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Canucks requiring covid vaccination for staff and fans

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5 minutes ago, stawns said:

You seem to think that people can only focus on one thing at a time.  They are actively trying to solve the opioid crisis.......whether they're effective or not is moot.


A 2% case mortality rate is actually quite prolific........and that's not accounting for the long term effects of the virus with long covid.

No, I'm saying people do focus more on one thing or the other . So do government resources.  Like I said,  it takes a year for a severely mentally disturbed borderline personality disorder sufferer to get into a life saving program like DBT.


A year


Bpd has a successful suicide rate of 10%

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8 minutes ago, cuporbust said:

Yeah , but that's not the real numbers . Of all those u quote, 98% survive , but this is the galrring issue of our time right?.


Mental health isn't the person's fault,  but addiction is so who cares about them. Reality is most people dying of addiction have a mental heath issue that apparently not their fault. 


But ya , covid 19 is what we should be focused on 

What are you doing to help with the mental health crisis? Vacinations is the simplest and most effective way to help combat covid. But you want to talk about mental health right now. So, personally how do you positively contribute to this problem?

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8 minutes ago, cuporbust said:

Do personally  know more people that have been severely effected by covid 19 , or mental health?  I'm not taking about ur co workers second cousins aunt. You won't answer honestly 

Yup.  One of my good friends just spent 8 days in emerg on oxygen in Kelowna was released two days ago.  She's 35, active and in excellent health and she was ravaged with covid pneumonia.  She was perilously close to being intubated, but managed to pull through.  Her doctors told her that the damage to her lungs will likely never completely heal and she likely will never fully recover.


I have another acquaintance who has been in ICU in Kelowna for three weeks now.


I, personally, am a year and a half past infection and am about 60% of what I was prior.  Things I excelled at before, like swimming, are now very difficult for me.


My sister in law lost her father in law to covid last September.

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1 minute ago, shayster007 said:

What are you doing to help with the mental health crisis? Vacinations is the simplest and most effective way to help combat covid. But you want to talk about mental health right now. So, personally how do you positively contribute to this problem?

He's been moving the goal posts all day.  I'm still waiting for the real world data that the vaccines are creating more virulent strains........which I'd be legitimately like to see

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6 minutes ago, stawns said:

You seem to think that people can only focus on one thing at a time.  They are actively trying to solve the opioid crisis.......whether they're effective or not is moot.


A 2% case mortality rate is actually quite prolific........and that's not accounting for the long term effects of the virus with long covid.

10 % of BPD people,  and that's one example,  successfully committ suicide.  More than half attempt. Like I said ,that's one disorder,  and they wait on average one year to get into the only known real successful treatment for it one they reach out. 


But keep telling me covid 19 is the real problem they should stop society to fix

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5 minutes ago, shayster007 said:

What are you doing to help with the mental health crisis? Vacinations is the simplest and most effective way to help combat covid. But you want to talk about mental health right now. So, personally how do you positively contribute to this problem?

More than u could possibly fathom Mt friend . 

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Just now, cuporbust said:

10 % of BPD people,  and that's one example,  successfully committ suicide.  More than half attempt. Like I said ,that's one disorder,  and they wait on average one year to get into the only known real successful treatment for it one they reach out. 


But keep telling me covid 19 is the real problem they should stop society to fix

Last I checked suicide doesn't infect other people, causing them to kill themselves.  On fact, suicides were down 6% in 2020, the sharpest drop in 40 years.  I actually think covid has increased awareness of mental illness as we all reached out a little more, checked on people's mental health more often.





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6 minutes ago, shayster007 said:

What are you doing to help with the mental health crisis? Vacinations is the simplest and most effective way to help combat covid. But you want to talk about mental health right now. So, personally how do you positively contribute to this problem?

Not only am I a personal survivor , my wife battles with severe BPD and PTSd. She has a scholarship in her name because of what she's survived , and does regular mental health speaking engagements 

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1 minute ago, cuporbust said:

More than u could possibly fathom Mt friend . 

That's not an answer. Enlighten me, I'm all ears. Let's talk mental health and how you positively effect society. Your online persona negatively effects the people around you. So that's a point against you. Your opinion on covid is dangerous, and would definitely negatively effective the mental health of those struggling through the pandemic. Another point lost.


Let's talk positives though. If mental health is such a major problem, which it definitely is, how do you contribute positively?

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Just now, shayster007 said:

That's not an answer. Enlighten me, I'm all ears. Let's talk mental health and how you positively effect society. Your online persona negatively effects the people around you. So that's a point against you. Your opinion on covid is dangerous, and would definitely negatively effective the mental health of those struggling through the pandemic. Another point lost.


