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[Report] Torts to have in person hearing Mon

Del Rio

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Well he shouldn't have been allowed to finish the last game so maybe the 3rd game will be to make up for that.

I dunno. I don't think 3 is excessive. 2 is right but 3 isn't far off.

Why he wasn't ejected from the game as per the rules was strange. Maybe the on ice officials weren't made aware?

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I agree, Torts' behaviour was not professional but I don't think he deserves a suspension. He'll likely get a tongue lashing from the league and maybe a small fine. I understand Torts reason for being so angry, but he needs to conduct himself better than that.

Unfortunately three past fines and one previous suspension likely means another one is forthcoming.

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I agree, Torts' behaviour was not professional but I don't think he deserves a suspension. He'll likely get a tongue lashing from the league and maybe a small fine. I understand Torts reason for being so angry, but he needs to conduct himself better than that.

Off ice altercations are an automatic 1 game suspension, so it won't be just a fine. They might decide to give him more than 1 game though. Malarchuk had his crazy eyes out and was trying to run after Tortorella, but they didn't summon him for anything.

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Meeting was for 8:00 AM, it is probably over.

Points to ponder as we await the fate of John Tortorella, who had an in-person hearing today in New York at 8 a.m. (Pacific) with NHL commissioner Gary Bettman, deputy commissioner Bill Daly and executive director of operations Colin Campbell.


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So, it should have started 90 minutes ago here. How long will they take to make their decision?

Probably a couple hours. Especially if Bettman and Daly are also there. My guess is they're going to talk about how he's going to act on the ice in the future since this is a recurring problem where he lets his rage get the best of him, as well as the fine/suspension.

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Probably a couple hours. Especially if Bettman and Daly are also there. My guess is they're going to talk about how he's going to act on the ice in the future since this is a recurring problem where he lets his rage get the best of him, as well as the fine/suspension.

His rage was completely justified. If those two turdsicles can't see that he was incensed due to other coaches and players targeting his star players unjustly, they are just as gutless as Hartley.

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Guys he will be suspended, that much is already a given. Off ice altercations are suspensions for coaches, you just cant do that. Having said that I fully support Torts, I just hope it is a game or two rather than a handful. Just remember, it could be a good wakeup call and rallying point for the team, so I dont mind a couple game suspension at all

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