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21 minutes ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

I'll be investigating Aladeen tonight. Don't waste my saves. Serious.

Ok so you are Super Sherrvig who has outted himself but Can not only save yourself from your upcoming MK if you aren't lynched but you can also investigate me? Makes perfect sense. 



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5 minutes ago, Dral said:

alright, whateves...


the sherrivig can vig Kaz tonight... if the mafia have a save, we'll hear about it during nightfall and Kaz will be lynched next round... gives him more time to spout off his nonsense... surprised actually he never actually used that as a defense... probably cause he is mafia and never thought things through...

I doubt Dral would bring this up if he's Mafia.


We should lynch Falcon, Baka, or Fwy.

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7 minutes ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

That's not an investigative claim. He's been known to make bravado claims like that before; heck he did it on me once.

This is how that all went down:


20 hours ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

Let me thunderdome MH.


20 hours ago, Aladeen said:

If you're TP why would you want that? Are you that sure MH is Mafia? 


Wagonomics says that is scummy thinking. Unless you know something about MH the rest of us don't.


If you're TP and thunderdome with MH that gives us about 12% chance of hitting Mafia on probability alone. 


If you're Mafia and MH is TP that gives the Mafia a 50% chance of lynching a TP. 


Odds favour the Mafia in a thunderdome scenario proposed by a TP including themselves and therefore TP should never suggest it. 




19 hours ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

I am sure he's Mafia.



17 hours ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

I lied.


No real loss though.

He lied, why wouldn't he just keep lying? It worked last round.


If you read this BJ and still defend Kaz you must be mafia with him. 


He is doing everything he can to last one more round. With zero proof. 

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Man, I'm away for months, I barely am active now, and yet my name still always gets dragged through mud. I blame 112. :( (PS 112 you're hurting my feelings. Leave me alone.)


Listen, it's my wife's birthday, I'm barely skimming the thread, but Kaz's claim seems a bit ridiculous. Truth be told, if we can't win this game without the Sherrivig's help, we don't deserve to, so if the TP want to lynch him I'm okay with that. For my money, I've been on falcon's case, and would be okay with lynching him too (which should go some way to verifying Kaz's affiliation [not his role claim], since he's calling falcon out, and I don't really see a scenario where both are scum.)


But we need to lynch somebody involved in this web of madness to make any sense of it. I'm a bad choice for that, since I haven't been active and my death won't reveal much. Kaz is a bad choice, since lynching anyone who roleclaims in a game with limited roles is generally a poor play for TP. But someone linked to his claim in some way should face the noose so we can untangle it.

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1 minute ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

I get killed by the Sheriff if I'm lying. What's your objection?

Um you live another round and get another TP hung maybe the real sherrvig that doesn't have an unlynchable ability in his realistic arsenal? Or at the very least exposing the real sherrvig and he gets killed and that is what your ultimate goal is this round by fracking us around.


What's your objection to being lynched if you really can't be lynched? 

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Just now, Aladeen said:

Um you live another round and get another TP hung maybe the real sherrvig that doesn't have an unlynchable ability in his realistic arsenal? Or at the very least exposing the real sherrvig and he gets killed and that is what your ultimate goal is this round by fracking us around.


What's your objection to being lynched if you really can't be lynched? 

It wastes one of my 2 self saves and shortens my life even more.


How could I possibly expose him?


So in conclusion, you'd like to risk the town's only special because I might be lying?

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My bet is Kaz is a mafia special that gets to do another action if he is not lynched. That is why he is pressing so hard to not be lynched even though he is unlynchable. 


So even if he is killed by the real sherrvig (who may not be able to kill every round - and killed last round) he may still be able to get his action out tonight. 


There is no way JAY JAY fracked with lynch mechanics like you are claiming Kaz.

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1 minute ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

It wastes one of my 2 self saves and shortens my life even more.


How could I possibly expose him?


So in conclusion, you'd like to risk the town's only special because I might be lying?

No I would like to protect the town's only special because you ARE lying.


You already lied about MH with your soft-claim, why should we believe you again? What possible rationale when we can know for sure just by lynching you and if you are telling the truth you are alive next round and can say see I told you so. 

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2 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

My bet is Kaz is a mafia special that gets to do another action if he is not lynched. That is why he is pressing so hard to not be lynched even though he is unlynchable. 


So even if he is killed by the real sherrvig (who may not be able to kill every round - and killed last round) he may still be able to get his action out tonight. 


There is no way JAY JAY fracked with lynch mechanics like you are claiming Kaz.

Why would I even claim to be unlynchable if I'm not?

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3 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

This is how that all went down:






He lied, why wouldn't he just keep lying? It worked last round.


If you read this BJ and still defend Kaz you must be mafia with him. 


He is doing everything he can to last one more round. With zero proof. 

Why would he stake his Mafia life on MH? 1 for 1 deals always work in favor for the TP and a Potential MH (TP) for Kaz (Mafia?) is more lopsided than the Naslund deal in favor of TP. 


And why wouldn't he go for 112 for his 1 for 1 deal? She's a far better player than MH is and was close to getting lynched too.



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Just now, Kazmanian Devil said:

Why would I even claim to be unlynchable if I'm not?

Cause you don't want to be hung. Cause you have that arrogant bravado that makes you feel like you can say or do anything and not give a frack about the consequences (Example: "MH IS FOR SURE MAFIA")


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1 minute ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

Why would he stake his Mafia life on MH? 1 for 1 deals always work in favor for the TP and a Potential MH (TP) for Kaz (Mafia?) is more lopsided than the Naslund deal in favor of TP. 


And why wouldn't he go for 112 for his 1 for 1 deal? She's a far better player than MH is and was close to getting lynched too.



He was going to hang last round that's why or at least thought he was. He probably is a Mafia special that has an ability each round (maybe investigation) so every round he is probably getting closer to who the sherrvig actually is. IDK I'm not him. MH was an easier target to get hung than 112. 


 Whatever man you're mafia along with him most likely I have no idea why I am even trying to convince you. We should have hung you first round like I wanted to. 



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