Let's talk positives though. If mental health is such a major problem, which it definitely is, how do you contribute positively?

He doesn't provide answers just......


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1 minute ago, shayster007 said:

That's not an answer. Enlighten me, I'm all ears. Let's talk mental health and how you positively effect society. Your online persona negatively effects the people around you. So that's a point against you. Your opinion on covid is dangerous, and would definitely negatively effective the mental health of those struggling through the pandemic. Another point lost.


Let's talk positives though. If mental health is such a major problem, which it definitely is, how do you contribute positively?

Edit; at least your wife sounds like a good person.

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4 minutes ago, shayster007 said:

That's not an answer. Enlighten me, I'm all ears. Let's talk mental health and how you positively effect society. Your online persona negatively effects the people around you. So that's a point against you. Your opinion on covid is dangerous, and would definitely negatively effective the mental health of those struggling through the pandemic. Another point lost.


Let's talk positives though. If mental health is such a major problem, which it definitely is, how do you contribute positively?

Not only was my last post an example,  I also spent 3 years working full time in a residential rehab program that specialized in duel mental Health , and addiction.  


How bout you? 


You sound like a regular volunteer in the downtown east side 

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12 minutes ago, shayster007 said:

Edit; at least your wife sounds like a good person.

She is thanks. I've had to wake up to her trying to put her head through a plate glass window because of severe PTSD nightmares and rush her to the hospital while making sure our two kids were safe. All that one hour before a shift working in mental health. When she tried to get help when she got out of the hospital,  she was put on a one year wait list. 


But ya , I have no idea about the effects of mental health and the supports available,  and am a terrible person 


How about you? Enlighten me 

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1 minute ago, cuporbust said:

Not only was my last post an example,  I also spent 3 years working full time in a residential rehab program that specialized in duel mental Health , and addiction.  


How bout you

With a portion of my patients, mental health is the primary concern of them coming to see me. I contribute every day at work and have the last 9 years in my profession. I'm more the comfertable talking mental health, or any covid based topic. 


Addiction should obviously be a major concern. BC is declared it a health crisis and work must be done, and quickly. Mental health crisis go unchecked regularly because of wait times to get into programs and lack of a support. Covid has furthered this switching to online systems and lack of in person support groups. Both of these problems need far more attention and funding in BC and across Canada.


The simple fact of the matter is as difficult as covid has been on these 2 subjects, it has been equally bad on every other part of live. Covid is, and rightfully so, our number one priority. Everyone who is actively acting against the covid efforts, is slowing the response time and funding to the other problems that need our attention.

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Just now, cuporbust said:

She is thanks. I've had to wake up to her trying to put her head through a plate glass window because of severe PTSD nightmares and rush her to the hospital while making sure our two kids were safe. When she tried to get help when she got out of the hospital,  she was put on a one year wait list. 


But ya , I have no idea about the effects of mental health and the supports available,  and am a terrible person 

Where did I say any of that? I asked your background since you wanted to talk mental health and was open to here it. I never assumed you has no idea, but did want to know if it was more then empty words. 


Also never judged you as a person. I said you take on covid is dangerous and your online footprint, at least here, does much more negative then good. I said that, and I meant it.

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3 minutes ago, shayster007 said:

With a portion of my patients, mental health is the primary concern of them coming to see me. I contribute every day at work and have the last 9 years in my profession. I'm more the comfertable talking mental health, or any covid based topic. 


Addiction should obviously be a major concern. BC is declared it a health crisis and work must be done, and quickly. Mental health crisis go unchecked regularly because of wait times to get into programs and lack of a support. Covid has furthered this switching to online systems and lack of in person support groups. Both of these problems need far more attention and funding in BC and across Canada.


The simple fact of the matter is as difficult as covid has been on these 2 subjects, it has been equally bad on every other part of live. Covid is, and rightfully so, our number one priority. Everyone who is actively acting against the covid efforts, is slowing the response time and funding to the other problems that need our attention.

Ya , I can tell by ur comments you have a ton of genuine sympathy and concern lol

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2 minutes ago, shayster007 said:

Where did I say any of that? I asked your background since you wanted to talk mental health and was open to here it. I never assumed you has no idea, but did want to know if it was more then empty words. 


Also never judged you as a person. I said you take on covid is dangerous and your online footprint, at least here, does much more negative then good. I said that, and I meant it.

You said at least my wife sounds like a good person no? Anyways , the internet is generally a sesspool and this got a little to personal for me once again. Have a great night 

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Just now, cuporbust said:

You said at least my wife sounds like a good person no?

Yeah? I don't know her, but anyone willing to open up about their experiences in a public manner to help others is ok in my books. Lack of communication around mental health is one of the biggest hurdles of seeking help.

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