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1 hour ago, BaerOxHitman said:

Default difficulty.

I've finished all Minutemen constraints.

I've finished all Brotherhood constraints.

I've finished all Institute constraints.

I've finished the Main Quest.

I never finished the Railroad quests, I didn't like them, but I did do some.

There are a few mini quests here and there I find every now and then but most of them usually only take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

I tried doing melee only, funny enough. Found it extremely boring. Having to run up to everybody to kill them is lame. I know about the blitz perk but you need really high agility to get it.

I have every Bobblehead and almost every magazine.

Well then, sounds like you got your money's worth!

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1 minute ago, g_bassi13 said:

Sounds liks idiot savant is the difference between level 40 and 70 in the same playing time. Everyone made it sound so OP that I haven't invested in it at all.

Same. In my second save it was the first perk I purchased. Definitely OP.

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I think making a second character and being an asshole to everybody would be fun. Not sure how much I'll want to play a second time through after I'm done doing it the first time, though. I always tell myself I'm going to play a game a second time but never do.

I'm more of an "along for the ride" kind of player as well. Games where you keep dying and you're just there to play it over and over as a challenge to try and get through it is boring to me as well. That's why games like Demon Souls, Bloodborne, etc. I just get bored with.

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5 hours ago, BaerOxHitman said:

Already bought the season pass :) and can't mod cause I'm a console scrub

Consoles will get mods though. I'm not sure how the system will work, but it will exist for both PS4 and XBONE.

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Got myself to 50. That idiot perk is OP af.

SPECIAL all to 10 (except Intellect, it's at 4)

Notable Legendaries:

50 cal: double damage first shout

.308: 2 bullets for 1 shot

Shotgun: ignores 30% of damage resistance 

Missle Launcher: 25% more damage vs. everything

Big Boy: 2 mini nukes shot at the cost of only 1 nuke

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15 minutes ago, Gstank29 said:

I killed all the snobs (bleacher people) in Diamond City LOL didn't know you could pickpocket them until after

Pick pocketing is a skill you can improve at, if you want to sink the perk points into it. I mean I haven't, but you can if you really like stealing.

1 hour ago, BaerOxHitman said:

I just found a legendary gamma gun with a bottomless clip on a fracking mongrel dog.

Yeah, you can find some pretty decent weapons on some random enemies. Found a hunting rifle that did 50 radiation damage on some random feral. Value was only 150 caps or something, but fully modded it made a better per shot sniper rifle than the souped up legendary combat rifle I was using for the role.

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3 hours ago, Caboose said:

You know, I want to argue with that - but, even as a good character, I've had my moments where "Nice" people have pissed me off and I've gone the "Asshole" route, and been pretty disappointed, like really? That's all you've got bro? We're packin' some of the strongest gear in the commonwealth and you're going the WWE PG13 Route?


I miss the days when an evil reply from FO3/NV would be something to the effect of "Do what I say or I'll F***ing kill everyone you've ever cared about."

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25 minutes ago, Nail3738 said:

You know, I want to argue with that - but, even as a good character, I've had my moments where "Nice" people have pissed me off and I've gone the "Asshole" route, and been pretty disappointed, like really? That's all you've got bro? We're packin' some of the strongest gear in the commonwealth and you're going the WWE PG13 Route?


I miss the days when an evil reply from FO3/NV would be something to the effect of "Do what I say or I'll F***ing kill everyone you've ever cared about."

I generally play Bad Karma/Renegade/Evil in every game because I find it to be way more fun. 

Super disappointed with the complete lack of karma system. 

I would go as far as to say Fallout 4 has almost no replay value. 

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1 hour ago, Caboose said:

I generally play Bad Karma/Renegade/Evil in every game because I find it to be way more fun. 

Super disappointed with the complete lack of karma system. 

I would go as far as to say Fallout 4 has almost no replay value. 

Again, I want to argue, but the closer I get to the end, the more I see it. understand it, and agree, its the one thing that I find super disappointing about the whole thing. - you don't have that much of a choice, BOS, Railroad,Minutemen, Institute. What's missing? Loner, Asshole, Raider, Mercenary, Moron, Psychopath, Ladies Man etc. - I miss the option to bribe my way out of damn near any situation, too.

I haven't even seen any unique dialogue options for different attributes, high charisma is basically only useful for caps from a story perspective, and I'm really missing the options for low intelligence, etc, and the fact that - on consoles anyways, everything is bound to 4 buttons is just so god damn limiting. I miss being able to scroll through my options and think "Hmmm, how would I respond to this if it was me, or how would my character respond?"


and the complete lack of a karma system does really disconnect you from your actions.


They still have alot of time to redeem things through the DLC though, Bethesda has always been pretty good like that.

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From someone who didn't even really enjoy New Vegas or Fallout 3 that much, this game plays off as easily the worst in the series. 

Fully voicing the protagonist and thereby limiting you to 4 dialog options might be the most fundamentally terrible design decision Bethesda has ever made. 

The settlements are cool but mainly a distraction from a game that doesn't give you enough to do. 

The removal of skill points and tags is interesting, I'm not sure which levelling system I prefer but it again removes alot of depth from the progression system. 

Fallout 4 is fundamentally different from the res of Bethesda reboot of the series and I'm legitimately worried these horrible design choices will leak into the next Elder Scrolls game. 

I'll leave with one final question: At any point during Fallout 4 did you feel helpless or outclassed? Armed with guns that needed constant maintenance against enemies who were seemingly unkillable? 

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3 hours ago, Caboose said:

From someone who didn't even really enjoy New Vegas or Fallout 3 that much, this game plays off as easily the worst in the series. 

Fully voicing the protagonist and thereby limiting you to 4 dialog options might be the most fundamentally terrible design decision Bethesda has ever made. 

