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2019-2020 Canucks season tickets thread

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Hi everyone,


Quarter STH for the first time. I understand that the Canucks are switching to digital ticketing this season with the option to have hard copy tickets picked up at will-call. Can someone let me know when to expect an account representative to be assigned? I'm assuming I will have someone to contact in early September?


Thank in advance.

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1 hour ago, rocky_canucks said:

Hi everyone,


Quarter STH for the first time. I understand that the Canucks are switching to digital ticketing this season with the option to have hard copy tickets picked up at will-call. Can someone let me know when to expect an account representative to be assigned? I'm assuming I will have someone to contact in early September?


Thank in advance.

If you don't mind me asking, what are you hoping your rep will be able to do for you? I wouldn't hold my breath to be honest. I had the most amazing rep when I first joined several years ago. She responded quickly, was super smart and it was like she knew what I was thinking. Great! Problem is she set the bar too high. Then she got promoted and since then it's been a rough ride. I think I am on my 5th rep now in as many years. They all seem to take the job and then either quit or get promoted. I am not sure why but I get a "used car salesman" vibe from my reps. They all seem to have sales experience even though I am not sure what it is they are trying to sell me on (I already bought the tickets?). They are all young, usually early 20's... and while they are filled with energy and optimism they generally lack the wisdom and common sense that comes with age. They are also all clearly overworked... probably assigned hundreds or maybe even a thousand clients each. How could anyone do a good job with that many clients? So I've stopped bothering to contact my reps and I just contact the mail help desk now and they usually can do what needs to be done. I keep my requests as simple as possible. You can reach them at ticket.info@canucks.com

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45 minutes ago, WalkWithElias said:

I’ve had 4-5 reps  I always have a great time talking to them, chat when we run into eachother at games

Still though, 4-5 reps kind of sucks. Hard to build any type of long term relationship with a rep. Oh well. I guess I just have a higher expectation of a team I am giving $10,000 a year to but maybe I am expecting too much.

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On my 3rd or 4th rep since i joined as a STH in 2015.


My first rep. was an intern and he was clearly very aggressive in making a sale (I initially signed up for half seasons and he persuaded me to get full seasons).  But that guy was gone after a few months of internship. 


The reps after that were pretty chill and they didn't try to sell me anything at all.  And were helpful when i needed help.  They also didn't really take much initiative to talk to me (which i am perfectly fine with).



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5 hours ago, bt116 said:

On my 3rd or 4th rep since i joined as a STH in 2015.


My first rep. was an intern and he was clearly very aggressive in making a sale (I initially signed up for half seasons and he persuaded me to get full seasons).  But that guy was gone after a few months of internship. 


The reps after that were pretty chill and they didn't try to sell me anything at all.  And were helpful when i needed help.  They also didn't really take much initiative to talk to me (which i am perfectly fine with).



I tried moving down from full to half and my account rep kept talking me out of it 

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5 hours ago, WalkWithElias said:

I tried moving down from full to half and my account rep kept talking me out of it 


11 hours ago, bt116 said:

On my 3rd or 4th rep since i joined as a STH in 2015.


My first rep. was an intern and he was clearly very aggressive in making a sale (I initially signed up for half seasons and he persuaded me to get full seasons).  But that guy was gone after a few months of internship. 



I guess that is why they have sales experience, because, they need to be able to convince people to keep their tickets. I feel like that is the only way I will ever get my rep to take me seriously is if I threaten to cancel lol.

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16 hours ago, BCNeil said:

What do you guys talk to your reps about?  I can't even remember the last time I spoke with any of mine.  

I have the 8 seats, so I guess they don't bother with me, can't sell me anything else.

mine phoned me today to check up on me and talked about the upcoming season

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On 8/28/2019 at 10:29 PM, BCNeil said:

What do you guys talk to your reps about?  I can't even remember the last time I spoke with any of mine.  

I have the 8 seats, so I guess they don't bother with me, can't sell me anything else.

Anything to do with account changes mostly. Like, address change, credit card update. But those things seem to be able to be done online now. I suspect there is not much a rep is needed for these days unlike the old days.

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3 hours ago, WalkWithElias said:

So we prob should get tickets this week or the week after I’m guessing?

Well they have to be here by the 17th, so yeah :) I would bet that the Canucks send them out this next week. Usually I get them at least a week before the first game minimum.


Few questions I have:


1) I wonder if they will go all out and do a special 50th anniversary edition of the tickets? Maybe put some retro players on the tickets instead of current players? Maybe do an old style ticket?

2) Will they include playoff tickets this time? They haven't done that in like 6 years, but I think not including them is a jinx. I think they should include them this year as a sign of confidence

3) Will this be the last year they issue hard copy tickets? They were going to stop about 6 years ago but had a change of heart. But if we have a good season this year and more people sign up for STH, I wonder if this might be the last year we see hard copy tickets and see a debit card style introduced instead?


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On 8/28/2019 at 10:52 AM, bt116 said:

 (I initially signed up for half seasons and he persuaded me to get full seasons). 


Well, he probably did you a favour there. If I were a rep I would probably push half seasons and quarter seasons to get a full season *IF* they could afford it. The main reason is how the Canucks have separate priority numbers for each group. So like, someone who has been a 1/2 season holder for, let's say, 30 years, decides to become a full ticket holder, they lose their priority number and start at the bottom of the list for full season. I guess my question is why can't they give that person 50% credit (or an ice pak holder 25% credit). But it's just how they do it. I wonder if other teams operate the same way or differently?

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