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Pollsters Got It Wrong As Conservatives in Australia Win Election


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1 hour ago, canuckster19 said:

Are we doing anything economically to improve our situation? I didn't think young people believed in the isolationist economics that baby boomers grew up with, seems like you /we would rather buy cheap foreign junk, but I guess it's the baby boomers fault...??? What exactly did they do and what are we doing to fix it?

The boomers? No, of course not, they have it made compared to millenials. Unfortunately, they are still the ones in power. They took the booming economy of the greatest generation and turned it into what we have today. Most millenials would love to be able to afford a home, car, and two kids on a single white/blue collar income but that's no longer the reality. Now there's large student debt/bank loan debt, low wages, and an ever increasing cost of living. 

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4 minutes ago, Duodenum said:

The boomers? No, of course not, they have it made compared to millenials. Unfortunately, they are still the ones in power. They took the booming economy of the greatest generation and turned it into what we have today. Most millenials would love to be able to afford a home, car, and two kids on a single white/blue collar income but that's no longer the reality. Now there's large student debt/bank loan debt, low wages, and an ever increasing cost of living. 

Our economy requires constant expansion. Staganation is disastrous for many reasons. Increasingly, profits are coming from otherwise non-traditional sources. Healthcare, education, prisons etc. The worst part is, when new markets are available for healthy economic expansion - green energy for example - people kick and scream for fear of financial security and power. 




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1 hour ago, Duodenum said:

The boomers? No, of course not, they have it made compared to millenials. Unfortunately, they are still the ones in power. They took the booming economy of the greatest generation and turned it into what we have today. Most millenials would love to be able to afford a home, car, and two kids on a single white/blue collar income but that's no longer the reality. Now there's large student debt/bank loan debt, low wages, and an ever increasing cost of living. 

Wow, now what do you think caused those things to happen? Do you think the boomers thought that the one percent would gouge us to the bone when women started going from the home to the workplace? I agree this is probably the one mistake the boomers made was not forseeing the consequences of what a two income household becoming the norm would entail. If people have disposable income, people who control the market aren't going to sit there and keep prices low, no, people who build homes are going to start charging twice as much, but I hardly fault them for not forseeing this.


Yeah school costs a ton, because we decided we'd rather buy cheap foreign crap than have locally produced goods, ie people have to go to school because there are no more highschool jobs, again the people who control the market see an opportunity to make money, I also don't really see a pushback from the younger generation to modernize the classroom either, most people I know who are in charge of education these days are of the pre-millenial/millenial generation, and we're still buying cheap foreign crap.



1 hour ago, Jack_T said:

Our economy requires constant expansion. Staganation is disastrous for many reasons. Increasingly, profits are coming from otherwise non-traditional sources. Healthcare, education, prisons etc. The worst part is, when new markets are available for healthy economic expansion - green energy for example - people kick and scream for fear of financial security and power. 




Diversifying industry is a good thing, investing in green energy is fine as well if people think there's an economic benefit, I agree. If you're talking about population expansion though I disagree completely.

Edited by canuckster19
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4 hours ago, canuckster19 said:

Wow, now what do you think caused those things to happen? Do you think the boomers thought that the one percent would gouge us to the bone when women started going from the home to the workplace? I agree this is probably the one mistake the boomers made was not forseeing the consequences of what a two income household becoming the norm would entail. If people have disposable income, people who control the market aren't going to sit there and keep prices low, no, people who build homes are going to start charging twice as much, but I hardly fault them for not forseeing this.


Yeah school costs a ton, because we decided we'd rather buy cheap foreign crap than have locally produced goods, ie people have to go to school because there are no more highschool jobs, again the people who control the market see an opportunity to make money, I also don't really see a pushback from the younger generation to modernize the classroom either, most people I know who are in charge of education these days are of the pre-millenial/millenial generation, and we're still buying cheap foreign crap.



Diversifying industry is a good thing, investing in green energy is fine as well if people think there's an economic benefit, I agree. If you're talking about population expansion though I disagree completely.

I’m talking economic exapansion. It is required even if we assumed a static population size. 

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On 5/21/2019 at 11:53 AM, Guest said:

Our economy requires constant expansion. Staganation is disastrous for many reasons. Increasingly, profits are coming from otherwise non-traditional sources. Healthcare, education, prisons etc. The worst part is, when new markets are available for healthy economic expansion - green energy for example - people kick and scream for fear of financial security and power. 




What "new markets" are available for "healthy economic expansion"?


Let us know and I will write the pm. 

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