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Ghostbusters Official Trailer

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I'm a huge huge huge fan of the originals and have both on VHS. Hoping this fails badly and they end up making a direct sequel to the originals instead.  I do remember reading several stories on how they wanted to make a new guy-Ghostbusters but I think most of those were only rumors. I also hate how the black lady in the new movie is stereotypical and nothing like Winston from the originals.


On a side note...the trailer doesn't look as bad as I thought it would be.  But it's still really really bad.



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3 minutes ago, Rocky Balboa said:

I'm a huge huge huge fan of the originals and have both on VHS. Hoping this fails badly and they end up making a direct sequel to the originals instead.  I do remember reading several stories on how they wanted to make a new guy-Ghostbusters but I think most of those were only rumors. I also hate how the black lady in the new movie is stereotypical and nothing like Winston from the originals.

I dare you to watch some of Leslie Jones on SNL.



She's awful.

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2 minutes ago, Rocky Balboa said:

I stopped watching SNL sometime in the late 90s :blink:

Lucky. I'll PVR new ones, watch about 10 minutes of the entire show, fast forwarding through sketches after about a minute of viewing them.


The show is garbage, don't know why I give it 10 minutes of my time. But no matter how bad it is, Leslie Jones is atrocious on it.

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1 minute ago, Monty said:

Lucky. I'll PVR new ones, watch about 10 minutes of the entire show, fast forwarding through sketches after about a minute of viewing them.


The show is garbage, don't know why I give it 10 minutes of my time. But no matter how bad it is, Leslie Jones is atrocious on it.

I miss the days of Dana Carvey, Phil Hartman and even back to Ackroyd and Belushi.  

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Wow, this is gonna be a very very very very very very very very bad movie. 


















I might still watch it tho...this is what cheap Tuesday is for! 

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21 minutes ago, Apricot said:

I might still watch it tho...this is what cheap Tuesday is for! 

If I ever go to a movie on cheap Tuesday, which rarely happens, it's never on purpose. Which means, I end up seeing a quality movie that I've wanted to see, just didn't even know cheap Tuesday was a thing.


As for "4 Chicks on the Rag Trying Desperately to be Funny"? Pass. Every day of the week, pass.

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This looks like an absolute, unfunny train wreck, did that black woman really say "The power of pain compels you" as she was smacking Mccarthy around...sigh.


"I am a movie critic by trade, and until recently, I got paid to tell you people which movies merely stink and which ones you shouldn’t screen near an open flame. Well, I’m putting the burden of lousy movies back on you. It’s very simple: if you stop going to bad movies, they’ll stop making bad movies. If the movie used to be a TV show, just don’t go. After Roman numeral II, give it a rest. If it's a remake of a classic, rent the classic." - Jay Sherman

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6 hours ago, Monty said:

If I ever go to a movie on cheap Tuesday, which rarely happens, it's never on purpose. Which means, I end up seeing a quality movie that I've wanted to see, just didn't even know cheap Tuesday was a thing.


As for "4 Chicks on the Rag Trying Desperately to be Funny"? Pass. Every day of the week, pass.


I'm a big movie fan, so whenever a quality movie comes out, I go see it as fast as I can. Don't really wait for cheap Tuesday for those movies. I did once and regretted it cause the theater was packed. Cheap Tuesday's for me is for the movies that I could see, but not dying to see. Its out, I'm bored and its cheap, then why the heck not! 



From what I see in this thread, everyone is ripping on the cast for not being funny. I strongly disagree. How can you all think that Melissa McCarthy is not funny? I would like an actual genuine response please. Kate McKinnon is very funny, one and only cast member I like on SNL. Some people don't really get Kristin Wiig's humor, but she can be pretty funny. Leslie Jones, ehhh. A lot of funny actors/actresses come in terrible movies, but doesn't mean they're not funny. 

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1 minute ago, Apricot said:

From what I see in this thread, everyone is ripping on the cast for not being funny. I strongly disagree. How can you all think that Melissa McCarthy is not funny? I would like an actual genuine response please. Kate McKinnon is very funny, one and only cast member I like on SNL. Some people don't really get Kristin Wiig's humor, but she can be pretty funny. Leslie Jones, ehhh. A lot of funny actors/actresses come in terrible movies, but doesn't mean they're not funny. 

Most comedy happens to hit whatever kind of humour is "in" at the moment. I have nothing against Will Farrell, but his comedy isn't new, as we have seen it before. Same with Jim Carrey, Jack Black, Zach Galifiankis, Ben Stiller, etc, etc, etc. It is incredibly difficult for comedians to reinvent themselves. Most don't because it was difficult enough for them to break in when they eventually got famous. Once they do, they don't want to ruin a good thing. The problem is that their humour gets old and we move on to the next thing.


