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6th Pick: 2014 NHL Entry Draft


6th Pick   

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More effort. laziness is a huge red flag to Teams.

I would like him to lose some of that fat and gain some muscle and develop his core strength

So his conditioning/professionalism is why we shouldn't draft him 6th but at 8th it's fine. So you acknowledge his, shot, speed, physicality, two way game, saucer passing, insane hockey IQ, having an older brother that's pro.

All makes him valuable at 8th but not 6th.

You guys are hilarious.

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Haha really? Is Nichushkin a PWF now because he is 205? Is he a big physical player?

In 2-5 years, Perry and Getzlaf will be close to the end of their careers, Thornton, Marleau and Burns will start to become ineffective and LA isn't that big of a team really. I don't want to get off topic though but it isn't the players that make them a physical and hard team to match up, it is that Darryl Sutter knows how to get his players to forecheck hard and lay the body out. Gaborik has starting hitting alot once he reached LA aswell.

I understand what you're saying but with our new coach he can teach a physical game into our players that will help alot of players, Kassian, Horvat, Gaunce, Jensen, Cassels in the future can play a solid two way hard checking game. We need to add an elite offensive gamebreaker, Nylander has a chance to be a player like that. Lucic isn't a game breaker IMO, P. Kane, Giroux, Tavares are the type of players I can see Nylander becoming.

Can't disagree with you here.

I just think Ritchie is that game breaker size or no size in the Pacific Division.

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And yet most of you Ehlers and Nylander haters say he is too soft because he is Euro

When did I say Ehlers was soft? months ago?

One of my most recent posts I said he is scary resilient for being so small.

And I am happy to admit Nylander smoked ppl on the strength tests,

Their game won't translate it''s my opinion. I think they'll be amazing 2nd liners like Grabner and never be breakers. I may be completely wrong and they both could be Hall of Famers.

But the fact Ritchie is as fast as he is, I don't care about the chance Ehlers or Nylander could ever be that.

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So his conditioning/professionalism is why we shouldn't draft him 6th but at 8th it's fine. So you acknowledge his, shot, speed, physicality, two way game, saucer passing, insane hockey IQ, having an older brother that's pro.

All makes him valuable at 8th but not 6th.

You guys are hilarious.

and that Nylander and Elhers are better.

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Can't disagree with you here.

I just think Ritchie is that game breaker size or no size in the Pacific Division.

The only reason you like him is because he is big. If he were a 6''0 player who put up 70 points, he would be a 3rd round pick

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So his conditioning/professionalism is why we shouldn't draft him 6th but at 8th it's fine. So you acknowledge his, shot, speed, physicality, two way game, saucer passing, insane hockey IQ, having an older brother that's pro.

All makes him valuable at 8th but not 6th.

You guys are hilarious.


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You think Ritchie plays like Kassian, why is that cuz he's big?

Your opinion isn't even existent.

I am not arguing with you because it seems pointless. You always seem to comeback with an arrogant comment.

You are pretty closed minded and it seems have a hard on for Ritchie. I find it somewhat amusing.

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The problem with Ritchie is, I have a feeling he is only going to get bigger which will affect his finesse and mobility. If he does he could turn into a Kassian or even Sestito.


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TSN was saying between periods that Pearson got passed up in his draft eligible due to lack of speed and conditioning. Also, on Toffoli he dropped because of conditioning. Obviously LA addressed that with these 2 youngsters and now look at them.

If that is the problem with Ritchie then I think that could be addressed with the right development does that make him perfect? Consistency is also common with young players but does he have a work ethic? I don't know.

Just a little information about some issues Ritchie has.

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Anyways back on topic I hope we are able to move up and if not I think we should pick up one of the skilled offensive players like Nylander or Ehlers.

Yes, but why.

The problem with Ritchie is, I have a feeling he is only going to get bigger which will affect his finesse and mobility. If he does he could turn into a Kassian or even Sestito.

Why would he get bigger he already lost 10 lbs this past year from 236 to 225, He'll drop all his fat and then gain a good 10 llbs of muscle topping out at 228~.

His speed is amazing if you actually checked it out, as well in his interview he said the thing he's worked on the most is his speed and conditioning haha

The Pylon factor is real, but the kid is educated enough to know that's his weakness.

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TSN was saying between periods that Pearson got passed up in his draft eligible due to lack of speed and conditioning. Also, on Toffoli he dropped because of conditioning. Obviously LA addressed that with these 2 youngsters and now look at them.

If that is the problem with Ritchie then I think that could be addressed with the right development does that make him perfect? Consistency is also common with young players but does he have a work ethic? I don't know.

Just a little information about some issues Ritchie has.

I tottaly agree, but on the nylander front i dont see any issues at all..

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Nylander is just too good to pass on. Benning also as people have said he has had good interviews with the canucks... has Ritchie even had one? If he has then its not a good sign that nothing was mentioned about it. To me it is down to moving up and drafting Reinhart, Drafting someone who falls from the top 5 or taking William Nylander.

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If that is the problem with Ritchie then I think that could be addressed with the right development does that make him perfect? Consistency is also common with young players but does he have a work ethic? I don't know.

See if you've watched Ritchie like most pro's have you'll see this immediately within his game. He isn't bad at anything.

  • Full speed, cross rink saucer passes
  • Bullet one timer
  • Half a second release wrist shot
  • IQ to find the open ice to be wide open and make plays
  • Drives the net as hard as possible
  • Fast as fuck
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See if you've watched Ritchie like most pro's have you'll see this immediately within his game. He isn't bad at anything.

  • Full speed, cross rink saucer passes
  • Bullet one timer
  • Half a second release wrist shot
  • IQ to find the open ice to be wide open and make plays
  • Drives the net as hard as possible
  • Fast as frack

not bad at anything eh? so I guess the pros should have him ranked number 1.

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