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[Mafia] Game of Thrones (Game On)

Beluga Whale

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There is absolutely no reason a true TP would be getting so worked up about this.


You outed yourself.  The mafia can't do anything to prevent you from acting on your role.  You have one action left from your role before becoming like a regular TP.


Tell us who your targets for the TBT, then when BW announces the TBT, we will know 100% you weren't lying, granted both who you said and who BW announces are the same.

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If JJ isn't Sansa, then the real Sansa needs to come forward before a TBT & explain why they've waited to call out JJ & who they're suspects are. JJ has given out names of players he'd TBT, just not the exact players...he may not have decided yet.


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1 minute ago, falcon45ca said:

If JJ isn't Sansa, then the real Sansa needs to come forward before a TBT & explain why they've waited to call out JJ & who they're suspects are. JJ has given out names of players he'd TBT, just not the exact players...he may not have decided yet.


That's very reasonable, I haven't decided, maybe.

Maybe I'd like to hear some more opinions on targets.

Maybe I'm just stubborn. Maybe I don't like the way AV demands it.

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Just now, JAY JAY said:

That's very reasonable, I haven't decided, maybe.

Maybe I'd like to hear some more opinions on targets.

Maybe I'm just stubborn. Maybe I don't like the way AV demands it.

Gracious, dear, JJ, would you please so kindly identify who you will be placing in the ever-so dangerous Thunderdome trial?


There, this last part is no longer an issue.

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1 minute ago, Alain Vigneault said:

Gracious, dear, JJ, would you please so kindly identify who you will be placing in the ever-so dangerous Thunderdome trial?


There, this last part is no longer an issue.

:lol: Yeah, I'm sure that's the tone he's looking for

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10 minutes ago, Alain Vigneault said:

11:45 (8:45) is my cut-off.


Reveal your TBT names.  If you were towny, you'd have no issue doing this.

No. I am Towny, and I have issue with this.

Just now, Alain Vigneault said:

Gracious, dear, JJ, would you please so kindly identify who you will be placing in the ever-so dangerous Thunderdome trial?


There, this last part is no longer an issue.

No. I don't want to.

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At this point, it doesn't matter what tone I'm using.


We have just over a half hour to verify his role claim.  By refusing to tell us who his targets are, he's only making his self-proclaimed TP self look bad.


As I write this, he's refused again.


So, so, so scummy.  There is absolutely no benefit to withholding that info.


If you are actually town, do what's best for your faction.

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AV, to put your mind at rest. While I am town, you judge my actions based on what you view as what a tp would do.

I am Sansa, and if you were Sansa, or had this similiar role, you would then understand WHY I both refuse and don't need to.

You try and judge me by what a reg. tp would do. I am not a reg. tp.

That's the best I can do for you, and I didn't have to give you that.

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Just now, JAY JAY said:

AV, to put your mind at rest. While I am town, you judge my actions based on what you view as what a tp would do.

I am Sansa, and if you were Sansa, or had this similiar role, you would then understand WHY I both refuse and don't need to.

You try and judge me by what a reg. tp would do. I am not a reg. tp.

That's the best I can do for you, and I didn't have to give you that.

This is so stupid.  This is fwybwed level bad.


If I was Sansa and I had come out with my role, I see no reason why I shouldn't reveal my targets when


a) Town knows my role has a shelf life with regards to how much I can do with my ability

b. I will confirm myself as town-aligned if who I say matches up with who the host reveals


This is such an anti-town move.


Yes (with regards to your second post.)

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2 minutes ago, Alain Vigneault said:

This is so stupid.  This is fwybwed level bad.


If I was Sansa and I had come out with my role, I see no reason why I shouldn't reveal my targets when


a) Town knows my role has a shelf life with regards to how much I can do with my ability

b. I will confirm myself as town-aligned if who I say matches up with who the host reveals


This is such an anti-town move.


Yes (with regards to your second post.)

What did your role pm reveal then!


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1 minute ago, JAY JAY said:

What did your role pm reveal then!


Is this serious?


Note the "if" - as in I'm talking hypothetically.


YOU came out as Sansa.  I'm not trying to claim Sansa because I'm not Sansa.

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1 minute ago, Alain Vigneault said:

Is this serious?


Note the "if" - as in I'm talking hypothetically.


YOU came out as Sansa.  I'm not trying to claim Sansa because I'm not Sansa.

Oh! The way you were telling me why I should reveal my choice in the thread instead of BW's announcement, I thought you got the Sansa role pm. Sorry, my mistake.

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Just now, JAY JAY said:

Oh! The way you were telling me why I should reveal my choice in the thread instead of BW's announcement, I thought you got the Sansa role pm. Sorry, my mistake.

Ok, so please.  We have 10 minutes.  Tell us who you are going to submit/already submitted.



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