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Mafia: Vaccine Dreams

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I can't believe this is happening.

Everyone is SHEEPING EACH OTHER. I thought this was a joke before, due to the amount of sheeping their was, but literally everyone on the wagon is sheeping except whomever falcon45ca said they were following (even though that person did not provide an explanation).

No argument has been presented.
No reasoning has been given.
No one has any idea why they're voting.

Guys, if there isn't a reason to vote for someone, you shouldn't vote on them

I know I'm being a bit dramatic, but this is legitimately the dumbest lynch train I've ever seen. It almost makes me want to shove it through for the lolz, but that would defeat the spirit of the game, so instead, I'll tell y'all this:

Don't vote on somebody for no reason. It's dumb. Stop it. Hell, lynch me if you want, at least I have a couple of posts that people think are sus. Just don't vote someone for no reason.

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15 minutes ago, GoCanucks16 said:

I can't believe this is happening.

Everyone is SHEEPING EACH OTHER. I thought this was a joke before, due to the amount of sheeping their was, but literally everyone on the wagon is sheeping except whomever falcon45ca said they were following (even though that person did not provide an explanation).

No argument has been presented.
No reasoning has been given.
No one has any idea why they're voting.

Guys, if there isn't a reason to vote for someone, you shouldn't vote on them

I know I'm being a bit dramatic, but this is legitimately the dumbest lynch train I've ever seen. It almost makes me want to shove it through for the lolz, but that would defeat the spirit of the game, so instead, I'll tell y'all this:

Don't vote on somebody for no reason. It's dumb. Stop it. Hell, lynch me if you want, at least I have a couple of posts that people think are sus. Just don't vote someone for no reason.

I gave reasons for BJ.

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17 minutes ago, GoCanucks16 said:

I can't believe this is happening.

Everyone is SHEEPING EACH OTHER. I thought this was a joke before, due to the amount of sheeping their was, but literally everyone on the wagon is sheeping except whomever falcon45ca said they were following (even though that person did not provide an explanation).

No argument has been presented.
No reasoning has been given.
No one has any idea why they're voting.

Guys, if there isn't a reason to vote for someone, you shouldn't vote on them

I know I'm being a bit dramatic, but this is legitimately the dumbest lynch train I've ever seen. It almost makes me want to shove it through for the lolz, but that would defeat the spirit of the game, so instead, I'll tell y'all this:

Don't vote on somebody for no reason. It's dumb. Stop it. Hell, lynch me if you want, at least I have a couple of posts that people think are sus. Just don't vote someone for no reason.

I also gave reasons to why I suspected he might be 3p/lackey

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3 hours ago, BoKnows said:

2 Mafia (Kidnapper, Thug):

Mafia Lackey:






Investigator: GC16


Coroner: J-23


Town Vaccinator: Falcon


5 Vanilla Town: BoKnows, DarthMelvin


Know we need to place MR, and AV on this map. We know AV wouldn't be one of the 2 mafia.  MR could fit anywhere there is an open spot.  I honestly don't know where to place him.


The leaves us with Qwags, SS, Coconuts, Davathor, and BJ.  


This is my best stab at things



MR - Lackey/3p. *** One of these two may of been the asymptomatic spreader since we only had 2 deaths last night.  Unless that action was blocked, or is a delayed kill.

Qwags - VT

SS - Scum

Coconuts - VT

Davathor - Scum

BJ - Lackey/3p






Really interesting list, and as you've been on me all game with no reasoning except "I think dav scum" I'm curious how you've decided the game

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3 minutes ago, Davathor said:


Really interesting list, and as you've been on me all game with no reasoning except "I think dav scum" I'm curious how you've decided the game

You haven't done much or any solving.  Also that entrance just screamed scum, and your explanation screamed scum more.  Waiting to opportunistic is scum 101.  You are new so I am taking that into consideration as well.  Stick your neck out and make some shots, churn up the mud a little.

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2 hours ago, GoCanucks16 said:

you're not really being pushed, though?


i've floated your name out there because you're absolutely not cleared but am still pushing qwags/bj harder than you


i don't really like the defensiveness here and that you're focusing on yourself vs solving the rest of the players

BK literally has me as scum on his list. 

And it’s not being defensive, it’s pointing out that people putting others as scum for no reason ought to be looked at more closely because that’s scummy itself, particularly in a flipless game. 

I don’t have anything solvy at this point tbh. It’s flipless so people can play it a bit looser without worrying about being found out at the end, giving away potential teammates/roles. It’s easier for town to eat each other this way while maf stay silent. If I was scum that’s what I would do. 

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4 minutes ago, BoKnows said:

You haven't done much or any solving.  Also that entrance just screamed scum, and your explanation screamed scum more.  Waiting to opportunistic is scum 101.  You are new so I am taking that into consideration as well.  Stick your neck out and make some shots, churn up the mud a little.

Says the guy hedging on BJ

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Just now, Sharpshooter said:

BK literally has me as scum on his list. 

And it’s not being defensive, it’s pointing out that people putting others as scum for no reason ought to be looked at more closely because that’s scummy itself, particularly in a flipless game. 

I don’t have anything solvy at this point tbh. It’s flipless so people can play it a bit looser without worrying about being found out at the end, giving away potential teammates/roles. It’s easier for town to eat each other this way while maf stay silent. If I was scum that’s what I would do. 

You've got literally 1 player calling you out as scum tho....and why don't you have your own scum list? Are you not able to see why BK would have you as scum?

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2 minutes ago, falcon45ca said:

You've got literally 1 player calling you out as scum tho....and why don't you have your own scum list? Are you not able to see why BK would have you as scum?

I don’t have a list because I can’t see the obvious scum members yet. When I see one or more I’ll certainly push that name and give reasons for it. Till then I’m waiting and watching. 

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10 minutes ago, BoKnows said:

You haven't done much or any solving.  Also that entrance just screamed scum, and your explanation screamed scum more.  Waiting to opportunistic is scum 101.  You are new so I am taking that into consideration as well.  Stick your neck out and make some shots, churn up the mud a little.


I already said I think falc sus, his votes changed to half the roster. I also said one of our "inactives" is scum, because its easy to sit back and watch town kill ourselves.


DM came in, voted gc before last nightfall and dissapeared. Qwags is a ghost as well. I've been in here questioning sus posts at least, but the only one I'm sure of is AV... who voted with the majority, so we either got one or we didn't 



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