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Mafia: La Nostra Famiglia


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Okay, VIC is confirmed Mafia.

Time for me to come clean. I'm a Private Investigator, which is basically a tracker. There are two of us. We can follow one person a night and see who they visit.

Night 1, we followed Aladeen, and he visited no one - more proof he's lying.

Night 2 we tracked VIC. He visited ilduce. I believed up until recently this made him the ??? killer - and that he was the only one. So I contacted him to cut a deal, thinking we both needed to track down the Mafia. I figured since he had killed JE, he wasn't Mafia, but since he had killed ilduce, he wasn't TP. As a third party, we could work together. I told my partner to come out in thread about the truth if anything happened to me I didn't realise the kill rotated around, however.

(Night 3 I followed Kesler. He visited no one. However, this does not clear him of being Mafia.)

So whoever has the ??? kill tonight, target VIC. And Doctor, I'd love it if you saved me, as we are clearly without a Sheriff (I agree with GFY that it was probably Kryten) and my role might be able to help a bit. I don't know what other roles are out there, though. But I understand that I can never play a game of Mafia without being considered incredibly suspicious, so if you don't trust me that's fine.

Wow VIC is mafia? I for one am shocked, totally did not see this coming.

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If Aladeen is TP everything is gone to craps anyways so I think we just have to assume he is mafia and make our other moves like he is.

He is not a TP, lol. He himself delivered the Mafia hit last round. I can tell you that much.

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Who's that riding in the sun?
Who's the man with the itchy gun?
Who's the man who kills for fun?
Psycho Sheriff, Psycho Sheriff, Psycho Sheriff.

Who's that riding across the plain?
Who's lost count of the TP he's slain?
Who's the man who's plumb insane?
Psycho Sheriff, Psycho Sheriff, Psycho Sheriff.
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Who's that riding in the sun?

Who's the man with the itchy gun?

Who's the man who kills for fun?

Psycho Sheriff, Psycho Sheriff, Psycho Sheriff.

Who's that riding across the plain?

Who's lost count of the TP he's slain?

Who's the man who's plumb insane?

Psycho Sheriff, Psycho Sheriff, Psycho Sheriff.

If you aren't mafia you're doing a good job helping them win this

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My current list:







HOPEFULLY at least 1 who got GK'd

This is pretty much exactly what I am thinking right now as well, heh.


I figured you'd like it. :lol:

Difference between you and me is I have proof. ;)


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I figured you'd like it. :lol:

Difference between you and me is I have proof. ;)

If you're lying then screw you for toying with my heart!

I was not capable of getting proof, I'm just a TP. I really hope Vic is mafia or else I suck at this game.

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