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High Pick + Overpaid player

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Hey I'm just really confused about what calgary apparently did. so dreger reports that the calgary flames offered to take Cam Ward if they included a first round pick, and something similar with the AZ Coyotes. I understand it's a cap move, but does that mean it looks like the following?


nothing or really late draft pick?


12th + Ribiero

apparently this trade was accepted by AZ! Why would anyone do this trade for the sake of getting rid of a player? Isn't it just best to buy him out? Also would you guys have considered this if the receiving team were the Canucks?

An explanation to the reasoning of this trade proposal would be nice

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Because buy out costs team cap space, espeically teams like Phoniex which does not want to spend money.

Basically Calgary eats salary for a first round pick. Give Burke credit to think outside of box to acquire draft pick

I see team would do this, but not too often. Imagine a cup contending team has some guy signed 6mil for few more years and absolutely sucks. They traded a first round pick but could use 6 mil cap to add the missing piece

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Because for stingy owners the buyout is the absolute last resort. If you can find a taker for that contract and can trade them without taking any salary back yourself or getting players of value back that you want, teams would do that. Most teams don't spend to the cap and have internal budgets below the cap.

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Hey I'm just really confused about what calgary apparently did. so dreger reports that the calgary flames offered to take Cam Ward if they included a first round pick, and something similar with the AZ Coyotes. I understand it's a cap move, but does that mean it looks like the following?


nothing or really late draft pick?


12th + Ribiero

apparently this trade was accepted by AZ! Why would anyone do this trade for the sake of getting rid of a player? Isn't it just best to buy him out? Also would you guys have considered this if the receiving team were the Canucks?

An explanation to the reasoning of this trade proposal would be nice

Not for an undersized, past embellishing champ of the year, 34 year-old, with behavioral issues.

Generally speaking, Burkie offered to take Ribeiro off of AZ's hands because AZ was going to discard him anyways...for AZ, should Ribeiro have accepted to waive his NTC to Calgary, the benefits would have been that they would not have had to pay Ribeiro any buy out monies (for both comp buy out and regular buy out) and would have avoided having any cap space charges against them (if they would have exercised regular buy out).

Burkie obviously thought that taking Ribeiro had some associated liabilities, so he was smart in asking for other assets to offset the liabilities was a really smart move...also goes to show you how badly Maloney wanted to get rid of Ribeiro. Don't blame him.

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