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(Rumour) Maple Leafs Have Interest In Erik Gudbranson


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8 minutes ago, BoeserSnipe said:

Edler expires next year I think, and Doughty and Karlsson expire this offseason....and I don't think either would consider vancouver. My guess is Karlsson is going wherever he can win AND make the most money, which will be any team of his choosing who has the room (and any will make room). I could see Doughty staying, going to Toronto (home), or even somewhere like Pittsburgh- he'll go where he has a chance to win and have fun playing (since he's got 2 cups) and will get paid regardless as well. Nucks just aren't at the level where either of those two players will choose imho.

Karlsson is UFA next season,  he is on a 10 team mtc this year and next.  Doughtey I’m pretty sure is UFA at same time.

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12 hours ago, VIC_CITY said:

I'm sure Florida would like a Petrovic + deal but I really have no interest in him myself. IMO, any trade for Gudbranson has to involve youth coming back. Not someone that's a whopping 2 months younger than Gudbranson.


Since you're commenting on my post without quoting it, I have some points to make regarding your take on it.


You're misrepresenting the idea in suggesting that 'any trade has to involve youth coming back" when I very clearly indicated that the bulk of that value would be in the form or a prospect/s and/or pick/s.  


Petrovic would be a secondary piece, one that represents a fraction of the value coming back - and wouldn't leave this team with a serious lack of grit on our blueline.  You might like the look of our blueline without Gudbranson - I don't.   Petrovic's value is at an opportune low right now - but he's shown a lot more in the past in considerably larger samples - a very good risk to take.  If he proves to fill the gap left by guys like Sbisa, Tryamkin and Gudbranson (if he is dealt) - great.   The idea that Petrovic is too old - at 25 years of age - strikes me as absurd.  Big shutdown D tend to just be getting their strides at this age.  Petrovic has 190 career NHL games - I think the youth craze around here gets seriously carried away at times.  Our blueline has been one of the youngest in the NHL for the past few seasons, and the youngest at times when it's missing a veteran or two (in other words, nearly all the time).   Dealing Gudbranson simply for futures is not a good idea imo - particularly when it makes more sense to move Hutton or Edler - and futures are larger crap shoots than NHL ready assets whose development you can assess.   I opt for the option with the big, physical RHD included at a fraction of the overall value.  Dermott - although he's yet another LHD - certainly makes more sense than a longshot that struggles to defend at the AHL level in Nielsen, himself another LHD.    The Leafs only asset that actually makes sense to us might be a Carrick throw in, as a 'young' RHD, but even there, he's almost 24, so perhaps too old for the youth culture folks - and really,  I wouldn't bank on Carrick being more than a spaceholder - so the value would still need to be heavily weighted in a form that makes sense for us.


The more I look at the Laffs option, I thinkif they want Gudbranson and are offering a LHD, they'd have to double up, take Hutton - and pony up for Gudbranson. 




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Just now, SilentSam said:

Karlsson is UFA next season,  he is on a 10 team mtc this year and next.  Doughtey I’m pretty sure is UFA at same time.

I stand corrected, just checked you're right...well if we make he right strides with our young guys this year and next and can get Tryamkin back we 'might' be able to entice one of those guys, but it would be all in money wise!

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11 minutes ago, rekker said:

He has his skill set and niche but I agree not a strong  all around player. His points totals would agree. 

I give anyone a point for crushing a Kadri like player..  to me the work Gudbranson does assist, in an all round manner.

Alternatively,  Tanev helps no one on IR.. and becomes a waste of CapSpace and manpower.

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7 minutes ago, BoeserSnipe said:

I stand corrected, just checked you're right...well if we make he right strides with our young guys this year and next and can get Tryamkin back we 'might' be able to entice one of those guys, but it would be all in money wise!

Tryamkin had a goal and an assist in a 5-2 loss to KHL Traktor today.


he was. +0-   21:25 TOI.     30 shifts. :) ... I find that very remarkable in a 5-2 loss for any D man.

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4 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

Tryamkin had a goal and an assist in a 5-2 loss to KHL Traktor today.


he was. +0-   21:25 TOI.     30 shifts. :) ... I find that very remarkable in a 5-2 loss for any D man.

That guy had star written all over him, and he was intimidating to players without even fighting....we better be doing everything we can to gt him back

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9 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

I give anyone a point for crushing a Kadri like player..  to me the work Gudbranson does assist, in an all round manner.

Alternatively,  Tanev helps no one on IR.. and becomes a waste of CapSpace and manpower.

Gud is entering the same IR territory as Tanev. I like Guds. I do. But at 3.5 per tops.

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49 minutes ago, BoeserSnipe said:

Apparently the entire Canucks scouting staff was at the game last night. Coincidence because the World Juniors just ended in Buffalo? Potentially, but then interestingly Travis Dermott gets called up with no real 'need' by toronto?


Dermott and a 2nd for Gudbranson? I could see it. Dermott is an excellent skater, mobile, great first pass, good size, and has played well in the AHL in an offensive role - Toronto wont give Liljegren (sadly) IMHO for a rental who they may or may not resign but, Guddy is exactly what they need.  I would love to see Liljegren come back though.

Why would Toronto value Liljegren more than Dermott?  Mere draft pedigree? 


Where does Dermott fit here?









Take that further and he could help Utica short term, but joins a heavily left hand weighted blueline there as well.


McEneny ( currently out long term with knee surgery), Brisebois, Sautner, Wiercioch, Holm (upper body) - even at the AHL level this franchise is tilted to the left side.  Aside from Chatfield (who I really like) Utica has Sifers (broken wrist) and added Dylan Blujus as a RHD to try to fill vacancies and create some balance in the pairings.


