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Gillis silent while Canucks need him most (Bold moves my ass)


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Chicago never traded away any of their core and they have a great core that is very young and much better than Vancouver's. On top of that the NHL gave them a gift when they were able to "loan" Huet out to a european team so they wouldn't have his horrid 5 million dollar cap hit and then the NHL gave the Black Hawks another gift with the Hossa deal when it should of been voided and they should of been fined and had draft picks taken but it didn't even get investigated until the after they won the stanley cup and Luongo was signed to his long term deal which is no where near as bad Hossa's.

What I mean by bad is Hossa's contract starts at 7.9 million and continues to pay him that for 7 years and then after that it drops to 4 million for 1 year and after it drops to 1 million for 4 more years. There are 5 clear years on his contract that are not meant to be played and are purely there to bring down his overall cap hit which should be 7.9.

If the league would of done what it did to NJ to Chicago, like it should of, Luongo wouldn't have his horrible contract; he would likely be getting 5.5 to 7 million a year. They didn't though because punishing chicago, one of its poster boys, would of ruined its image and likely prevented them from winning any of their cups of late.

What MG should of done that many people here are completely against, they believe that a player needs to stay with an organization for life regardless of whether he is an all star or not, is trade away the core he didn't draft and get younger players back and rebuild a team of his vision on the fly. What he did instead was play it very safe and try to keep all the players happy and give them whatever they asked for and only asked they signed at a reduce cap hit in return. Kesler had an unbelievable season that he will never replicate again MG should of seen that and traded him that summer and gotten a kings ransom for him. I remember that summer there was huge talks about Corey Perry being traded and the way Kesler played that year a Kesler for Perry trade would of been very plausible and he is the perfect player for the Sedins. MG then should of traded Burrows who had a very cap friendly contract and has hugely inflated stats due to the Sedins so he could of gotten a pretty decent return.

I can go on and on but I've made my point and now that MG has handed out all his NTC's to undeserving players he can virtually do nothing but watch the team fail and then wait some more for players to ask to be traded.


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He said the words 'bold and agressive' over 5 years ago. Get over it. It doesn't have to apply to every single trade/signing from that point forward. Talk about taking something completely out of context.

Made the same point earlier, as have others, but it's worth repeating.

Money, I've been trying to point this out for awhile. The guy can't do anyting unless it's a good deal. Like he's some kind of super garage sailer, or Wal-Mart shopper. It's really not as complicated as he makes it out to be. You get a certain amount of money, you assemble the best team you can, not the best team for your buck. Hey asswipe you get $70m a year you don't have to be a cheap funk.

If it was that easy, anyone could do it... right?

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Money, I've been trying to point this out for awhile. The guy can't do anyting unless it's a good deal. Like he's some kind of super garage sailer, or Wal-Mart shopper. It's really not as complicated as he makes it out to be. You get a certain amount of money, you assemble the best team you can, not the best team for your buck. Hey asswipe you get $70m a year you don't have to be a cheap funk.


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ok, time to chill out a bit.

1. Is MG the best GM out there - probably not. but not the worst. middle of the pack maybe - but it's his first go-around so what do you expect? You aren't going to get the best GM in the game by hiring a rookie.

2. Can he draft well? From early returns, yes.

3. Does he trade well? 50-50. Hope he learns and doesn't have a big head. Or if he does have a big head that he lets some actual logic in.

4. Could another GM have done better? An experienced GM, yes.

5. Did he think the window closed before the fans? ie. gave up on the team before the fans? yes. He knew the window was closed when Schneider was dealt. That was an obvious rebuild move, you'd have to be a moron to believe that move could help the team win a cup with the current core.

6. Could he have done more to extent the last window? Yes. But the more you extend, the more you will suck when it's done. With Kesler's injury pos 2011, and DS's concussion - they haven't been the same and they are basically "done" being top line players. That is the brutal truth. So did he recognize this? I think he did. Especially when he talks about mentoring after signing the Sedins. And Lu dropped out long ago when he melted down a ton of times in the playoffs. HS, DS, Kesler, Lu were the real core -> now just HS - and he is on a distinguished and honourable decline. but it's not enough.

7. Is he a good GM for building? that is the real question. I think his drafting instincts are better - he has more years in gauging young talent than he has being a GM that's for sure. And his early drafting seems ok. What he does with the draft picks later is a bit spurious, but he has the instincts. Trades? No.... He looks at potential, like an agent would look at a player when they are trying to figure out how much that player is worth - all about potential. To win a trade you have to actually be brutally honest and not lie to yourself and think that player has serious concussion or whatever and realize that isn't a great place to park 4 million of your cap space (ie. those are the trades you win by not taking them). How about signings? Yes, he signs players from all over and some of them look good - and he signs for less dollars, so he is good there. So... 2/3 ain't bad #meatloaf.

so chill out, enjoy the ride! If we hang on and make the playoffs it will still be exciting! Wish we could get a top pick - or the top pick, but this city won't stand for a fire-sale, nor do I think a fire-sale is warranted.

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No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.

No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.

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the problem is, these monkeys on Canucks.com are attacking Mike Gillis for not making a bold move, but they a lot are refusing to give up anything to get one. A bold move will be Horvat OR Shinkaruk along with 1st round pick, and a good roster out of our roster for a star player. At least. But most of us are unwilling to give up Or Horvat or Shinkaruk, I do not want to give those guys up, that said' Im not the one whinning for a bold move. You want bold move? Then your Arm chair trade offers better include a Shinkaruk and a Horvat.

Thanks for weighing in. The least trained chimp of them all would be Mispelled and their feeble attempt at debating with you and correcting your spelling and grammar yet having no clue about the hockey business.

Another push of the sky is falling group is taking place. One has to remember most of this group still lives with mummy and the other has no clue on the workings of a business let alone a multimillion dollar hockey club in a billion dollar league consisting of players which are human beings not trading cards.

I beg to ask the people who want Gillis out right now, who are you going to replace him with?Have you taken a second to think about the fact that the actual boss is still and always has been the Aquillini family, who's hockey club is 100% theirs along with the strong funding that spends to the cap each season? This family needs to be shown a little respect that they know what they are doing and at this point believe Gillis has control of the situation.

Not one of us has been privy to what is said behind closed doors leaving the masses, including the media with speculatory conclusions with out much logic. I listen to the so called guru of the hockey world, Bob McKenzie, and even he is usually off more often then not. Why, because he has to speculate.

Some fans around here need to accept that logic isn't always comfortable.

People expect the same results of a few years ago from a present group that isn't the same now.

Bone head thinking of trading our young prospects lacks any logic in today's NHL.

Like I say, move out of your mothers basement people and get checking accounts, then move from there.

Remember, the worst thing one can do, ever, is panic, and that's what a lot of you are doing roght now.

Thank God Gillis isn't.

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No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.

No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.No trade clauses are all work and no play.

Pesky no trade clauses.
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We need to upgrade our first and second line. We need to score more, we are lack of scoring team now. Mike Gillis really need to do something. He has to see things more certainly. He needs to know who is scorer and passer. Trading Kesler or Elder maybe an option, but getting whom in return is another thing. One move can be successful, otherwise, will destroy the hockey club.

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We need to upgrade our first and second line. We need to score more, we are lack of scoring team now. Mike Gillis really need to do something. He has to see things more certainly. He needs to know who is scorer and passer. Trading Kesler or Elder maybe an option, but getting whom in return is another thing. One move can be successful, otherwise, will destroy the hockey club.

You're ok with your thinking here, just don't trade out young guys.
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