The settlements are cool but mainly a distraction from a game that doesn't give you enough to do. 

The removal of skill points and tags is interesting, I'm not sure which levelling system I prefer but it again removes alot of depth from the progression system. 

Fallout 4 is fundamentally different from the res of Bethesda reboot of the series and I'm legitimately worried these horrible design choices will leak into the next Elder Scrolls game. 

I'll leave with one final question: At any point during Fallout 4 did you feel helpless or outclassed? Armed with guns that needed constant maintenance against enemies who were seemingly unkillable? 

The Perk levelling system is alright, where everything is "streamlined" as they say. I don't mind the change but agree with you.

I'm pretty sure the lockpicking mechanics are identical to Skyrim. I can see a few mechanics they brought over from that game.

Fully voicing the main character was a terrific idea. It gives your character personality, and each dialogue you choose can change a person's answer. As we all know, Mass Effect pioneered this form of dialogue and I believe it's the most enjoyable form of dialogue. In previous games, you had more options for dialogue, but I don't see a difference in the amount if information I can get from a character anyways. But that might just be me. I actually like it.

I created a new save and I'm completely avoiding all Minutemen missions just because I don't want settlements. Would have been cool if you had 1 big settlement go take care of instead of like 15. Imagine building a 100 person settlement instead of like 5 20 person settlements. They put too many in and I think it's to distract the player for a bit.

I wouldn't call them horrible design choices. I probably haven't been playing the series as long as you, but from what I see, Fallout 4 is very enjoyable. I haven't had this much fun with a game since Skyrim. I like that they shook some things up a bit. The RPG genre is becoming more popular everyday, eventually I believe titles like Fallout will surpass CoD in popularity. That's when I will fear they will sellout and make a terrible game. That being said, changes are welcome and needed to keep the game from going stale. Just releasing the same game over and over again without changing very much, that doesn't really sound like a fun game to me (CoD).

"I'll leave with one final question: At any point during Fallout 4 did you feel helpless or outclassed? Armed with guns that needed constant maintenance against enemies who were seemingly unkillable? "

Only once. Mirelurk Queen right at the begining. Otherwise, no. I found the fact that you don't need to maintain weapons makes the game way too easy. Probably one of my only complaints next to settlements. But I'm more of a casual player anyways, I'm not one to be challenged.

To say this game is the worst in the series would be an exaggeration. NV was worse in my opinion. Graphics aside, Fallout 4 is miles ahead. I really did not enjoy that game compared to how much I'm enjoying this one.

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5 hours ago, Caboose said:

From someone who didn't even really enjoy New Vegas or Fallout 3 that much, this game plays off as easily the worst in the series. 

Fully voicing the protagonist and thereby limiting you to 4 dialog options might be the most fundamentally terrible design decision Bethesda has ever made. 

The settlements are cool but mainly a distraction from a game that doesn't give you enough to do. 

The removal of skill points and tags is interesting, I'm not sure which levelling system I prefer but it again removes alot of depth from the progression system. 

Fallout 4 is fundamentally different from the res of Bethesda reboot of the series and I'm legitimately worried these horrible design choices will leak into the next Elder Scrolls game. 

I'll leave with one final question: At any point during Fallout 4 did you feel helpless or outclassed? Armed with guns that needed constant maintenance against enemies who were seemingly unkillable? 


I thought I'd like having a fully voiced character, but, yeah, far too limiting - and I get the feeling the voice actor was able to get his opinion across, which I don't like here.


The Settlements are just annoying to manage, I have a huge Supply Line set up yada yada yada... and I find I only ever use one place; Red Rocket/Sanctuary, the rest are just there are $&!#ty little Tato/Corn/Mutfruit Farms with some ghetto turret emplacements and 20 sleeping bags stuffed into one room.


I'm a horrible person to use as an example of somebody that feels "outclassed"  I've been binging happily since Oblivion and understand the basics of the Engine(s) that bethesda has used, once you get that... The rest is kind of cake to exploit should you desire to do so, regardless of the environment; I mean, I mentioned it earlier - I don't even like to wear Power Armor, the only way the game gains any sense of "Tenseness" at this point is by playing in basic clothing with the difficulty cranked way up, other than that, its far, far too easy.

The only sense of worry I felt was early on when I was still trying to figure out what weapon I would use, and trying to scrounge ammo...but even that quickly faded once I realized that .38 ammo was as common as Radiation in the Commonwealth.


The Skill system sucked in my eyes, and I'm glad its gone, too much of a sense of... "Oh, you made one mistake levelling up? Deal with it for the next 50 levels or restart" I would welcome it back if there was some drug/serum that could be crafted to undo a level up and re-select or something along those lines.


I do not like what they did to Lockpicking/Hacking, gone is any sense of freedom to steal/take what I want, as well, same with the hacking, they could have simply made the hacking ALOT harder without the perks by making fewer characters of a word visible, while still maintaining the freedom to try and hack what you want.


On top of that, I STILL hate that time freezes when I'm lockpicking/pickpocketing - it should slow to vats time so you still have a chance to get caught while thinking.

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7 hours ago, Caboose said:

I'll leave with one final question: At any point during Fallout 4 did you feel helpless or outclassed? Armed with guns that needed constant maintenance against enemies who were seemingly unkillable? 

I've had a few tough spots where I've died multiple times: Deathclaw in the shelter, Mirelurk Queen, Kellogg, Dunwich Borers, Slag... But I'm far from an avid gamer, and find the default difficulty just right. Difficult enough to die once in a while, but never completely helpless. I have limited time to play, so spending hours trying to pass one part is not interesting to me.

So far I think I'm enjoying 4 more than NV...but probably not as much as I did 3. I prefer the voiceovers though.

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