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[PGT]Bye Playoffs?


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Anaheim twice on back to back.

...now you have to re-read what I said.

I never said that I think we will go 6-1... I said I think we will make it IF we go 6-1.

Gonna be tough... odds against us. At least it provides some entertainment to the end.

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you said you believe 6-1 will get us in. implying you think it will happen you "dope"

Are you slow?

I said 6-1 will get us in. Not that we will go 6-1. I hope we do.....



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yep, similar to the one the people saying we're going to go 7-0 have

well to both sides anything can happen and until this team is technically unable to make the playoffs people are going to believe they still can

this isn't directed at you but to the people that continue to attack and insult people in believing they can make it still there is absolutely no reason to do so and is unnecessary

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Great effort by the team these last few games but it's time to stick a fork in this years season,we are done!

Get a good draft under our belts and come back next year with some new young talent and some healthy vetrans.I also want to see a new coaching staff with a more player friendly or a teaching type coach.(keep Gulutzan as head coach maybe)

Torts has no system and his everybody block shots mantra has decimated the team physically this season.


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Lets keep our fingers crossed.

Right now we will draft 10th. Even 8th will make a big difference. I am really high on Ehlers

honestly unless this team gets into the top 5 which was unlikely even before winning these last couple of games the difference between 6-10 is not very much players can drop you never know until 3-4 years from the draft honestly

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