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OMG are we really going to let him fakeclaim 2x in a row. 


Never in the history of mafia that I have played have I ever seen or heard about lynch immunity. 


If he is true to his word then it shouldn't matter cause he will be safe from a lynch anyway. 


There is no downside to voting Kaz.


1. He is likely lying and we have our first Mafia Lynch

2. If by some remote chance he is telling the truth, no biggie we can't lynch him and his role is proven. 


I doubt he is the real sherrvig. A sheriff with the power to invest/kill/self-save nightkills/self-save lynch kills is way way too OPed. If he was this supersheriff, there is no way he would be acting like he is and there is no way he would just give up and tell us all cause he has a couple of votes on him. 


It doesn't make sense Kaz would have soft claimed last round and make no mistake that is exactly what he did.



This is an admission that is what he did:


16 hours ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

I lied.


No real loss though.


The post he quoted where he was sure MH was mafia was in response to my post about him wanting to Thunderdome MH which would only make sense from a townie perspective IF THEY KNEW THE OTHER PLAYER WAS 100% mafia.


No the most likely scenario is Kaz panicked under the threat of getting lynched last round and made a soft-claim. This round he is going to be lynched because of it and he Hard Claims even after his soft claim was proven false.


How potato can one town be... 



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11 minutes ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

Except that it's a waste of time and resources. Thanks for telling me you're Mafia, though.

:rolleyes: Sure Immune-to-lynch-SuperSherrvig... You lied about MH being mafia and yet somehow we are supposed to believe your "I've been given the most powerful role in the history of mafia" claim?


The only waste of time and resources was believing your scummy ass last round and voting out a TP on your word that he was certainly mafia. 



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