ref being a dick make the theories look insane.

You desperately want this to be a lie don't you? It's not!

Now you insult my parents. Yeah, that's not a douchebag move nor is it something a scumbag would do.

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This reminds me of Metal Face Doom, who I have no history with whatsoever, or so I would've thought, taking upon himself to 'call me out' in a seperate thread. I think about Ehlers. That didn't really go anywhere either.

"I'm here to call you a blah blah blah blah blah. I think your posts are blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. I think you're a blah blah blah and what you should do is blah blah. What I have to say is blah blah blah blah. If you were blah all the time then maybe you'd be a better blah blah blah, but you are just a blah blah."

Ho fracking hum.

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This still going on? If the playoffs/NHL were rigged, you'd see Phoenix and Florida in the conference finals every year to boost up attendence. Boston and Chicago are there every year because they are the best teams. Take Boston's roster and put them in Edmonton, and you'd see the Oilers as a legitimate contender for the next few years, same as Chicago.

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When Neely told Linden to wait until after the 2nd round to start the Benning process, it's because Neely already knew the Bruins weren't going to round 3.

you are trying too hard dude.

I do think the league apply game or even micro game management in the playoff to get favourable match up, but you are trying to make it like every single action in the league are scripted....

stuffs like this really hurt people like me cos others often group us together whenver we talk about biased treatment in the league... It's pretty annoying actually.

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It's was fairly clear to me who would be the benefactors in the east this year. NYR American 04 team. Montreal to appease silly Canadians. Done. In the west Chicago and LA have been spoiled for a few years now, so it should have been obvious.

The Price injury is typical. You'll always find key Canadian team players being injured at key times these days.

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