In any event, Dermott's value has to be kept in the context of organizational need.  Acquiring him would absolutely mean the end of Hutton here - if you're going to take Dermott, you might as well insist that Hutton go the other way in that deal.


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1 minute ago, BoeserSnipe said:

That guy had star written all over him, and he was intimidating to players without even fighting....we better be doing everything we can to gt him back

Totally agree.   In the KHL where the average attendance is 6.2 thousand per game, and his team Avtomobilist, averages 4.2k..  I can not see the funds being available to keep Big Nik around. Even though he has 2 more seasons there, contractual obligations can change at the end of every season. Big Nik and Gudbranson would look powerful in our D rotation with the youth about to come up Defensively.  We need that..  perhaps a page out of the Bruins book.

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5 minutes ago, BoeserSnipe said:

That guy had star written all over him, and he was intimidating to players without even fighting....we better be doing everything we can to gt him back

I miss Tryamkin so so much. I loved what he brought. I saw Getzlaf avoid him. I watched Tryamkin crush Benn. I could hardly take my eyes off him when he was on the ice. In a I like girls kind of way. Lol.

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38 minutes ago, flickyoursedin said:

 They should have been putting out feelers long before the deadline and even before the injury. It was almost like they just decided that day to trade him and ran out of time.

who knows that they weren't? of course they didn't wake up at the TD and realize they had Hamhuis.  It was a very complicated set of circumstances - and very different than the present situation.

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6 minutes ago, oldnews said:

Why would Toronto value Liljegren more than Dermott?  Mere draft pedigree? 


Where does Dermott fit here?









Take that further and he could help Utica short term, but joins a heavily left hand weighted blueline there as well.


McEneny ( currently out long term with knee surgery), Brisebois, Sautner, Wiercioch, Holm (upper body) - even at the AHL level this franchise is tilted to the left side.  Aside from Chatfield (who I really like) Utica has Sifers (broken wrist) and added Dylan Blujus as a RHD to try to fill vacancies and create some balance in the pairings.


In any event, Dermott's value has to be kept in the context of organizational need.  Acquiring him would absolutely mean the end of Hutton here - if you're going to take Dermott, you might as well insist that Hutton go the other way in that deal.


Edler is gone after next year, we all know that


I am assuming yes, given his offensive upside Toronto would value Liljgrin more than Dermott - would they? Neither your or I know so creating such a debate is fruitless is it not? but to imply the logic behind that assumption is flawed is not a fair point imho - Liljgren looks to be a potential top pairing offensive dman and pp QB, Dermott is not

seen in that light, as well as he's played.


Hutton is starting to sit alot and seems to not be what we saw of him in his rookie year. Young yes, can learn yes, but he certainly doesn't look to be the #3/4 people saw in him.


Would I prefer Liljgren back, yes


As for all of our prospects, they are just prospects at this point, the more you have the better since most in all reality won't be long term NHL players. If all end up making it, well you have a problem of riches which allows you to trade.

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4 minutes ago, oldnews said:

Why would Toronto value Liljegren more than Dermott?  Mere draft pedigree? 


Where does Dermott fit here?


Edler- Free agent in 2019, all but done here next deadline at latest I hope

MDZ- FA july 2019, likely a deadline deal next year too

Pouliot- done good this year, keep him

Hutton- Is he in the coaches dog house or we unwllling to scratch another D? could be traded for a similar rhd imo

Juolevi- Could make nhl next year, could start in Utica, could stay in Finland maybe for another year

So ya, I could see a fit for Dermott especially considering he could just got to Utica and not take a spot away from a current canuck D

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1 minute ago, Yotes said:

So ya, I could see a fit for Dermott especially considering he could just got to Utica and not take a spot away from a current canuck D

I do as well. Liked what I saw of Dermott last night but I'm not going to pretend to know a lot about him. Him and a second would be fair. But, JB better have something in the works to put some toughness back on the D. 

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7 minutes ago, BoeserSnipe said:

Edler is gone after next year, we all know that


I am assuming yes, given his offensive upside Toronto would value Liljgrin more than Dermott - would they? Neither your or I know so creating such a debate is fruitless is it not? but to imply the logic behind that assumption is flawed is not a fair point imho - Liljgren looks to be a potential top pairing offensive dman and pp QB, Dermott is not

seen in that light, as well as he's played.


Hutton is starting to sit alot and seems to not be what we saw of him in his rookie year. Young yes, can learn yes, but he certainly doesn't look to be the #3/4 people saw in him.


Would I prefer Liljgren back, yes


As for all of our prospects, they are just prospects at this point, the more you have the better since most in all reality won't be long term NHL players. If all end up making it, well you have a problem of riches which allows you to trade.

You made the claim that they wouldn't entertain moving Liljegren, but proposed Dermott and a 2nd.  I'm suggesting that you're overvaluing Liljegren relative to Dermott. 

You feel the debate is fruitless - I don't agree with your take on those player's value - I don't consider Liljegren an unrealistic demand for Gudbranson - at all - certainly not if you're expecting to get Dermott and a 2nd instead. 

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12 minutes ago, Yotes said:

So ya, I could see a fit for Dermott especially considering he could just got to Utica and not take a spot away from a current canuck D

So that's your short term take.  What's the view beyond the sunset?

Move Edler - and Hutton - and you still have MDZ, Pouliot, Juolevi and a left-weighted Utica.

Think about that later?

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