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Both Sedins have at least 70 points

Sixteen W's

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Forget comparing the two, my point is

hank would have more respect if he was Canadian or American. I agree Linden was the better overall captain but also that Hank deserves more respect for what he's done. Anyways I have a question for people with great memory.

In 94 they had that machine which you sat in (not sure what the name was called but maybe someone with a better memory remembers the name ) but it used some sort of oxygen process to make injuries feel much better. There was a clip in the vhs tape that showed Linden I think sitting in it.

What was the machine called guys?

For all the medical advances made since 94 we didn't have one of those machines in 2011. We did have the mind room however which helps players reach their full mental potential and 2009-2010 was the first season that it was used.

The 94 team in my opinion was less affected by the Reffing than the 2011 team was and overall they had a very strong mental attitude.

We can't know for sure if the 2011 team was weak in that regard from our stand point but what I see in the 2011 team is a version of the 94 rangers team and 2011 Bruins were a version of the 94 canucks But instead of our 2011 team being injury free and dominant they were crippled physically and mentally. As we all know mental strength is the key.

These guys train their whole lives for the huge moments the Sedins and Kesler as we know developed their skills through hard work and practice. But if you don't have it mentally shots you normally make don't go in, easy decisions become hard. Its all mental at this level and in 2011 the Bruins won the mental game; whether it's because of the Reffing or because they never quit unlike other teams its your call but they were the better team mentally and were very similar to the 94 canucks in that regard.

It was called a hyperbaric chamber and I believe it sped up the healing process for muscle type injuries.

Reffing was pretty bad in 94 as well, not as blatant as 2011 but it was not in Bettmans best interest for New York to lose.

That is my whole argument about the Twins choking in 2011. They were not mentally as strong and I think the game #3 blowout took a chunk out of their confidence big time. Thats why I said it looked like after game #2 it looked like they would sweep. Game #3 put doubt in their mind and its like they played more tentative after that. As Vancouver lost confidence, Boston gained it to the point Boston got pretty cocky. I wholeheartedly believe the Twins have learned from this and that is why I am excited to see what this postseason will bring.

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Your argument about injuries leads to the assumption that you deemed the other 18 or so players on the team could not do anything because of the other injured players. You are acting like there were 6 or 7 players on the bench and they were decimated to the point that it was impossible for them to score goals. They may not have fielded their best team but they were still darn good. You make it sound like the team was fielded with mostly players from the farm club.

The Toews thing is a hypothetical "what if" and I am not going to get into that because there are a million different "what if" scenarios.

And......You are saying now that Bergeron alone was the reason the Sedin's only scored 1 PP goal? Really? How does that make sense? For 7 games and for every shift of those games the Twins had to contend with Bergeron? He must be Superman then.

If all you get from my post is: "Your only argument thus far is -- 1) The stats show they have no points --2) I expected them to be better --3) every reason is an excuse "

Then you may need to look at yourself instead of my intentions because I am a Fan through and through and would like nothing more than Vancouver to win a cup. A troll? Are you serious?

Yes that is my point, they were decimated to the point where they could barely score... It wouldn't be nearly as serious if the injuries happened to our bottom line grinders instead of our stars.

No, the twins had to contend with Bergeron, Chara, and the rest of the line and Dpairing where they knew to just hone in on just the twins. My point with that was Kesler was able to shut down Toews by himself. Compare that to a whole line focused on the twins with someone at the calibre of Kesler and a norris calibre dman...

The team probably would've been better off fielding mostly healthy farm players than the injured players that we had

I will however apologize for calling you a troll.

Also, I just don't think we are going to agree on this topic, so this will be my last post on the matter, back to being a creeper for me..gg

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It was called a hyperbaric chamber and I believe it sped up the healing process for muscle type injuries.

Reffing was pretty bad in 94 as well, not as blatant as 2011 but it was not in Bettmans best interest for New York to lose.

That is my whole argument about the Twins choking in 2011. They were not mentally as strong and I think the game #3 blowout took a chunk out of their confidence big time. Thats why I said it looked like after game #2 it looked like they would sweep. Game #3 put doubt in their mind and its like they played more tentative after that. As Vancouver lost confidence, Boston gained it to the point Boston got pretty cocky. I wholeheartedly believe the Twins have learned from this and that is why I am excited to see what this postseason will bring.

Well their line put up 12 shots in game 1 against the flames (Daniel with 6, Vrbata with 6 and hank with a bunch of great passes). This led to many great scoring chances.


Really frustrating to watch considering, the flames will tighten it up even more next game and the chance that Dank and vrby get 6 shots again are slim.

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Well their line put up 12 shots in game 1 against the flames (Daniel with 6, Vrbata with 6 and hank with a bunch of great passes). This led to many great scoring chances.


Really frustrating to watch considering, the flames will tighten it up even more next game and the chance that Dank and vrby get 6 shots again are slim.

I was good and impressed with last nights performance. The 3rd was only a little bit of a let down so Im not overly worried.

Hiller was pretty damn good last night. Hiller is why Calgary won. That's why no nuggets!

They do need to get a little more cross ice passing going on down low to open up Hiller in the net. shooting 5 hole and along the ice is not gonna get it done in this series.

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