Melissa McCarthy broke out in a big way with Bridesmaids. And truthfully, that is her best movie. But every movie since is the same, over the top, physical comedy that is easy to see coming. Jokes aren't different, it's all the same. As for Kristen Wiig, she was really good in Welcome To Me, but that was because it wasn't a comedy. Same with Will Farrell and Stranger than Fiction, easily his best film. 


Jones is just plain awful. There doesn't need to be an explanation here.


As for McKinnon? Tough to watch the only good thing on SNL and tell if she's actually good. The rest of the cast is so brutal that anyone remotely talented stands out as a plus. But that doesn't necessarily mean she's good, just that she's better than turds. Shebusters will be her first major outside SNL performance, and it doesn't look good.

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3 minutes ago, Monty said:

Most comedy happens to hit whatever kind of humour is "in" at the moment. I have nothing against Will Farrell, but his comedy isn't new, as we have seen it before. Same with Jim Carrey, Jack Black, Zach Galifiankis, Ben Stiller, etc, etc, etc. It is incredibly difficult for comedians to reinvent themselves. Most don't because it was difficult enough for them to break in when they eventually got famous. Once they do, they don't want to ruin a good thing. The problem is that their humour gets old and we move on to the next thing.


Melissa McCarthy broke out in a big way with Bridesmaids. And truthfully, that is her best movie. But every movie since is the same, over the top, physical comedy that is easy to see coming. Jokes aren't different, it's all the same. As for Kristen Wiig, she was really good in Welcome To Me, but that was because it wasn't a comedy. Same with Will Farrell and Stranger than Fiction, easily his best film. 


Jones is just plain awful. There doesn't need to be an explanation here.


As for McKinnon? Tough to watch the only good thing on SNL and tell if she's actually good. The rest of the cast is so brutal that anyone remotely talented stands out as a plus. But that doesn't necessarily mean she's good, just that she's better than turds. Shebusters will be her first major outside SNL performance, and it doesn't look good.

First of all, thanks for an actual genuine response! Second of all, the bold sentence...that made me laugh so hard. Not only cause its true, just the way you wrote it made me laugh.


I agree 100% with the first paragraph, completely agree. 


Melissa McCarthy killed it in Bridesmaids and yeah from a comedy stand point, that is her best movie. Spy was also really good. Her role is completely different from Bridesmaids, its kind of like The Heat(if you've seen that), but much better. Jokes were different, not so much on the physical comedy. Its definitely so much harder to see an actual funny movie, no physical comedy, just really good jokes. I, personally think that Wiig seems more of a writer-type and not an actor-type, especially when it comes to comedy. She co-wrote Bridesmaids, and it was hilarious. Yeah she killed it in that movie too, the airplane scene still gets me every time. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks that she'd be a better comedy writer than comedy actress. 


Trust me, McKinnon is gonna be huge. SNL should just give her all the skits, people would then actually tune in and laugh. Also, just because the movie is gonna bomb, and will definitely be all over the place. People would garner a few laughs, and most of them would come from what the character Kate McKinnon says. 

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McCarthy is total hit or miss for me, she is genuinely talented and can be funny, but sometimes her comedy feels extremely forced. Not sure why she gets the extreme hate that she gets.


No idea who Leslie Jones was before this, just based off this, I'm not missing much B)


Wigg is funny, great writer, I agree that Welcome to Me was one of her best movies. I appreciate that she can do different kinds of comedy, in your face slapstick, more subtle and subversive.


Don't really know who McKinnon is either, she didn't get to do much in the trailer so hard to say much about her...except that I would very much like to do dirty things with her :wub:

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33 minutes ago, Glory_Days said:

McCarthy is total hit or miss for me, she is genuinely talented and can be funny, but sometimes her comedy feels extremely forced. Not sure why she gets the extreme hate that she gets.

Broadly speaking, I think the Ghostbusters reception is kinda obvious, and I genuinely think it was doomed to fail regardless. A lot of people WANT to see this movie fail. Most of these people, let's be honest, are dumb guys who take movies like this as a personal insult to their fragile masculinity. Worse than that is the old chestnut of people thinking a remake is somehow a re-write of history: "MAH CHILDHOOD" and so on. Combine the two? Re-writing the insecure male's childhood with a feminist narrative? oh hell naw


On a more personal level, I think most comedic actors have strongly divisive fanbases. McCarthy shouldn't be any different. But I think McCarthy just brings out the nerdrage even more because she's "not a traditionally attractive" woman, and she hogs (heh) the spotlight sometimes. Overexposed, as most comic actors are. When an unattractive woman is on the screen, a lotta people (er, men) get vicious. (see:Sarah Jessica Parker, Lena Dunham)


But all the same, I think you can look at the super polarizing reception of junk like "Big Bang Theory" and see how offensive/defensive people get over things or people that are supposed to be funny





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