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ADF: (1) Boston Bruins vs (3) Montreal Canadiens

Who will win the series?  

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Funny thing is this applies more than the original post about the Habs players, except Chara. Chara is captain quality even I have to admit.

Disagree. Chara's the biggest diver in the NHL, can't take a clean hit, and is a noted cheapshot artist. He has to assume some of the blame for promoting the most classless organizational culture in all of sports too.

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i highly doubt that. let's get real here

TS talk to some people who even live in Boston. They are hated dude, big time. Yes they have skill, size, talent but are the biggest hypocrites in the league The entire eastern seaboard despises that team. I will give credit though, they have been a force for a while now and are the Pres trophy team for a reason. That being said they can choke on a big fat d.......

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Cooke is awesome. If I'm a GM I would sign him in a heartbeat. I know I'm the minority here in this regard.

While you're at it, why don't you grab Steve Ott, Bertuzzi, Torres and Phaneuf and so forth?

Cooke plays well when he's not being a goon, it should stay that way but old habits never die.

I would want an enforcer or two on my team, but not dirty ones... if they're going to be missing games, then they're no help to my team- I'd go for Wendell Clark, Tie Domi, Sheldon Souray, etc.

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The thought of Sheldon Souray as an enforcer made me laugh so hard I spewed Shredded Wheat all over my screen .. every time he fought he hurt himself .. :lol:

lol shredded wheat all over the screen.

Yeah I remember when he fought... lol

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I disagree that they were the better team.. I think we sustained horrible injuries that allowed Boston to run away with it.

I also think that the league was on their side and still is.

And lastly, I definitely believe that some of the comments youve made in this thread has lostvyou a ton of credibility, and with that I will leave you to your mumbo jumbo.

People keep saying this but it's a myth.

Yes, Marchand got away with speed bagging Daniel, (he didn't actually get away with it, he was penalized, but so was Danny. A clear case of "game management) however, the Canucks had a sizable advantage in power plays in that series. The real issue is that they didn't take advantage of it.

I agree with your earlier point that it was injuries that were the team's downfall. Hammer, Raymond and Rome... all out. Hank, Kes, Ehrhoff, Juice, Manny, Samuelsson and Edler all walking wounded. Hard to comete when you're that beat up.

Finally, I disagree with your comment about his "credibility". Blindly hating a team because CDC tells you that you should doesn't earn you credibility, nor does refusing to jump on the hater's bandwagon lose it.

If you want to see what "lost credibility" looks like, you should take a close look at some of the silly things being said by Bruin haters in both this thread and the other Bruin-centric threads in the General forum.

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Lol so much butthurt everywhere ITT. I just like the Habs and dislike the Bruins, can't we Kumbaya? It's been a great series.

Hopefully I don't have to work 10 hour day today because A. don't want to miss what should be an epic finish to a great series and B. my back is killing me :(

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I predict this game will be officiated worse than all the other games.

Subban will probably get ejected for being on the ice and Lucic will most likely draw a 5 minute penalty for boarding or hitting one of the habs best players in the head.

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I predict this game will be officiated worse than all the other games.

Subban will probably get ejected for being on the ice and Lucic will most likely draw a 5 minute penalty for boarding or hitting one of the habs best players in the head.

Good idea. Get the excuses out there before the game starts.

If the Habs get the calls and win, you can always pretend you didn't say it.

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I predict this game will be officiated worse than all the other games.

Subban will probably get ejected for being on the ice and Lucic will most likely draw a 5 minute penalty for boarding or hitting one of the habs best players in the head.

Something's bound to happen, wouldn't be surprised if this is accurate.
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Something's bound to happen, wouldn't be surprised if this is accurate.

I predict that not much will get called either way, except for obvious infractions that lead to, or eliminate scoring chances and automatic calls, like high sticking and shooting the puck over the glass.

I also predict that both sides will leave the game feeling that they didn't get PPs that they should have and in the case of Montreal, CDC will say they're exactly right, while Boston will be "hypocrites".

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People keep saying this but it's a myth.

Yes, Marchand got away with speed bagging Daniel, (he didn't actually get away with it, he was penalized, but so was Danny. A clear case of "game management) however, the Canucks had a sizable advantage in power plays in that series. The real issue is that they didn't take advantage of it.

I agree with your earlier point that it was injuries that were the team's downfall. Hammer, Raymond and Rome... all out. Hank, Kes, Ehrhoff, Juice, Manny, Samuelsson and Edler all walking wounded. Hard to comete when you're that beat up.

Finally, I disagree with your comment about his "credibility". Blindly hating a team because CDC tells you that you should doesn't earn you credibility, nor does refusing to jump on the hater's bandwagon lose it.

If you want to see what "lost credibility" looks like, you should take a close look at some of the silly things being said by Bruin haters in both this thread and the other Bruin-centric threads in the General forum.

You think its a myth.. This does not mean that it is.. Just like my opinion that it is does not make it so.. See how that works??

I've seen enough crap from this league to firmly believe there is a bias in games. Nobody will convince me otherwise. That is my stance on the game we're being given today. Doesn't mean that won't change in the future.

And CDC is hardly a place I'm going to run along with based on popular opinion. I'm basing my thoughts off of what I've witnessed watching the bruins play for the last few seasons.

Lots of people like to throw out the "butthurt about 2011" comment, which I always find comical, as a means to try to discredit very valid points made about the way that Boston plays and the antics they get away with.

Sure other teams do it, but the Bruins are definitely hypocrites about it. They do it because they know they can get away with it, which they continually do.

I blame the Bruins less than I blame the NHL.. They need to set the precedent, and I'm still waiting for the moment when they actually do. Until such time, the league is no longer a world-class league in my eyes and the credibilitybof the game is tainted, from their crap officiating and tolerance of it, to their abysmal player discipline, and everything else in between.

But whatever, people seem to love goon hockey these days so I doubt anything will change.

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I see. I guess there's no reason to try and educate you then, is there?

Educate me. Convince me that multi billion dollar corporations just leave it 100% to chance and don't work to improve their bottom line behind the scenes.

Oh wait, there's probably no reason to educate you on this, is there?

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Educate me. Convince me that multi billion dollar corporations just leave it 100% to chance and don't work to improve their bottom line behind the scenes.

Oh wait, there's probably no reason to educate you on this, is there?

It's pretty simple.

If Boston gets preferential treatment, that means that 29 other teams are being left out. Since the NHL BOG are made up of representatives from all 30 teams, are they just sitting back and letting this happen?

What about sheriff Shanny? He had to be in on the scam if the Bruins were getting preferred treatment when it comes to supplementary discipline. So what now that he's President of the Leafs? Did he go into Bettman's office on the way out and say "Hey Gary! Tell JJ the deal's off, or I go to the papers!"?

What about all the officials that also have to be in on the fix? Are they all afraid for their jobs, if they expose the league? What about the ones that retire? Are they getting hush money?

Honestly, the whole "league is conspiring to help Boston" thing is ridiculous.

And spare me the whole "It has nothing to do with 2011" garbage. Plenty of teams are as bad or worse than Boston. Philly, for example. Or how about Ottawa?

Two years ago, the Sens saw what the Kings had done to Vancouver in the playoffs and came into town and ran the Sedins at every opportunity. Neil and Foligno especially were in the twins' kitchens all night. But nobody talks about what "classless goons" Ottawa is, because up until the Heritage Classic, they had never beaten the Canucks in a meaningful game.

Finally: In a couple of years, I'll be enterng my 5th decade as a hockey player. There's absolutely nothing that you can teach me about this game. I could teach you, if you'd care to listen.

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